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Afraid of walks because of sprinklers

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Mazie is 5. I've had her 2 yrs. It took her 2 months to go past the end of my driveway, but eventually decided it was safe and has loved her walks in the park areas throughout our neighborhood...until about 2 months ago. She has always been freaked by the spurting noise the sprinklers make when they start up, but would calm down after a few seconds and let me lead her past them. (It's the start up noise, not the water, that scares her. She isn't afraid of the hose when I use it.) However, 2 months ago she was sniffing a bush when a sprinkler went off right in her face! Since then she refuses to go for a walk. I've tried walking in the opposite direction from the park, up past houses with no sprinklers. Sometimes she'll walk a little ways, but then stops, and turns to go home. I've tried coaxing her with treats...it works for a few steps but she's too smart and just freezes! I've tried walking her with her poodle friend who she usually trusts to lead the way, and she'll maybe go a block, but then turns to go home. I've tried driving her to locations in the neighborhood with no sprinklers and she'll walk for maybe 15 minutes but then turns to go back to the car. (About 2 weeks ago she actually walked 2 blocks  but I can't get her to do it again.) I swear she can hear sprinklers a mile away! Any ideas? btw, I live in Arizona. Sprinklers year round!

Edited by MaziesMom
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This is a tough one to try and overcome. 

  I'm replying mostly to bump this back up to the top on the front page so that others will see it in the morning and be able to offer some help. 


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Hi! Unfortunately I don't have any experience with sprinkles, and it's still early days with my grey (just 2 months!) so possibly entirely different situation, but she went through a phase where she refused to walk too after a firework went off really close to us and scared us all to death!

Like you, I thought that going out with our neighbour's dog that she always followed around everywhere (in the traffic, in busy supermarkets car parks, in the dark) would solve the issue again, and instead on that particular she did her worst! She refused to walk every few steps, freezing constantly.

Once, she almost had me in tears when we were stuck for an hour in the middle of the street (thankfully we live in a quiet area), just a few meters from our house, and she was refusing to walk in every direction: not back home, not back to where we came, nothing. Even the bin lorry, which usually scares her a lot, didn't make her move and they had to drive around her!

Now things have considerably improved, so here are some tips that I've been using:

-When she freezes and refuse to walk, stop whatever you are doing as well and just stand there. Don't touch her, don't stroke her. I know it might sound cruel because when you see them fearful you just want to comfort them, but I discovered this was actually encouraging her fears. I just stand there next to her so she can lean on my leg and wait. Check your phone, count in your head, sing a song, whatever, just give them time to figure it out by themselves. At the beginning, this would take minutes, now just a few moments. I've noticed that there were lots of things confusing or just intriguing her, and she needed time to assess. After a while try again, with a firm "let's go now" and start to walk

-I've noticed that the tone of my voice is really important: if I'm exhausted or frustrated she picks that up and won't do anything. So if you feel overwhelmed, take a moment for yourself too to reset, and try again with a cheerful but firm voice

-I stopped using her martingale collar and started with an harness, because I feel it really helps me to control her (but I might be wrong eh!)

-I read this trick here and it really helps: when she freezes, I put a couple of fingers under her harness and move forward like I'm throwing a bowling ball, while again I say "let's go" in my most cheerful tone and start to jog - she has to follow then.

-This might not be useful to you given that your dog has been with you for a while, but I noticed that if I say "quick quick" when she starts to slow down and at the same time start to walk at a brisk pace she would trot forward for while and pick up her pace again, maybe she learned that at the track?

Maybe you are already doing all of this though... but I'm sure someone else here will have other great advice. I hope this helps a bit!

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Do you leash walk or use a harness? My only suggestion is to get a harness BUT continue using the martingale collar for walks. When she starts to freeze you can use your other hand and guide he with the harness. I"d also have her wear the harness at odd times, like at home, dinner time, etc. so she doesn't associate the harness with going out for a walk.

Since your girl is a bit spooky, consider the 3 way safety harness for extra safety. Their "convertible" allows to remove that 3rd band if your dog doesn't need it any more. Julie at Houndstown can help if you have any questions.


on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Houndstowncollars

Edited by macoduck


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Wow, you guys. Thank you all so much for replying. Time4ANap, thank you. I've been reading this forum but just officially joined so I could post...so not quite sure what I'm doing! what is a Quote...is that how I should be replying?

Mikalela & Macoduck, I will try all your suggestions. I've trained a lot of dogs--my own and fosters. But Mazie is my 1st greyhound and with the passing of my last terrier mix a year ago she is now my only dog...no other trained dog in the household to help me out!  And Greys are different...duh! So although I know dogs can pick up on our emotions and was trying not to let her feel my frustration, I think I'm realizing just how much she takes sensitivity to a whole new level! I'll work on that (on me, that is) and I'll just stand outside in my driveway with her for long periods this weekend. Maybe that's what i did when i first got her when I had no expectations and so wasnt frustrated. I'll also get a harness. And the "quick, quick" idea from the track experience intrigues me.

I'll let you know how we do.

btw, she LOVES people and rides. So if she sees a person who looks at her in a friendly way 2 houses away, she will go that far, but then wants back home. 


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