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Shedding... Lots And Lots Of Shedding....

Guest Pete

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My hounds, albeit fairly new to the household (January) appear to both be shedding quite a bit. Shammy has a pretty good case of 'kennel butt' but Bob appears to be in good shape. Both are shedding furiously (or at least that's my take on it... could be worse I suppose)


I am giving Shammy fish oil and melantonin but Bob tends to get a bit queasy on the fish oil. Bob also for some reason really, really doesn't like to be brushed. Not sure what happened in his prior life but today, he says that brushes in any form aren't cool.


Aside of the 'kennel butt' which she had before we got her, the dogs are not really missing hair or balding in any spots. One would think that the shedding would abate after a while but perhaps this is status quo.


My old greyhound from my childhood, Alice did shed but she wasn't as productive as my two presently. I am constantly sweeping up hair and when petting them I'm getting a good bit of hair


I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice on such things



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Guest Isabella

Try corn oil. I also have a Corgi who sheds like no other ! Literally you can watch it fly off his back! I put a tablespoon of corn oil in his food and within a week I could really tell a difference in the shedding and his coat was shinier. I'm not saying you won't have any shedding but it definitely helped in my case ! I did have to invest in a Dyson animal vacuum cleaner (it is amazing) and I think I have stock in the lint roller company!

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It is called "blowing coat" and it 'tis the season in general. Most hounds do it March - Aprilish and again the the fall. I've best addressed it by taking them in the back yard and using a shedding blade of some sort on them. They love it and the birds love it. The redneck version of a shedding blade is a hacksaw blade. I actually prefer to use a small blue 12" X 1/2" hacksaw blade. It works great and doesn't have the big teeth of commercial shedding blades that can catch on boney backbones.

Edited by Hubcitypam
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Try corn oil. I also have a Corgi who sheds like no other ! Literally you can watch it fly off his back! I put a tablespoon of corn oil in his food and within a week I could really tell a difference in the shedding and his coat was shinier. I'm not saying you won't have any shedding but it definitely helped in my case ! I did have to invest in a Dyson animal vacuum cleaner (it is amazing) and I think I have stock in the lint roller company!


I will try the corn oil in the food.

I raised three boys in our house. All that time we had wall to wall carpet. We finally pulled out the carpet and put in ceramic tile. Best thing we ever did. Not only is it cooler in the summer but it's a breeze to clean. ...of course, it shows the hair all the better. (sigh) but it's all worth it the first time my son's little puppy peed by the back door. :)



It is called "blowing coat" and it 'tis the season in general. Most hounds do it March - Aprilish and again the the fall. I've best addressed it by taking them in the back yard and using a shedding blade of some sort on them. They love it and the birds love it. The redneck version of a shedding blade is a hacksaw blade. I actually prefer to use a small blue 12" X 1/2" hacksaw blade. It works great and doesn't have the big teeth of commercial shedding blades that can catch on boney backbones.


I've heard that term but never put two and two together. Thank you, I am heartened that it slows down a bit. It's been a good long time since Alice died so my memory may be a bit hazy on just how much she shed at any one time.


We got a glove/brush that works great on Shammy. Bob won't let you come near him when you pick up a brush. he makes a bee line for his kennel and then will even growl at you if you don't take him seriously. Have not a clue where the brushing thing came from except maybe he's just a 'dirty little boy' :)


I like the hacksaw blade thing. Used to have one of those sweat combs we used on horses back in the day. Same thing as a hacksaw blade only shiny and has a handle. I'm going to try that on the Shamster and see if that'll bust more of her coat. - thank you


Yep, Sage has begun her spring time coat blowing. I hate it. :angryfire

I'm beginning to join that sentiment. Wow - that and the mud they drag in from the back yard and you can make adobe.

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Yup Rainy started blowing her winter coat last week. Sunshine is all keeping a hold of all her furs. ;-)


A good brushing a few times a day outside will do wonders. Either a zoom groom or a furminator


Be careful using a shedding blade on them. I would think that would hurt the thin skinned greyhounds. They rock with horses though!




