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Vinnies Nose

Guest bernadette

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Guest bernadette

I took this picture of Vinnies nose last night... He will be nine in August. Such a love, a complete mama's boy. =) This shows up a couple of daya ago, looked like it was healing and now back to this. Has anyone seen anything like this?



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Guest SoulsMom

Are there any other pinkish spots on his nose? Does it still have it's cobblestone appearance or is it smooth-ish?


Discoid Lupus can present as nose "sore" and eventually they lose the cobblestone on their nose . . .

Edited by SoulsMom
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No advice...just good wishes.


Did it start out looking like a scrape, or was it kind of "oozy"....I ask because sometimes tick bites manifest as crusty circles that get oozy and then when they dry, their is a circle of hair missing. It would be an odd spot for that, though.


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Guest bernadette

Still cobblestone and no oozing. Thank you for your quick replies. I try not to jump the gun but have to be realistic... he is not a puppy anymore. I'll have to look up DL... not familiar with that.

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Is it possible he's digging in his bedding for some reason? My Faolin would do this if something was in his bed that didn't belong there. He would just keep digging with his nose & end up with a sore looking just like that. I like plain aloe vera for things like that. Of course after I sorted out the problem with the bed. lol.gif


Vinnie has some excellent whiskers, btw. wub.gif


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Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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any scrape on the head i get checked by my vet.....mange often stikes the head first.(the words of the whippet breeder i used to work for decades ago) it's worth having him look and maybe do a scraping.


that's exactly where my saluki charlie had a scrape- mange

that's exactly where my grey felix had a scrape- rubbing the crate and biting it.(once it heals the pigment returns)

go know, but get i checked, i always do.

Edited by cleptogrey
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This is what Jeff's nose looks like after he's vomited. He cannot resist trying to bury it, wherever it is, and if it's on something hard, he'll tear his nose up. I always know if he's thrown up in the garden because he'll either come in with a sore nose or mud all over it. :P


Impossible to tell the cause from the photo. If it doesn't clear up in a few days, I'd let the vet take a look.


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