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Ruby Is Now Afraid Of Me

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I had my knee replaced last Monday and was in the hospital until Thursday. My poor husband wasn't allowed to sleep at all because Ruby refused to sleep while I was gone. He tried everything and she whined and cried and fussed. We thought things would go back to normal when I got home. She seemed happy to see me but this quickly turned around and her behavior changed within an hour or so.

She acts like she is terrified of me now ! She won't come to me, shakes when she sees the walker, cowers her head when I am up trying to move around and basically wants nothing to do with me. She does however sleep all night like she did before. This is scaring me and I am hoping that she just isn't used to all the equipment and noises (such as crying, leg pump machine, etc.) and when all calms down I will have my sweet girl back. Anyone else had this happen and it went away ?


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I'm pretty sure it's the walker and all the equipment that has her spooked. Maybe keep some treats in your pocket and when she does come around you, see if she'll take a treat. She may take a few days to get used to everything but once she learns that nothing is going to hurt her she should be fine. These dogs adapt to new situations so well I wouldn't expect this to be long term. Just be patient with her and take your time.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Yes, she is overwelmed, you left her for a few days and now you came back smelling different and brought back all this equipment and different sounds. The fact she is sleeping is good. It is very normal for the dogs to be scared. I work in home care and see it all the time, if you never used a walker before they are going to be scared. My dogs are scared of my mom's walker or cane and we move it to the side and then they come to her. It will take a few days for her to get used to this is ok and the way things are for now, just keep reminding her you will be better and get to play like you used to, so she knows this isn't forever. Just wait til you have new people coming into the house for your home care, she will really be confused. Don't lock her up if you can b/c this will make this whole situation negative. I see it all the time. I have the owners not lock the dog up, unless its a mean dog, and they come sniff and see I am a dog person and then they go lay down or do their thing and its a good experience, some think I'm coming over for them.


Give her time, when you don't have the pump going and just resting, move the walker away and try and have her come to you with a treat and talk to her and give scratches to her. Whatever you do don't get all upset about this, she will sense it, she already senses all that you are feeling now for the knee issue, it will work out fine, give her time.


Happy healing and remember....lots of ice and elevation and walking! Oh yeah and keep bending it, it will hurt now, but be soo much better later and quicker if you bend it now. (I'm a PT if you haven't figured that out )

Kathy, Bo (SK's Bozo), and Angels Storm (Greys Big Storm), Grace (Rise to Glory) and Sky(Greys Sky Dove),

My dog believes I go to work for their food and treats.

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:nod Yes, the poor doggie is overwhelmed.


This could help - Turid Rugass's article about Calming Signals. You can send her the Lick towards, nose, yawn and look away sign which will let her know you don't mean anything bad.




Also put an item of your old worm clothing in her bed. Scent is the way to help them get back stable.


When you are peaceful let her come up to you for a treat and give that Calming Signal if she looks worried.

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Lots of teeny tiny treats, and calmness, and she will eventually come around. Her whole world is in a tailspin. Her strong mommy isn't doing well and has all this scary not good smelling stuff around her. Maybe a dap diffuser might help.


If she won't take treats from you tossing them on the floor us a good start too :-)

Hope you feel better soon!




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Guest karilynn

Oh, that's totally normal. She is probably just overwhelmed as you were gone for a while and now you've returned, clearly different with your walker and equipment, so she's probably trying to understand what is happening.


I broke my ankle a few months ago and my boy was very timid around me after when I had my cast and crutches. He was terrified of me and acted like I was a monster. He just didn't understand why I was limping around, clearly in pain, with these giant metal sticks. I healed up and he returned to his normal and happy self.


Give her some time! Trust me, she still loves ya ;)

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Guest giantsfan

I recently had a baby and had a silmilar reaction from one of our hounds when I came home from the hospital. She is the more sensitive of the 2 of them, so I wasn't completely surprised. I gave her some treats, fed her and walked them (without the baby). This all seemed to make a huge difference because she was back to normal relatively quickly.

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Bu loved my dad. When my dads cancer came back and he needed crutches Bu was afraid of him for a bit and then got over it. (Even walking down the road off leash on a perfect heel with my dad on his crutches. Dad didn't realized Bu was loose until he was a few houses away and he looked down and Bu was at his side. I found out about this after the fact and it didn't happen again. I was pretty upset and realize I'm very lucky.) As my dad got sicker and more equipment was brought in, Bu adjusted to it all and became protective over my father and would keep watch when nurses were around. Considering Bu came to me bordering on being a spook, it was amazing. It really just took him time to get used to everything new. He did fine with the walker and wheelchair as well once he got used to them.


Ruby could also be picking up on what your feeling. If you're in pain and probably a little scared, she can tell. When I first got Sailor if I was having a really bad day, he wouldn't let me near him. He still doesn't want to be too close to me if I'm in a bad mood (scared, sad, mad, tired), but hes much better than he was. He would run away and cower before. It was horrible and brought me to tears once or twice.

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Guest cruzNhounds

(((((((Karen))))))) Ruby knows your in pain, dogs are smart to this. Just be lucky you don't have a sneaky bunch like mine! I had surgery back in May, my girls soon discovered that MOM + PAIN MEDS= :sleepy FREE FOOD Whatever I was eating at the time was gone when I woke up!


Prayers for a speedy recovery....feel better soon.

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