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Ulcerated Lump On Piper's Hock

Guest OurIndy

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Guest OurIndy

I had hoped I wouldn't have to post on this forum for some time about Piper as we've only had her 6 months and she's only 4, but here we go on our first medical journey.


I had been watching Piper's left hock because it was a little larger than her right (since we've had her) and I always thought it was just scar tissue/swollen from racing impact. Well on Sunday I noticed she had a scab and the enlargement looked round. So we went to the vet but they couldn't aspirate anything but blood. After the area was shaved it definitely looked more like a defined growth, but even so it's hard to tell if it's a lump or a trauma. It seemed to be irritated by the FNA attempt, getting a little larger and redder, so of course I'm thinking mast-cell tumor. The vet has it on a list of differentials, including other neoplasias (but also just plain old trauma).


Since the FNA was inconclusive Piper is going in for a punch biopsy on Thursday. Keep her in your thoughts because she HATES the hospital and is generally a nervous/high energy/loud hound, not boding well for this full day visit. I feel awful making her go through the sedation, procedure, and recovery but it's obviously necessary. I'm terrified of the possibility of a Grade 2 or 3 MST...


Anyone with experience with mast cell tumors (or other skin cancers) in a young hound? I know I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet but she's our spunky little girl and I'm having trouble thinking about her getting sick.


Thanks for reading if you've gotten this far :)

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Guest Fasave

Thinking good thoughts for cute little piper. I do have experience with skin cancers but hopefully it's not cancer. Fwiw, the skin cancers I dealt with happened at age 7 and beyond. Keep us updated.

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Guest OurIndy

Thanks guys. Luckily some of my friends tech at the small animal hospital so they're going to check in on her. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow...

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Guest OurIndy

Thanks everyone! Piper is totally zonked...very relaxed and cozy on the couch with her brother. I am drinking a large glass of red wine. Now we wait :(. Histology results next week.


Getting extra cuddles from her dad last night



Hoping for a chase in the lobby



Relaxed on the couch with Indiana post procedure


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Guest OurIndy

Update on Piper:


The vet called with good news! The biopsy shows that the lump on Piper's leg resulted from an allergic dermatitis, probably from a insect or spider bite. Definitely not cancer. We are ECSTATIC! The vet even said that it had presented so much like a mast cell tumor that even he was really relieved with the report!


So my poor girl had to go through a bit of an ordeal but I'm glad we looked into it so I wasn't left considering the worst case scenario. She also made it onto the Tufts photoblog (even though they thought her name was "Patsy") because she's so stinkin' cute! Check it out at tuftscummingsschool dot blogspot dot com, she's the last image on the entry for 8/9/12.

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