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Getting Drops Into Ears..having Probs

Guest HeatherLee

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Guest HeatherLee

So, the vet diagnosed my hound with a fungal infection in his ears and prescribed 10 drops of mometamax a day. However he really hates getting this done. Aside from strapping on the muzzle and holding him down does anyone know any magic tricks that would make it less traumatic for him and prevent him from trying to bite me? Hes tried several times.

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If he's tried to bite, then the muzzle is your best safety device. If you have a second person, I would also have that person hold the leash to keep him from moving his head.


You could also put 10 drops in a small medicine syringe and push them a little faster than counting out 10 drops into the ear. Most pharmacies have them behind the counter and will give you a couple. Our CVS store gave me some when I needed them to give meds to Rocket.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Ask for another bottle of mometamax. Then, take 2 cotton balls, soak the with solution. Flip the ear and stuff the cotton ball in as far as you can. Do the same to the other side. If you can, hold the ear flaps closed by petting or massaging. If not, just let him shake them out. You'll need a second bottle ad you will use a lot of solution, but sometimes thhis method will be less traumatic

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if you can't get a medical syringe you can use a medicine dropper for a baby. they are located in the baby section of the pharmacy isles. muzzle, do it fast, hold the hear up straight and remember to massage the ear. this way the meds will get down deep into the canal. can you stand over the dog- his shoulders under your crotch? that way you can get both ears. a person holding the collar in front and feeding peanut butter or a super good treat will be out of the way. watch out there will be a good shake after if you are successful.


always treat after. sometimes 2 people are needed, it's as simple as that. i had to inject a drawing salve into a puncture wound in-between felix's toes, that too was a 2 person procedure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest HeatherLee

Thanks everyone for the great advice. peanut butter inside the muzzle was a great idea. Eventually I just ended up dropping a few drops at a time over a few hours like a ninja. haha

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