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Old Food- New Farts

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We have been feeding Ruby Natures Domain (salmon flavor-Costco) for the last year and a half. She eats it with gusto and poop is perfect. She has also maintained her weight perfectly. The new problem is, the farting is burning our eyes at night. She just started this paint peeling habit about a month ago. She has been given a clean bill of health, great labs, no worms. We barely give treats but when we do, it is American made chicken jerky and she maybe gets a piece once a week or so. No new things going on in the household. This is happening every single night from 7-10 PM but not during the day at all. Any ideas why all of a sudden this is happening ? Should we try a different food with a different protein ? I hate to make changes since she has done so well but this can't go on much longer as we will be blind from the fumes. Thanks.


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You just need to add a couple of spoons of plain live yoghurt to her food.

It let me feed Peggy the gassiest food ever - the so-called 'Gold Choice' Greyhound food - hate to think what the bronze version might have done. After that big bag was gone I got her on a medium quality kibble that was 25% chicken based and the gas problems went away.


If it doesn't clear up right away then you have to start thinking about whether the GI tract is holding back food and allowing it to ferment. Could be sore from worms or medications, giardia flare-up etc.

I know it's not ideal but consider trying the Green bag of Iams which is basically similar in recipe to what I feed.

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Guest BrianRke

Is she eating anything in the yard that you dont know about? I wouldnt change foods since she is doing so well on it, I would just add a little yogurt like others have said.

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I agree, sort of, with the yogurt suggestion. But I use probiotic capsules instead--the point of yogurt is to get the probiotics which aid digestion--yogurt gives my dog, and some others, diarrhea.


I wouldn't switch her food yet--and there is NO reason to assume that the protein source is what's making her fart. It could be any ingredient.


Did the farting start with a new bag by any chances? I hear they change ingredients in dog food sometimes, or perhaps you got a bad bag?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I have tried yogurt with her in the past after she went to the kennel and came home with diarrhea, after eating beef, so I know her tummy will tolerate it. Good idea.

It isn't when she needs to poop but in the evenings after she has ate and pooped, and she keeps doing it from about 7-10 PM when we go to bed. She never seems to fart when in her bed in the bedroom which seems odd. She goes twice a day and nothing has changed in that respect.

As for when she started a new bag of food...........not sure. Since she has been on the same one and it (the farting) has lasted longer than the bags, I don't think it is due to a bad bag. They may have changed the ingredients but not sure how I would tell. We dump the entire bag into a large locking tote each time. I don't really want to switch her since she loves it, her coat is shiny and she is maintaining a good weight.

Just had her tested for worms, parasites and had labs done so all is clear there.

Will give the yogurt a try before switching foods. Thanks for the input !

Edited by Busderpuddle


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