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Strong possibility that my almost 13 year old, Plummer has Megaesophagus.


X-ray will be performed this week.


Made changes with to regard to feeding, off kibble, on canned food with shot of Ensure and sometimes oatmeal. I feed him with a paper plate in my hand held high so neck is up.

After eating try to have Plummer with front paws on couch to stand in upright position


This is such a different world, but doable.


Anybody have experience with this syndrome?

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My girl, Chick, had this. (In Chick's case, she had it in conjunction with a tumor she had in her chest).


I did the same things as you noted, except we didn't have any luck whatsoever getting her to keep the upper half of her body up on the couch or anything to keep her upright. I tried, but she just wouldn't cooperate. So, I focused on getting her to eat her meals slowly and in an elevated feeder. If, on some days, she wasn't interested in eating her full meal, I would give her smaller meals over the course of the day.


Is Plummer doing okay with the front paws on the couch? Good luck as you go through this.



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Guest MnMDogs

Unfortunately we have experience with it (Mara developed it suddenly just before her 9th bday 3 years ago). That is exactly the cough/hack she had, awful noise :(.


Please PM me if you have any questions.

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Guest MnMDogs

Does Plummer regurg after each meal? Were you on here when Terdanner was here and posted about Soda many years ago? They had a chair for him that he sat up in to eat.


Is Plummer able to keep water down?


Mara had an awful case of it, idiopathic, no known cause for hers. Has Plummer had a full exam and bloodwork also? That may be warranted if xray confirms ME

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x-ray will be performed Wednesday, I will see vet and I am sure blood work will be performed as he is already on low dose thyroid pills.


I just can't see Plummer cooperating re: the special chair.

I am hand feeding him now with, canned dog food, made into a paste with oatmeal. Just started that yesterday. I hold a paper plate with his food at a high angle and he eats like that. After he eats I coax him to the couch and put 2 paws up so he is at a angle. A little difficult as his hind legs are weak.


This is such a process but Plummer is well worth it. I am going away in April and I have a grey sitter, I pray she doesn't mind all the attention Plummer needs.

Plummer and I will work this out, at almost 13 he still wants to be here.

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Guest MnMDogs

Mara was a stubborn little brat, and before Ryan made the chair one of us would sit down and hold her up in front of us, she didn't like it but she tolerated it (and at 55 pounds it was easy). Unfortunately, her case seemed extremely severe. If Plummer is able to keep food down the way you described, that's very very good!


It just becomes the new normal, and you'll all get used to it I'm sure. One of the things that they ruled out after Mar was diagnosed was Myesthenia Gravis (or Guillan Barre... I always mix those 2 up). So that may be something your vet will want to look into as well (simple blood test).


Good luck.


ETA: another thing they r/o were masses, and low thyroid. Maybe it's as simple as upping his pills.

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:hope Checking for an update.

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"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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X-ray really did not reveal Megaesophagus.. X-ray was actually clear, for esophagus and stomach.


Vet suggested that there is something underlying going on. As Plummer will be 13, I have chosen not to do any more testing.


He will be eating mush food, he needs to put on weight, he lost 4 lbs. So I will continue to love him, spoil him, and try to fatten him up.

The good news is that he did not regurgitate today, keep everything down.


Weak on walks, so I make them shorter, he is sleeping more, but jumps up when he hears me fixing his food. 10209_4756103704002_1778775432_n.jpg

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