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Exotic Meats - Sources?


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Dandi has been diagnosed with PLE and lymphangiectasia, and needs to be on a very low fat diet, using either a completely hypoallergic, low-fat kibble (Purina HA) or home-prepared meals. The vet nutritionist recommend exotic game or fowl: kangaroo, elk, ostrich, alligator (!), etc. He has already been exposed to venison, duck, and bison. Rabbit is another option.


Can anyone recommend a good resource for this type of meat?


And has anyone used a supplement called "BalanceIT", recommended for use with a home-cooked diet?


His vet wants him on a 3.5g/kcal fat diet (REALLY low) and the vet nutritionist prepared a 5g/kcal dietary plan (my vet is discussing this with both our IM vet and the nutritionist to see if this is acceptable). She suggests using the above supplement which I believe she either formulated or is affiliated with.


If anyone wants more info on the specifics of the diet, let me know and I'll be happy to post it. Dandi is on the Purina HA (aka the cardboard) which he likes with a little z/d on top, OKed by his vet. I'd love to have him eating a much better quality diet if possible. Any other recommendations are very much appreciated.


And the good news is that Dandi's albumin has gone from 1.6 last week to 2.1 this week. He's bounced back so well. :)


Thank you!


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'BalanceIt" sound familiar - did you by chance go to the nutritionist at Angel -- if so, ask her to give you an OTC supplement list with the recommended dosages rather than using the prepackaged BalanceIt (it will be cheaper). For example, I use the oyster shell calcium and give between 3 to 4 tablets a day and my dogs are also on a regular multi-vitamin (usually one a day) along with 1 fish oil a day.


The only thing about the BalanceIt is that there is one formulation for Kidneys that does have less phosphorous, so if that is a concern then you might need to use the prepared rather than the OTC supplements.

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'BalanceIt" sound familiar - did you by chance go to the nutritionist at Angel -- if so, ask her to give you an OTC supplement list with the recommended dosages rather than using the prepackaged BalanceIt (it will be cheaper). For example, I use the oyster shell calcium and give between 3 to 4 tablets a day and my dogs are also on a regular multi-vitamin (usually one a day) along with 1 fish oil a day.


Actually, this *is* the nutritionist from Angell -- but she's at North Carolina State now! I'm going to go onto the website (I can access it now that my vet has a client #) and get more details and pricing. Here's what she said about it in her consult: "I suggest you use the Balance IT supplement. This particular product is only sold to or through a registered veterinarian or nutritionist to clients with a vet code. It was specifically designed for dogs fed homemade diets." It's at this site


The only thing about the BalanceIt is that there is one formulation for Kidneys that does have less phosphorous, so if that is a concern then you might need to use the prepared rather than the OTC supplements.


Thanks for telling me! I'll see what she has available on her website and will pass the info along.


I also found an exotic meat store just a few miles from here! I'm going to check it out in the next few days and see what I can afford.

Edited by greyhndz


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Unhelpful for you, but we have kangaroo mince at the supermarket here.... I can investigate companies who 'may' ship overseas, but otherwise, it might be difficult.


Thank you! Either 'roo or rabbit would, I thought, be good meats to try first. Here's what the store near me carries:



Wild Boar









Guinea Hen

Frog Legs

Grass Fed Beef (Scottish Highlander Beef)


No octopus, thank goodness!


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I used BalanceIt before-- actually I didn't find it too expensive when you consider how expensive supplements can be.

Thanks for the heads up on Dr Remillard's move-- glad Dandi is improving!!!

Edited to add- does Dr Remillard still do phone consults?

Edited by tbhounds
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