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Greetings From Greyt Salt Lake

Guest Roadtripper

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Guest Roadtripper

Hi from Salt Lake City, UT. I wanted to let you know a little about me and my pack, since I will shortly be making myself obnoxious with LOTS of questions! :)


My name is Amy, and I am currently staff to 2 amazing pups: Boojum, a male greyhound/german shepherd/who-knows-what mix I adopted 7 years ago; and Cairo, a very precocious 6 mos old female greyhound puppy I just adopted 3 weeks ago.


I'm lucky enough to work at a dog daycare/boarding kennel, so I get to take my pups to work with me. When not working, I've loved taking my boy, Booj, on day trips and road trips, and can't wait to start taking Cairo too.


Cairo is my first full-blooded needle-nose. To make a long story, well, long, I grew up with cats and hated dogs (don't flame me--this has a happy ending!). I thought dogs were hyper, jumpy, needy, slobbery, always-in-your-face, not-smart-enough-to-bury-their-poop, monsters (working at a dog kennel, this still is pretty much true but I love them now :P ). However, as a teenager I slowly developed an allergy to my cat, then gradually to all cats. While living in Tucson, AZ for a spell, I decided I wanted a pet, didn't want to have constant itchy eyes & a runny nose from a cat, and at least liked the idea I could walk a dog and take it places. So I decided to like dogs.


After doing lots of research, I decided greyhounds sounded like the perfect breed for me, being so cat-like. And cause I lived in Tucson, I was able to go to some M&G's and absolutely fell in love with greys! But I had also been surfing Petfinder, and somehow, a little coyote-looking shepherd mix grabbed me through my computer screen, and I adopted my first dog, Aspen. She was and always will be my heart-dog, and helped me gain a true love and obsession with dogs. Sadly, I lost her to pneumonia & probably Valley Fever just 2 1/2 months after adopting her.


After losing Aspen, I couldn't stand how quiet my apartment was. I was in the process of approaching the local grey rescue when I stumbled apon Booj on Petfinder, and brought him home from the local Humane Society. So I was a little bit closer to having a full grey. His personality is about 80% grey, 10% shepherd, & 10% pure original Boojum!


Booj and I have had lots of adventures and fun the last 7 years. About a month ago I started thinking about getting a 2nd dog sometime this year, before Booj gets much older (he's anywhere from 8-11, I'm hoping on the younger side). I started searching local grey rescue groups, when Petfinder delivered again. This time a 5 1/2 month old greyhound puppy at the local Humane Society. I wasn't sure about her at first, because I've learned working at the kennel that I'm just not a puppy-person. I love the calmer adult dogs, but I just kept looking at her profile online, and decided to go out and meet her. She had me wrapped around her paw the instant I saw her, and after a week trial to make sure she and Booj got along okay, I finalized her adoption 2 weeks ago.


I meant to come onto GT right away because I've had lots of questions, since she's my first full grey and first puppy. I've been lurking here, reading zillions of threads, and have to thank y'all for being so helpful. But we had some drama happen last week after taking Cairo to her free initial vet exam. I decided to take Booj too, because he had a lump, and I learned it was cancerous and we did surgery the next day (2 lumps actually removed). I was a complete basket case--scariest moments of my life since losing Aspen--so everything went on the back burner. Luckily, he's recovering nicely, and while they're not sure they got all of the cancer out, it's a type that rarely spreads, and may just come back as another lump that would need removal. I can handle that, given more horrible scenarios.


So that's my long-winded into (sorry, I tend to write novels). Here are some pics of my pups (at least I hope this works):


Boojum, out at the Great Salt Lake:



Cairo (ignore my dirty nose in the 1st pic--I've been helping with spring planting...with my stuffies):





Aspen, always remembered:




Amy, Boojum, & Cairo

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Welcome to GT!! welcome.gif Boojum and Cairo are gorgeous as was Aspen.wub.gif I'm so glad Cairo ended up with someone who was willing to take the time to do some research on the breed before adopting her. I hope the other two pups from the shelter find the same kind of homes.

Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

For beautiful beaded collars, check out my Facebook page: The Swanky Hound

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I'm so sorry that you lost Aspen after such a short time.....but I am thrilled for you that you have your two other cuties! Best wishes with them!


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest Angelique

To make a long story, well, long, I grew up with cats and hated dogs (don't flame me--this has a happy ending!). I thought dogs were hyper, jumpy, needy, slobbery, always-in-your-face, not-smart-enough-to-bury-their-poop, monsters.

Here, here! I wanted a cat I could take on hikes, that turned out to be a greyhound! I'm still not a dog person, but they have grown on me, except those slobbering breeds ewww... its just gross.


You have a beautiful pack, and it seems like things are working out well for you guys! Best of luck with your puppy, how active is the little Cairo? :) All the best and Welcome to GT!

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Guest IHeartDogs

Warm welcome to you and your pups! They are adorable. I'm sorry about Aspen, Run free sweetie...

Thanks for sharing your story and the greyt pics :)

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Welcome to GT!

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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