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The Squirrel Stikes Bacck!

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This image shows what comes of chasing park squirrels and banging yor 'knee' at 35mph against something that got in the way.

Anyway it happened in a flash and I didn't even know a squirrel was there.

Complicated suture repair to a nick in the ligament, joint capsule and skin sutures; and on a Sunday when vets are out of hours too.

She had a heavy seadative and then an antidote and is back home now well out of things. She can wear an inflatable colar when she wakes up properly.

No jumping on beds, ramp essential into car, gentle short lead walks to back yard and a little way down the road, loads of medications...

Karma payback perhaps for a squirrel she caught in the past. She's certainly proving to be one of those high-maintenance greyhounds.


Managment tips for an injury of this nature, anyone?

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Guest verthib

Ouch!! Was she on a leash? I'd put 4 legged PJs on her so she doesn't pick at it or lick it excessively. Good luck!

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Nope, she wasn't on a leash because I definitely didn't see any squirrels but she will be for sure next time she goes to that part of the park! Maybe I can train her to chase crows in open areas instead like I did my last dog.


PJ's could be an idea; but where to such things come from and how do you get them on a Greyhound? Might kiddies' 2-legged ones stay on?


Yes, it's not going to be easy and as she is a spolit bed dog there mustn't be any jumping up there either

. I don't know what would be worse jumping up or off?

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My girl did the same thing only I never even saw it happen! She was in my what I thought hound safe backyard and came in with the same injury---and yes, it was on a Sunday too! The sutures only held up for about 4 days before it was evident how thin their skin really is- all the sutures pulled through. It did heal well but, because it had to granulate in it took twice as long to heal. To stop her from licking I bought her 4 legged jammies-(she's not a good candidate for an e-collar and would always get her muzzle off-- little bugger).

Good luck- I feel your pain!

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You might try cutting the toe end off a man's sock and sliding that up her leg. You may need some vet wrap to keep it in place. That may be enough to deter her from licking the area. Just make sure it's not on too tight.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Same thing happened to Lucy about 2 years ago but, in her case she hit a stone wall in my parent's yard and her leg was cut pretty severely and blood was "spurting" all over the place. On top of it - she's not the nicest dog so she was all in a hussy fit and trying to bite me (and snarling) while I wrapped it up.


The location was the same place and it was impossible to keep her from going at it and opening it up again. We eventually had to put "gauze with tape" over the sutures in her leg and it had to be anchored to her leg with tape (what fun). It was <!!!!!> getting it off. It was stuck to her fur -- I eventually worked it off slowly by cutting the fur the tape was attached to but it took a few days. I also used some oil to work the adhesive off.


It healed great once we got the gauze to stay on the sutures.

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Guest verthib
<br />Nope, she wasn't on a leash because I definitely didn't see any squirrels but she will be for sure next time she goes to that part of the park!  Maybe I can train her to chase crows in open areas instead like I did my last dog.<br /><br />PJ's could be an idea; but where to such things come from and how do you get them on a Greyhound? Might kiddies' 2-legged ones stay on?<br /><br />Yes, it's not going to be easy and as she is a spolit bed dog there mustn't be any jumping up there either<br />. I don't know what would be worse jumping up or off?<br />
<br /><br /><br />



Google "greyhound PJs" or "greyhound pajamas" you'll find LOTS of them. i've tried the sock method and it didn't work well for us at all. good luck to you!

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Muzzle with stool guard, crate and leash walk, easy peasy. As I have said time and time again, crates serve a valuable purpose.


oOps, just saw you are on the other side of the pond, you may not have the room for a crate. Do you have an x-pen? or have the ability to keep a small section of a room partioned off where your hound could sleep during the day?

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Yes, a muzzle with a stool guard is a definite option so long as she doesn't get it off... as slippery greyhounds go she's near the top of the list. Crate's an option too, but I guess you know about the 'micro' houses we have in the UK. If the USA had our population density you'd have 2.7 billion people within your borders and something would have to give :-)

Today she's out of the post op blues and eating and drinking well, still sedated and pain relived. Banned from the bed by things being placed on it... yes a crate would be so useful.

And I found what she ran into, a darned little stone memorial plaque for a tree, I can actually see where she took the moss off the corner where she hit it.

Prey drive in Peggy is overwhelming, and when we get her better she won't be off leash again at that end of the park. Much better to go to the beach even though it's 45 minute's drive, I guesss that won't be until March now :angryfire

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

If you have issues with her getting her muzzle off, you can try to use "zip" ties between the muzzle strap and her collar. This helps keep the muzzle on for the slippery hounds.

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