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Fencing And Shoreline Rip-Rap

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I've been thinking about the idea of having my dog off leash in the backyard of my folks house (supervised) and wanted to bounce some ideas off you folks. They currently have a 4ft. Iron fence that surrounds the back yard on both sides, but have an open section towards the water that has no fence and instead has a rocky (rip-rap) shoreline. I was wondering if anyone has experience with this type of environment and if so, would you recommend fencing the rip-rap so it's off limits completely? He's very cautious about where he walks (terrified of shiny floors), so I feel like he wouldn't push his luck. However, I am worried that he'd chase a squirrel or rabbit into the rocks and in turn, end up in there and potentially break a leg. I'm putting an additional 4ft. temporary mesh fence up in front of the iron fence as a visual barrier since the iron fence is tucked behind some smaller sized shrubs to prevent him from forgetting the fence is there and getting hurt. Would a shorter, temporary fence in front of the shoreline be a good idea or should I scrap the idea entirely and continue leashed walks and occasional off-leash romps at the park. Thanks!


To give you an idea, this is a photo similar to the shoreline in the backyard.


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Disclaimer: What I do with MY dogs is what I do with M-Y dogs. Unlike others here I don't judge and I won't

tell someone else what to do. Nothing more annoying than that. Also unlike others here, my dogs are off

leash. Regularly. So to answer your questions:


Know your dog and it sounds as if you do. If you think he won't try to get into the rip-rap chances are pretty good he

won't. I can tell you not one of my three dogs would go near it even if they were chasing something. Up to you to decide

what your dog may or may not do and if you want to take the chance. If it is just as easy for you to throw up some of

that temporary fencing to be sure, do it.


I would be far more concerned with the iron fence. The idea to define that boundary with temporary fencing is a good

one. Should you decide to try this with your boy get him good and worn out first. Walk him quietly around the perimeter

of the yard on leash and make sure (as best you can) that he see's it.


You are going to hear all manner of hue and cry here. Not from me. Off leash is a personal decision. It can be done and

done successfully. Others here have a different opinion and that is their right. Good luck!

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Sure. I'd say the backyard is approximately a 1/4 acre. Since we live downtown in the concrete jungle, grass is rather scarce. Even the dog park we go to is pea gravel. So we'll visit the folks on the weekend and he really enjoys spending time laying around in the grass out back and soaking in the sun.

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Honestly, if our greys saw those rocks, there's no way they would walk on them. I would feel perfectly comfortable leaving my pups unleashed in this yard. Brooke will chase squirrels, but it's unlikely a squirrel would run towards water. You may want to walk him near the edge first so he sees the rip-rap.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Then there is my crew who would follow each other off the edge. :lol They start chasing each other and don't watch where they're going. :blink: Looks like a gorgeous yard, your boy is going to love it!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest 2dogs4cats

I would make sure you have a plan to get him out of the water if he does go in. I took my dogs to a friend's house that had an inground pool in the backyard. I let the dogs wander around in the yard and figured they wouldn't dare go in the pool. I thought they would be too scared to go near the edge. Well, one went in and one didn't. He was running and I don't think he saw the edge because he didn't slow down, just kept runining right into the pool. I think when they run, sometimes they don't look at the ground.

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I appreciate the additional feedback everyone. The shoreline is ankle deep and stays very shallow for the first 150' from shore so I'm not overly concerned about the water as much as him getting into the rocks and twisting/breaking something. Definitely worth keeping that in mind though. I still might use some rabbit fencing as a visual barrier to remind him. Good point about prey not really running towards the rocks. I would assume that the fluffies would run towards brush/trees etc. What I find odd is that he likes to go on the dock (only If I walk first) but every time he walks on it his toes are fully splayed and he becomes all stiff legged. He's also got this bug-eyed look on his face that is similar to when he's uncomfortable on a shiny floor. I fish the lake quite often so he must see the dock as the place that daddy arrives and leaves from in the morning and evening. I think it's pretty darn cute. :inlove

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I would probably walk the perimeter with your dog on a leash, and then get the cheapo yellow caution tape from the local hardware store and string it up along the rocks. It flutters with any breeze and if it's up about 1-1.5 feet it's in their line of sight. Stay out with him to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy like run into a wall or bush or something, and encourage him to romp/play in the middle of the grass with you.


Looks like a dream come true (and I hope your parents don't mind a few dog divots if the soil is soft).

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i have friends who successfully have used deer fencing for the back portion of the yard. home depot sells rolls of plastic construction fencing, cheap and easy to install. as long as your fencing is staked well and you put some markers on it there shouldn't be a problem. i like jilly's full house envision my dogs jumping off the ledge. mine chase birds, especially seagulls and go after fishing lures. you know your dog best, mine would be out there in the water in no time.

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Guest LindsaySF

Then there is my crew who would follow each other off the edge. :lol They start chasing each other and don't watch where they're going. :blink: Looks like a gorgeous yard, your boy is going to love it!

Mine would do this too. I could see them sailing over the edge when they get to playing and not looking where they're going!

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