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Seperation Anxiety Gone

Guest benfrench

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Guest benfrench

So a month or so ago after having Matchbox for over a year, we decided to try not crating him while we went out to the store quickly. Came home and he had done wonderfully, so we started extending our outings without the crate. Now we do not crate him at all. He used to have accidents in his crate weekly and he would cry and bark when we left, now he curls up on the couch and sleeps most of the day. He doesn't get into anything in the house, including the incredably tempting catfood, while we are gone, something he used to do at night constantly. I am so proud of him being "all growed up".

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:clap :clap :clap

That's wonderful!!

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest Wasserbuffel
He doesn't get into anything in the house, including the incredably tempting catfood, while we are gone, something he used to do at night constantly.


I've kept my grey out of the cats' food by placing it in an old chinchilla cage with an access hole cut out of one end. At dinner time both kitties climb in the cage while I open the top and fill their bowls. I don't allow my kitties on tables and counters, so keeping the food up out of Jayne range wasn't an option.

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Guest Tiptons_Mom
:yay Horray for you! We hope to one day be in your situation. Tipton is still very new to us, and is still getting settled, but your story gives us something to work at. :confetti
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Guest GreyFan09

This is wonderful news! And, it makes you feel good too I bet. We no longer crate our boy either, and he had a super bad case of SA when we got him three years ago. Frozen peanut butter cow hooves worked wonders for us initially to keep him happy in his crate, and, like you, we starting slowly with being free in the house when we went out, and gradually increased the time away. Now he is free in the house for up to 8 hours with no incidents.


However, we recently found out that he goes up on the couch when we aren't home, which is somethng we never allowed, but he somehow figured it out. We happened to come home quietly one day to find him sound asleep on the couch! :lol But if that is the worst thing he does while we are away, I can't complain one bit!



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