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Taking Down Crate

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8301057352_729c4b3135.jpgOK enough, I let you put this stupid hat on me AND take a picture, can you please take down that stupid crate! Jack has been doing well all weekend outside his crate, he has gone 4 hours easily. I think it is time to give it a full time try, he has been letting me know he is tired of the crate and has never been a destructive puppy. I guess we will see how it goes.

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Day one, no crate and a work day. Drum Roll... not one problem! Jack did great, no accidents and no damage, OK my Orchid plant had a little chew mark on it but that could have happened any time. Good boy Jack!!!

Linda, Keeva and Jack!

PS I am so happy to get that huge crate out of my dining room and back in the basement

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Well done! To BOTH of you! IMHO - for the "average" dog - the crate is a training aide - not a lifestyle. And - you've graduated!


Now - don't get dumb. DO NOT think this is WON.


This is on YOU not to screw this up. DO NOT leave stupid temptation out that a dog HAS to get into - and don't allow access into too many rooms too soon. Don't leave anything valuable lying around. And MAKE SURE your dog gets enough mental and physical exercise when you're home. I'd also suggest a stuffed Kong when you leave., Make SURE that dog gets stimulated whenever you're home - and is given something to do - to chew on, or a squeak toy or a Kong - when you're gone. Over-do the toys and chews, and distractions right now - to guarantee future success.

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Well done! To BOTH of you! IMHO - for the "average" dog - the crate is a training aide - not a lifestyle. And - you've graduated!


Now - don't get dumb. DO NOT think this is WON.


This is on YOU not to screw this up. DO NOT leave stupid temptation out that a dog HAS to get into - and don't allow access into too many rooms too soon. Don't leave anything valuable lying around. And MAKE SURE your dog gets enough mental and physical exercise when you're home. I'd also suggest a stuffed Kong when you leave., Make SURE that dog gets stimulated whenever you're home - and is given something to do - to chew on, or a squeak toy or a Kong - when you're gone. Over-do the toys and chews, and distractions right now - to guarantee future success.

Thank you for the reminders. Jack has been out of the crate for a full week without any major issues. I worked all week except Christmas day which I happened to be gone for a significant amount of time. Making sure Jack gets exercised before I leave is huge. I can't leave kongs out as my other female can be snarky around food with Jack. They have access to a few rooms and I have found that Keeva spends most of the day on my bed (typical) and Jack tends to sleep on the couch upstairs. No potty accidents and no chewing. I am guarded but feeling good that this will continue, Jack is almost a year old and he was very clearly letting me know he had enough of the crate. I do hear them howl sometimes after I leave but it does not go on and on and he seems much happier when I get home. The crate did it's job and now we are moving forward. Thanks for everyone's support.

Linda, Jack and Keeva

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