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Kidney Failure Advice (Non-Grey)

Guest KatyC

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This is a non grey post, so I apologise for that. I joined as we are waiting to get our greyhound Peggy. However, I thought that I would still ask on here as everyone seems very helpful :)


We found out last night that my parents dog Barney (flat coated retriever) has kidney failure :( he is only 5 and such a lovely dog, we were lookign forward to him and Peggy spending lots of time together and my dad is just about to retire so it's such a shame.


I was wondering if anyone has dealt with kidney failure and if they have any advice for us?

He is going on a special Royal Canin Renal diet from today and has been prescibed some medications. I think it is earlyish as the main symptom was excessive drinking/urination with little colour. He doesn't seem ill at all, still full of energy and lovely as ever :) I think apart from this he is very healthy, which will hopefully help.

It only really got noticed as he just had a small lump removed from his gum (which was benign) and they did blood tests and urine tests as he leaked urine while under anasthesia which they thought was odd at the vets.


How long is life expectancy for dogs with kidney failure does anyone know? Are we looking at a month or 2 or a year?


We're very sad as me and my boyfriend raised him from a puppy during our Univeristy summer vacation and we lived with them until 8 months ago, so he is very much our dog as well.

It would be great even he lived for another year to enjoy his time with Peggy and my dad once he retires.


Any advice will be greatly appreciated :)



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Both Harold and Pudge the mutt(10) have kidney failure. Pudge's is more severe. She showed no symptoms. It was diagnosed from routine bloodwork. Harold (13.5) always leaks pee, especially in his sleep. He wears a belly band when we are not home. When we are home we let him out every hour. Due to Harold's lab values he contact be put on the medicine to help in stop leaking.


Both dogs are on different formulas of Royal Canin. Both are on different doses of enalapril and aspirin. To look at either one you'd never know anything was wrong with them. As severe as Pudge's labs were the vet estimates she's had kidney failure for years.


With proper food and medicine and testing your parents dog may live a good long life.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Thanks for your reply :) I really appreciate it. It helps to know what other people have experienced.

How long is it since yours were diagnosed?

I have forwarded what you've written on to my dad :)

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I got Meeka when she was 11. She had had kidney failure for years. She made it to twelve years and 10 months. She didn't act sick at all. She ate and played. I couldn't keep weight on her so she looked sick. Your dad's dog could still have several good years. You never know which way it will go. Good luck!

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How sad. I've lost 3 to it over many years. The first aged 5 lasted just a month, the second aged 8 lasted about 8 weeks, the third lasted 18months post dx and died at 14. It all depends on whhether it is congenital and the amount of damge already done. Sometimes you can take the load off residual kidney function with Azodyl, Calcitrol, assist with toxin absorbition via fermentation in the Colon, give sub-cutaneous injections of fluid at home to keep the kidneys flushed, tackle nausea, tackle stomach soreness and bleeds with Sucralfate and Omeprazole etc.


How long to keep a dog going in CRF? I always let mine go when quality of life has decined and before kidney-disease related seizures start. (Before they go off drinking water as well as food. In end stage they must be allowed to eat anything they fancy or they just metabolize body mass and get even worse toxin build up)


I strongly advise you to encourage them to join this very helpful group at Yahoo. They will need to post the latest vet report.



They can email me if they need to.

Edited by JohnF
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Thanks. I have dopne some reearch on useful medications and supplements and have let them know about that, they are going to ask the vet about things like that on Monday when they next speak to them.


That's lovely to know about Meeka! Maybe Barney will be like her!


JohnF, how sad that you have lost 3 to it. Did they decline very quickly after diagnosis? Barn seems fine at the moment, which is a good thing. It would just be nice to know how long he will stay like that, although I know that's a fairly impossible question.


My parents are going to try adding parsley to his diet, as I've read that can be helpful with kidney failure. I know it's a little thing but it might help some and can't do any harm :)

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>>how sad that you have lost 3 to it. Did they decline very quickly after diagnosis? >>


The first one was PTS 4 weeks after dx. as her condition declined to actual kidney failure that quickly.

The second one hung on for about twice that time and finally went off food and water. The third one became steadily more thirsty and dies 18months after diagnosis. She went off food totally 3-4 weeks before and was off water on her final day which was when I knew it was time to let her go. Everything depends on the individual dog's quality of life. Human kidney failure sufferers will tell you they feel truly awful.

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Has anyone used parsley infusions as a supplement for kidney failure before? I keep reading that it can help flush the toxins out by brewing parsley in hot water and the pouring it over there food. He has started on his new food this evening and really liked it so that's good :) I have just popped over to see him and he seemed ok, just a bit sleepy but that might just be that he is tired!

Dad said that he seems to remember that it was just the creatinine level which was over the normal amount, the others while at the top end of normal, were still in the normal section. I don't really know what this means but hopefully its a good thing.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest KatyC

Hello, I just wanted to update this as following Barney last set of blood tests urine gravity, his levels have gone back into the normal zones, so for now - he no longer has kidney failure!! The vets were astounded and we're all very happy as is Peggy. they are now best friends :)


So don't give up hope!

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