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Yup Rainy started blowing her winter coat last week. Sunshine is all keeping a hold of all her furs. ;-)


A good brushing a few times a day outside will do wonders. Either a zoom groom or a furminator


Be careful using a shedding blade on them. I would think that would hurt the thin skinned greyhounds. They rock with horses though!

Duly noted about the shedding blade. I might have some old sawzall blades that might be a bit more forgiving and easier to maneuver on houndie parts. then again, I don't think Bob is going to allow me to do that until he relaxes a bit more. time will tell.


Makes you kinda glad you didn't take to St. Bernards or Bernese mountain dogs, eh? :riphair

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Wouldn't recommend any blade.... If he's nervous maybe a nice soft brush ment for horses faces? Or you can use dry rubber kitchen gloves. Just stroke in the direction of the fur and it will pull all the dead fur out. You have to be careful to not overdo it since it will make their skin ouchy quickly.


The Zoom groom is basically a soft rubber curry comb (another horse thing) lots of hounds seem to enjoy that.


We had a Shepard stay with us for a week and the fur was insane! A giant pile behind her crate. I was brushing 4 times a day!




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We have fur flying all over the house right now! My saving grace, it will be over soon! :rofl

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest FreeholdHound

Oh my -I forgot about the "Big Shed". Brought Harry home almost a year ago & I had fur tumbleweeds in my yard from brushing him - I never thought a thin haired houndie could possibly lose THAT amount of hair! I will be prepared this time as I've notices a recent increase in hair balls... Bring on the mitt !!!

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Wouldn't recommend any blade.... If he's nervous maybe a nice soft brush ment for horses faces? Or you can use dry rubber kitchen gloves. Just stroke in the direction of the fur and it will pull all the dead fur out. You have to be careful to not overdo it since it will make their skin ouchy quickly.


The Zoom groom is basically a soft rubber curry comb (another horse thing) lots of hounds seem to enjoy that.


We had a Shepard stay with us for a week and the fur was insane! A giant pile behind her crate. I was brushing 4 times a day!

Rubber gloves get my vote too.....my friend Ben's boy Niles is shedding like mad at the moment...I pulled/stroked loads of it out on our walk on friday, it was very windy so it was like being in a blizzard!

<p>"One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am"Sadi's Pet Pages Sadi's Greyhound Data PageMulder1/9/95-21/3/04 Scully1/9/95-16/2/05Sadi 7/4/99 - 23/6/13 CroftviewRGT

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We have fur flying all over the house right now! My saving grace, it will be over soon! :rofl

Without a doubt!



Oh my -I forgot about the "Big Shed". Brought Harry home almost a year ago & I had fur tumbleweeds in my yard from brushing him - I never thought a thin haired houndie could possibly lose THAT amount of hair! I will be prepared this time as I've notices a recent increase in hair balls... Bring on the mitt !!!

That's what I'm saying! It's unbelievable how much these two are shedding. I was just hoping that I was missing some sort of nutritional thing that was causing them to lose hair. If this is just a shed of the winter coat I'm good with that any time of the day.


Rubber gloves get my vote too.....my friend Ben's boy Niles is shedding like mad at the moment...I pulled/stroked loads of it out on our walk on friday, it was very windy so it was like being in a blizzard!

I'm thinking the gloves might be ok with Bob. He really gets funky when you start brushing him. But perhaps a rubber glove just might be benign enough to fool him into thinking he's just getting his usual strokes. I do go with them outside and just stroke their backs to get the brunt of it off. It helps some but it just doesn't get all of it out.

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And when you're "through"--mostly because your arm is tired, not because you've gotten all the hair--wipe with a baby wipe or a damp paper towel to get off the last wisps that are sticking to them.


It'll also help get off pollen when your dogs have been outside, even when they weren't getting brushed.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
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And when you're "through"--mostly because your arm is tired, not because you've gotten all the hair--wipe with a baby wipe or a damp paper towel to get off the last wisps that are sticking to them.


It'll also help get off pollen when your dogs have been outside, even when they weren't getting brushed.

I like that. Thank you. The baby wipe makes good sense

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