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Itchy Eye. Zyrtec Dosage? Update Post 14: Corneal Ulcer

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I'd really like to stay out of H&M for a week, but here goes:


Joe's right eye was a little itchy this morning, and I was running late, so I just checked for obvious damage and put a sock of him to keep him from hurting himself. It's still bugging him tonight, and the area around it is a bit red and wet from weeping. The foot was de-socked when I got home, and he's clearly been scratching at it. He's keeping the eye partially open, but is uncomfortable. I'm out of benedryl. What's the zyrtec dose for a 75 pound dog?


He can see fine, reacts normally to light, etc. The offending paw is now vet-wrapped. What else should I be doing? What should I be worrying about? When is a vet trip in order for eye stuff?



Edited by Riverhound
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May I be a real dork & ask why nighttime is the best time for allergy meds?

I've been taking mine in the morning, but must admit I'm new to the allergy thing.


I can only take benedryl and chlortrimetan l at night, because they zonk me out. The "new" antihistamines (Zyrtec, Claritin) I like to take in the morning because they also act as very mild antidepressants. Put them all together, throw in a couple beers, and I can manage myself quite nicely! :rofl


I gave Joe a 10 mg pill, but I know the dosage for benedryl is about twice what I would take, and am wondering if it's the same with this. He groans when the eye is rubbed, like when he gets really good ear rubbies. I don't think it hurts at all.

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I gave Joe a 10 mg pill, but I know the dosage for benedryl is about twice what I would take, and am wondering if it's the same with this. He groans when the eye is rubbed, like when he gets really good ear rubbies. I don't think it hurts at all.


Beanie's allergies affect her feet and chest area. She had licked her feet to the point they had become raw and she was having difficulty walking. One 10mg *Zyrtec tablet has been sufficient to relieve her symptoms and allow her feet to heal.

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You are just assuming it's allergies? With only one eye affected that's not likely. Rubbing it can easily be a sign of discomfort, not itch. Could be conjunctivitis, could be a scratch or something -- absolutely you should go to the vet, eyes are nothing to mess with.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Agree with PrairieProf. Squinting and a weepy eye can be signs of a corneal scratch or ulcer. Best to have a vet check it and do a fluorescein stain to assess the cornea. Depending on whether the cornea is ok, appropriate eye meds are often the best way to address itchy, uncomfortable eyes.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Crap. He's not as itchy or weepy this morning, but he is goopy. I was able to get a really good look at the eye, I think it's an ulcer. Looks like a scrape on the surface of his eye. Waiting for the vet to open. I work today (of course), so hubby will be doing his first solo vet visit.


Yesterday morning, I really thought it was just an itchy eye. I wish I'd done a better job with the sock -- I'm afraid he did this after he got the thing off.

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Guest wylie_coyote

I hope all is good with Joe's eye..


I took Magic in yesterday for his one goopy eye. He had the same symptoms you described. The vet stained it but no scratch, they said it was not infected either. We are keeping a watch on it, but he seems to be better today so not sure what it actually was. Did get a script for an antibiotic cream if we think we need it but going to wait on that I think.

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