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Ugh! Fleas - Could Use Some Advice!

Guest team_tonio

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Guest team_tonio

I am at a loss! Have had our boy for two months now and he is AWESOME... Minus the fleas! So he was due for Frontline when we first adopted him. I applied - no issues. Probably three weeks later I noticed fleas when brushing him! Now he is white brindle so fleas and ticks are easy to spot. I brush him twice a week and really take my time looking for fleas and ticks. This was the first time I spotted them. I found only a handful.


I was on my way to the vet anyhow to pick up worm meds - so I asked and they suggested I use Advantix II. Applied it immediately. Now, three weeks and 3 days later - again I have found fleas! I only found 2 this time... but what the crap?! I have noticed he has been itching recently so I have been actively looking for them. Never finding any fleas but definitely specks of "dirt" which I assume are from fleas.


The house is not infested, I vaccuum his beds and wash his blakets regularly and have no bites myself (I am allergic, or was as a child). Heading for the laundromat again now - apparently my giant comforters are much more comfy ;) and can't fit those in my washer!


Has anyone else had this issue? Can I apply another dose of advantix or is it too soon? I have 7 tubes of Advantix left plus 2 frontline! I'd really like to stick with Advantix since I have so many but maybe there is a nontopical I can use in the meantime toget rid of the darn things once and for all??? Any or all advice would be GREYTFULLY appreciated!


Antonio is a trooper but I know these things are really bugging him out... he is shedding some and has some patches he is constantly nibbling at. Other than these pesky fleas... he is a very happy boy! See? :beatheart




Thanks in advance for the advice!

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Your yard may be infested or if you're walking him he could be picking them up from the grass on his daily walks. I have heard people have great success with Comfortis.

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I use trifexis which does fleas and heart worms in a pill form. I give it to them after I feed them and they do great on it! I've not had a problem with fleas all year.

**Shellie with GiGi aka: Good Girl (Abita Raginflame X Ace High Heart) and two honorary hounds Butter and Bella**


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Guest team_tonio

Just want to mention-once you get rid of the fleas please de-worm him for tapeworms.


He just had a second dose of drontal for hooks :( ill be sure to talk to the vet about the possibility of tapeworms. Thanks!


Thanks for all the tips on other possible treatment. :) Nice to be more informed when I talk w the vet tomorrow!

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This is a bad year for fleas. Peyton had some and we treated with Frontline, vacuumed every day for over a week, and sprayed a distilled vinegar solution on carpets and bedding as a deterrent. The problem is that he picks up adult fleas on walks so I comb him regularly to dispose of them before they lay eggs. You might have to be extra vigilant until summer is over.

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He just had a second dose of drontal for hooks :( ill be sure to talk to the vet about the possibility of tapeworms.


Drontal covers tapeworms too. I also agree with the other responses that Comfortis/Trifexis is more effective against fleas than any of the topical products.

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Guest team_tonio

The problem is that he picks up adult fleas on walks so I comb him regularly to dispose of them before they lay eggs. You might have to be extra vigilant until summer is over.


I think you may be right... jillysfullhouse mentioned picking them up from walks too... Antonio comes to the football field with us every night for two hours plus we take two long walks a day. At the field he lays down (halfway :))on a blanket... which means hes pretty exposed for an extended period. Maybe 2x a wk just isn't cutting it. :unsure


Jjng... thanks.. hopeful he is wormfree w our next test!

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Someone else might jump in here, but I believe you can use Adams Mist in conjunction with the topical. Right now on TV there is commercial for Frontiline.

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Guest greytkidsmom

We recently brought a foster home who had fleas. I frontlined him right away and it seemed like the fleas got worse. I was at the vet a couple of weeks later and there was a frontline ad. It said to expect it to look like there were more fleas after the first treatment and to just be patient. They were all gone about two weeks after his second treatment a month later. I know that an ad is supposed to make you buy the product advertised but in this instance, it gave me some peace of mind not to panic but to stay the course. My three personal dogs never got fleas and the house stayed flea-free as well. He did develop tapeworms which we treated and at 10 weeks after bringing him home he is completely flea free. Our first dog was also pretty flea ridden and cleared up in a couple of months with frontline only.

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my daughter goes thru this all the time in san antonio, tx. they only way she can stay on top of the intense flea situation is by taking care of the yard and NOT letting her dog go to grassy areas where other dogs congragate. she does go on walks everywhere- checks and uses monthly as well as topical flea treatments, but it's the yard that was the cultprit- until she treated the yard and repeated the treatment 2 weeks later. she calls me w/ the blues about fleas and i always have to remind her about the yard infestation....duh?


as long as the yard treatment is dry- then it's non-toxic(we wait 24 hrs after treatment has dried to let the dogs out). we researched it, go to a good garden center- not home depot and ask about treatments.


dawn dish soap- the original which is used on animals coated in oil,from spills, kills fleas! leave it on for 10 minutes and watch those fleas die! the only thing is when the animals is in a flea infested area...they will jump back on.

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Living in Florida where fleas are a 24/7 issue and having survived an infestation 2 years ago, the following regimen is working for us (knock on wood!):


1. Vacuum every day, even if it's with a little cordless vacuum. If you did nothing else, there would be a noticeable improvement in 6 weeks (2 complete flea life cycles).

2. Change all pet bedding at least twice a week and wash in HOT water. If you have a very serious infestation, I would do this every day for 6 weeks.

3. "Shampoo" your yard with any "grease cutting" dish washing liquid. Use a hose end sprayer with a ratio of 1/2 cup of soap for 5,000 square feet. Wet everything down thoroughly - dirt, mulch, grass, trees, flowers, shrubbery, patios, walkways, driveways, fences, screening for those with screened in porches and pool enclosures. This treatment is actually good for everything that grows and it releases surface tension from the soil making it easier for rain/watering to penetrate to the roots. Repeat every 14-21 days until the infestation is under control and then monthly.

4. Alternate flea treatments and don't go longer than recommended between treatments. (Several Vets have told me that Frontline stopped working in our area several years ago as exemplified by their clients who bring their animals to them for treatment and have documented treatment records. Frontline is a very good product, but with anything else, may not work for everyone.)

5. For those who walk their dogs like I do, mist from ears back before every walk with a repellent of your choice.. I use an essential oil combination in distilled water. Don't forget the underside of the dog.


Note: We live in a subdivision with a "closed canal" and the sub backs up to a wildlife sanctuary. It's like living in a petri dish!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

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Guest team_tonio

Thanks everyone for the insight!!


Spoke w our vet today and treated him a little early w theadvantix.. for now! Go back in a week for the fecal so I will read a little more on it all and we will reassess then. I need tick protection as well as flea... new england is notorious for ticks! Also treated the house w a spray she recommended even tho I don't think theres a need, better safe than sorry... we have hardwood and ive been getting my money's worth out of my vaccuum for the furniture! We take lots of walks but are rarely in the yard.. its not fenced and he is a marker of all things that smell like other dog. The yard just is not exciting... I really do value all of the feedback. Thanks again!


Duncan... would love to know about this mist you mention ... and clepto...dawn- who knew?!

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