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Wwyd Accidentally Bought Puppy Food

Guest KPS915

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Guest KPS915

My husband wasn't paying attention at the store and bought a 30 lb bag of TOTW Puppy Formula instead of adult. He didn't realize it until he opened the bag and dumped it in the kibble container. He was commenting that the kibble looked smaller, so I had him fish out the bag from the trash and sure enough he bought puppy food for our 5 year old. Should I toss the rest? Or is okay to keep feeding it?


Looks like the protein content is a little higher - 27% v. 25% and calcium is a bit lower. Calorie content is the same.


What would you do?

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If you're going to feed it, read up on the calorie, protein and especially fat levels in the puppy food vs. regular and adjust amounts accordingly. Otherwise you might be asking for D or other problems if you have a sensitive stomach hound.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest KPS915

Yeah, buying another bag is nbd. I think we will do that and mix it, I would hate to toss an entire 30 lb bag if I didn't have to. Protein, fat, fiber, etc. aren't too far off between puppy and adult formulas. We also don't have a picky hound, Lila will eat almost anything, her royal houndness LOVES to eat!

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Most premium food is guaranteed and thus returnable.


You could always open the top of the bag, pour it back in, and take it back and exchange it with no problem.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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That's exceptionally funny, because my DH did the exact same thing! Allie kind of needs it (she's thin as a freaking skeleton and has no muscle mass because of her prednisone), but Monty is also doing fine with it, too. He's getting just slightly less, but there were no poor ramifications of it at all. We didn't even bother to mix, because we needed food to feed that night and the next morning and were completely out. DH didn't even notice until he opened it and found the tiny kibble (cat kibble-sized).


Our thought is that TOTW should have a big darker stripe (or different pattern or something) on the bag to make absolutely SURE that people don't do this. The puppy and the adult bags are the same color and have the same look. (And the people at our pet food outlet thought the same, because the puppy food was on the adult food shelf!).

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Guest KPS915

That's exceptionally funny, because my DH did the exact same thing! Allie kind of needs it (she's thin as a freaking skeleton and has no muscle mass because of her prednisone), but Monty is also doing fine with it, too. He's getting just slightly less, but there were no poor ramifications of it at all. We didn't even bother to mix, because we needed food to feed that night and the next morning and were completely out. DH didn't even notice until he opened it and found the tiny kibble (cat kibble-sized).


Our thought is that TOTW should have a big darker stripe (or different pattern or something) on the bag to make absolutely SURE that people don't do this. The puppy and the adult bags are the same color and have the same look. (And the people at our pet food outlet thought the same, because the puppy food was on the adult food shelf!).

I agree the bags look EXACTLY the same. We've been mixing adult and puppy formulas and she's been just fine. I think she likes the puppy sized kibble better in her toys because it comes out faster!,

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Ditto to mixing. Both sized kibbles won't hurt and she may enjoy the change. Nice husband for helping out.

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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