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Patches Of Hair Loss Seems Cured

Guest TonyB2014

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Guest TonyB2014

Hi Everyone. I have recently been told it is not uncommon for greys to have patches of hairless skin. Our recent 4yr old rescue, Sally, came to us with six patches of hairless skin on her hind quarters, her legs and underbelly. We first thought it may be a food allergy, so we changed to better food. That didn't have any effect. Next we had her examined at the vets, who prescribed a course of steroids, which also had no effect. Then I read something about natural coconut oil on a doggy hebalist site, which suggested this product is very good for the canine skin. I tried it on two of the six patches, applying it on alternate days over the course of a week. I was amazed at the results. These two patches are now growing new hair, while the other (untreated) patches are the same as they were. I wondered if anyone else has tried coconut oil and what their experience has been through using it on their own greys.

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When Frannie came into our group she had a beautiful, full coat.

After blowing her track coat, her hair was always thin and she had really

dry skin. Tried switching foods (a lot) to no avail.

Started her on fish oil and that didn't really do the trick either. Started giving

her coconut oil and put her on the Springtime supplements, Fresh Factors and Joint Health.

Boy, after three years of a thin, dry, brittle hair coat she's finally growing back that

gorgeous coat she once had.

Coconut oil does wondrous things, not only for people but for dogs too.

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Guest TonyB2014

Hi Cistar. It's interesting isn't it. I think it's something that isn't widely known, so I'm just seeing what other people's experiences have been. I must admit, not only have I been impressedby the results, but also how fast it seems to work. The good thing about it too is that if she starts licking it off (which she does from time to time), I know it won't do her any harm, and in fact, even if she consumes it, it can only do her some good. So much better than applying some other more traditional creams, which are often full of harmful things (if eaten) that we need to be quite carefuil of.

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I think coconut oil is miraculous stuff. I cook with it and my dogs eat it in their food or off a spoon daily. Both of my girls are pretty hairy so I've no experience with using it for hair loss, but it cleared up Carly's stinky skin infection (yeast) and it also makes a great toothpaste for dogs and people due to its natural antibacterial properties. Here's an article about the benefits for dogs: http://dogingtonpost.com/benefits-of-coconut-oil-for-dogs/#.U0cYkldOyNE

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Guest TonyB2014

You can melt it (just put the bottle in a bowl of hot water) and pour it onto a favorite food or even just mix a very small amount into the main meal. It sounds like you may be using too much, if it is causing poop problems. I find for internal consumption, it only needs a teaspoon of the liquid oil a day to be beneficial.

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My dogs love coconut oil. That is they only thing that Payton will allow me to use to brush his teeth, mostly so he can eat it.

Same here - it is the only thing mine will let me brush their teeth with. They let me brush for quite a long while too.

Theresa (Tess)

Mom to Elliott (Sol Flasher) and Lea (PTL Lea)

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Guest TonyB2014

Yes, it must be PURE 100% coconut oil. Extra virgin is even better. Beware those products that say they include coconut oil, because some of these have other harmful things in them, such as chemicals and fragrances.

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So I assume coconut oil is ok for them to eat as well and can be used like fish oils and fatty acids? I have never given it before. Are there any benefits of using this over fish oils?

Kristen mom to-

Sp FancyPants (Fanny)- 4.20.12 Adopted 3.8.14

Rico's Maggie (Maggie)- 12.3.12 Adopted 1.21.15

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Guest TonyB2014

Yes, pure coconut oil is good for diet as well, but in very small quantities. Literally, a teaspoon on a regular meal as a supplement is sufficient. Some dogs get loose stools initially, but this usually disappears after a few days. It is said that lauric acid (contained in the oil) can prevent bacterial and viral infections - and there are other elements that assist thyroid function, fight against some cancers and stay off parasitic infections. It is not better than fish oils, but it is a useful addition to the diet. With regard to fish oils, it is worth checking the fish oil you buy - some are higher in the wrong type of Omega oil (omega 6), which you want to avoid. Omega 3 is the oil to go for. This is higher and more beneficial in things like salmon oil.

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