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Ideas On Making A Bandage Stay In Place On The Side

Guest GreyDogsRule

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Guest GreyDogsRule

So Sky Boy must have gotten some sort of small puncture wound that was not even visible. The wound got infected which is what led me to take him to the E-vet. Turns out, the bacteria came from his mouth. Now he has a massive open wound. I would estimate it to be about 2 inches wide by about 7 inches long running laterally along his side. I think this is do to a significant about of necrosis and of course that classic broken zipper syndrome. He is on ampicillin which has knocked out the infection. The challenge now is to keep the wound clean and covered.


The vet was doing a wet to dry bandage and was using a ton of tape to try and hold the bandage in place. The shape of the deep chest tapering drastically to the tuck make it a real challenge to try and get a bandage to stay put. After a week on heavy tape, poor Sky Boy is getting a skin rash. The vet has now opted for using a ace type wrap to hold the bandage in place. It unfortunately is not working very well. I have re-wrapped the ace bandage going around his breast area and one leg. It does seem to be helping, but I am re-wrapping it every few hours. I have been putting a T-shirt on Sky as well, but it does not seem to be helping. Any suggestions to try and keep his bandages in place is much appreciated.









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It's hard to picture, but you might want to try cutting up a T-Shirt to go over his neck and cutting the shirt body into strips so that you can tie the shirt around him to secure the bandage. It will probably take some trial and error. If you sew, a little velcro might help as well. It is definitely a custom job.


Hope your boy is better soon.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Guest GreyDogsRule

"Surgilast". Used on burn patients. There's a dog on the Facebook GT forum right now with a severe chest wound and they are using this product to keep his bandages in place.

Wow! thanks so much. I just looked at the product on the net and it looks perfect. I just have to figure out the appropriate size and find some locally at least temporarily. There are plenty of good online sources for long term. Sky will be needing a clean bandage for a number of weeks yet.


I should have come to greytalk sooner. I have been a member for years and forget just what a wonderful helpful group you all are. thanks again.

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Wow! thanks so much. I just looked at the product on the net and it looks perfect. I just have to figure out the appropriate size and find some locally at least temporarily. There are plenty of good online sources for long term. Sky will be needing a clean bandage for a number of weeks yet.


I should have come to greytalk sooner. I have been a member for years and forget just what a wonderful helpful group you all are. thanks again.


I think for the dog from Facebook GT forum they're using a size 9

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Just want to add that you can use a maxipad under the stockinett-great to absorb and will stay in place because of the adhesive backing. Word to the wise-when you cut an armhole make a tiny hole-that stuff stretches an I ncredible amount-literally only need a sliver dollar size hole for each arm.

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