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Only Eating From Kongs

Guest AH710

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Guest AH710

Hi all. I have a new situation and am wondering if I should be concerned. So, my two boys each get 2 cups in am and 2 cups in pm. One is 75 pounds and the other is 70 and get the iams green bag. Neither has been great about eating in the morning. I used to put a kong in their crate with a small amount of peanut butter and that was it. I started putting their leftover breakfast in their and now one will only eat food if it is in the kong and turns his nose up at the bowl. I'm wondering if this is behavioral and he is holding out for food in kong as their is peanut butter or maybe something else. It has me worried because he could stand to gain some weight. They are acting fine and output is normal but with him only eating from the kong he is only getting a cup all day until dinner and is not eating more than two cups at dinner. Thanks for any advice!

They both hold out for food in the kong but the big guy will eventually eat from his bowl

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Guest FloridaGirl

Is there an issue with feeding from the Kong? I know plenty of people that have foregone the bowl and instead feed meals via treat-dispensing toys. It helps keep them stimulated during the day, and caters to dogs who are not big eaters (although avoiding the peanut butter may be helpful as you're probably making him expect that delicious treat with every meal). I would assume he is certainly holding out for peanut butter, just like a child would hold out for a happy meal. A dog is unlikely to starve himself to malnutrition (unlike cats, who actually have been documented doing this) so if there is an issue or qualm you have with feeding from the Kong, I'd practice some tough love and leave the food down for 15-20 minutes and then take it back up until dinner.


I know you mentioned that one lad could use to gain some weight, so I'd only do this for 3-4 days. If they are still starving themselves, I'd consider perhaps making the food a bit more palatable - with a bit of chicken broth or warming it up. Heck, even adding a glob of peanut butter may work, and then working it down to a smaller and smaller glob until they're eating normally again.


Either way, good luck. Most likely, a few days of not eating will make even the blandest kibble look delish. After the time change, Claymore went four days with only a few mouthfuls of breakfast and dinner, and by the end of the week he was eating straight kibble like it was steak. Not saying this is the cure-all, but it may also work for you.


And as always, if they are losing weight quickly or acting strangely, make sure to swing by the vet with some fresh poo to make sure there aren't any sneaky hitchhikers in their guts!

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A regular large Kong doesn't hold that much. The boxer next door never finishes his breakfast - some dogs (and people like me) just aren't morning creatures. I bought him a Kong Wobbler and they put the uneaten dry in it and he works on it through the day. Not sure if that would work if yours is crated during the day but it has been amazing for Fritz.

I saw your post in the other thread. might consider mixing Iams with something else - or maybe it is just these bags. :dunno

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Guest AH710

Thanks for the advice guys! I'm not opposed to him eating out of kongs only....will just need to get more to leave with him so he is eating the same amount :) I'm hoping we are done with crating soon but have 3 cats and DH is nervous with no one home. I'm also going to try mixing in some other dry food.

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Have you tried putting a few little dabs of peanut butter in their food bowl?


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Guest AH710

Thanks for the input everyone! I tried putting peanut butter in the bowls and no response. Maybe they just like to play with their food lol? So I ordered more kongs so they will have two each to get the same amount of food :)

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Guest Amber

One of my old greyhounds, now at the bridge, was a really fussy eater too she didn't like dried kibble at all really, though like your guys would eat it out of a kong, as it seemed a treat.


two ways to go i guess, if you dont want to cater to him by changing or beefing up the food, stand your ground, food out of the bowl only, no treats or kongs and he will cave in and eat.


Or, he could be telling you this food is not good for him. I'm not sure if there are any brands of kibble that are good, but they are convenient. Do you guys have wet food like nature diet? It's v high on meat and nutritional. That said, fussy eaters tend to go off whatever they are given and want something more interesting, so it's a tricky one.

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Guest AH710

Thanks Amber! The green bag is the only one that seems to works for Henry's sensitive tummy so I don't want to change that but I did go to the small chunks and Rusty is eating with more gusto. I have contemplated supplementing by mixing wet food with the dry so they get better quality and will check out the brand you suggested :)


I'm covering all my bases too and have chicken broth on hand and a kong wobbler on order in case the smaller sized version of the kibble doesn't do the trick.


And here is the weird thing...through all the finicky eating Rusty actually gained a few pounds. Now my DH really thinks it's all in my head lol.

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