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Muzzle Training For A Puppy

Guest Roadtripper

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Guest Roadtripper

So I adopted my grey puppy, Cairo, 3 1/2 weeks ago and have been reading a zillion threads here for all sorts of advice (thanks tons BTW). I'm realizing that I should probably get her used to a muzzle if I ever need to use one on her. Since I adopted her from the Humane Society, I'm not in touch with a local rescue group, but maybe in the future I'd be able to take her to some grey events or playgroups, where muzzling would be mandatory. Plus you never know when a situation would arise where I might need one for her.


Should I start muzzle training now (she's 6 months old) or can it wait until she's full grown (so I wouldn't need to get muzzles in different sizes)? (Uh, and when are greys full-grown :dunno )


How do you muzzle train?


What kind of muzzle do you suggest & where can I get one?


And should I muzzle train my older 8-11 yr old grey/shep mix too? I don't think I'd ever take him to a playgroup, but maybe an event someday. Would he need different training vs a young dog? And I guess a different type of muzzle than a grey (his head is more lab-shaped with a slightly longer/thinner snout).


Thanks tons!


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Muzzle training is a fantastic idea. Good for you for being responsible! I'd get a plastic basket kennel muzzle from Birdwell.


I trained my Great Pyrenees by just putting the muzzle on him. Seriously. You can read all the articles you want, but it's a lot easier to just put the muzzle on the dog. Do it nonchalantly and pet her so she knows it's not punishment. She'll be confused at first and try to take it off, but after a little while she'll give up and lay down. Once she's calm and leaving it alone, go take the muzzle off and praise her. Give her some time to forget about it, then rinse and repeat. :)


ETA: If the greyhound muzzle doesn't fit your mix, try an Italian basket muzzle. There are a bunch of different sizes. I had to get the biggest one for my Pyr because his head is ginormous.

Edited by Brindles

| Rachel | Dewty, Trigger, and Charlotte | Missing Dazzle, Echo, and Julio |

Learn what your greyhound's life was like before becoming part of yours!
"The only thing better than the cutest kitty in the world is any dog." -Daniel Tosh

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Guest meggera

I have to contain myself! Another grey owner in Great Salt Lake area? Woot woot! (I believe I am even familiar with the girl you adopted from HSU. She is a real doll!) Anyway, I digress.


When it comes to any form of training I have found that using positive reinforcement can make the experience easier on both handler and dog. The following

I think demonstrates a very good method of turning the muzzle into a good thing (since treats magically appear when worn).


I hope this is helpful and informative!

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I've heard of people smearing peanut butter inside the muzzle for dogs who are touchy about nail trims. That might help to make her see the muzzle as a positive thing.

Valerie w/ Cash (CashforClunkers) & Lucy (Racing School Dropout)
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Diamond (Shorty's Diamond), sweet boy Gabe (Zared) and Holly (ByGollyItsHolly), who never made it home.

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We *had* to train our puppy at about 4 1/2 months old when she began ripping up her older brother and sister when they were playing. We got a small size kennel muzzle (which was still too big at the time) and I just started putting it on her when they were going out to play. She LOVESLOVESLOVES to play so she came to associate the muzzle with playtime. Now, her muzzle fits fine (and we're starting to let it out as she grows), and she comes to the door when we go out and raises her face up so we can slip it on. I was actually very surprised that she accepted it so easily.


It's all about making it fun and NOT a bad thing. She'll get used to it really quickly.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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we used a female muzzle on felix as a pup. just popped it on and that was it. he wasn't too happy but survived the trip in a car w/ other muzzled older greys.i always fedd him some cheese thru the basket when he wears it. but still doesn't ignore it as other greys might. if it's a tad large don't worry, your dog will outgrow a smaller muzzle in no time so don't waste your $$$.


on and off, only treat with something special when the muzzle is on and watch out- man do they hurt when you get socked in the head! in other words....JUST DO IT. it's really worth while, when felix developed an attitude towards the vet- popped the muzzle on. when he needed staples- popped the muzzle on, when he's boarded w/ a pack of greys- they all wear muzzles and he doesn't freak out. i always keep extra muzzles in the trunk of my car, just incase we meet friends and are invited to their fenced in acre to run.

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In the head? Try in the groin! :lol


BTW, they all fuss and try to rub the muzzle off no matter how well they're used to them. A year or so back, someone here posted a cute video of racers in a turnout pen, and most of them were trying to rub the muzzle off on the chain link fence. I agree with what the other said about treats, cheese or peanut butter. Make having the muzzle on his face a good thing. Never scold him for trying to rub it off because it will teach him that he gets punished when it's on. (Although you're perfectly entitled to yell if he bonks you in the groin, especially men!)

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Guest Roadtripper

This is great! Thanks everyone. I don't feel so intimidated about muzzles now (although am feeling just a tad overwhelmed by everything I feel like I need to do with Cairo--training a good recall and other stuff, the muzzle, helping her continue to bond with me and my other dog, keeping her socialized by going to lots of different places, etc., etc., etc.,).


Meggera--please see my post in my "training a puppy" thread. I'm trying to pick up your PM, but it won't let me. :unsure


Happy Easter to all!

Amy, Boojum, & Cairo

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Don't feel overwhelmed. Just do your best to have fun with your dog as much as possible and it will all fall into place. ;)

| Rachel | Dewty, Trigger, and Charlotte | Missing Dazzle, Echo, and Julio |

Learn what your greyhound's life was like before becoming part of yours!
"The only thing better than the cutest kitty in the world is any dog." -Daniel Tosh

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