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Did Your Grey Regress?

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I adopted Annie Bella mid-July. She had problems with confined spaces, such as a narrow hallway, the door going outside not open wide enough, inside stairs with a wall on one side, etc. She's more tolerant of these situations but not entirely comfortable.


She also planted herself on walks... a lot! Sheesh, it drove me crazy. How *does* one move a stubborn Grey? I found out via advice from friends as well as figured out a few things myself, and when I started implementing them, it took about 3 days for her to realize momma "ain't" buying this any more. We went 4 months with almost no planting until last week and she is at it again. Some Greys velcro themselves to people. Mine velcros herself to the sidewalk. :lol I am again implementing the "get moving" tricks I used previously, but she's not buying into them as quickly or easily. I know she will eventually because we *have* to go home and I do not give up.


My question is: Has this happened to any of you? I don't men specifically planting but a regression to any undesirable behavior.

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My spooky boy freezes at the drop of a leaf. I walk him in circles until we both get dizzy and then shout LET"S GO. Works most of the time. You will always see us with the harness. We have a statue moment and I pick him up like a suitcase. This has helped me a lot when a freeze happens in a parking lot when a Harley comes along. He has inproved in three years but still has moments in new situations. Bringing in comfident fosters has helped out. Seems he won't want to be left out and tags along.

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Yes, IMHO, it usually takes a few times around to get rid of an undesirable behavior - sometimes it's a change in routine that sets them off or a new dog in the house, or even company (could be the holidays are setting something off -- did you put decorations up?). I usually attribute it to a bit of nervousness coming back but, with my fosters they usually got past it.

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Ahhh.. no decorations yet but I am having a 2nd bathroom put in (on 2nd floor where there was none) and the work started last week. It's noisy and also, she doesn't like my contractor, for no apparent reason because he's a nice guy and a dog person at that.


I used to do the circle thing with Annie back in July until I got dizzy. What works better for her and me is a slight/gentle push with my thighs or my hands on her side about shoulder level and at waist. She doesn't like it, but it gets her moving. Also, taking her muzzle in my hand, looking her closely in the eye and very firmly saying, "Come now," works too. I just thought we were way past having to do any of these things. Guess she showed me, huh. :blush

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It's been my experience that they regress when they start to feel really comfortable in their home :lol

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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It's been my experience that they regress when they start to feel really comfortable in their home :lol



That too crossed my mind. So she's being "bad" (and it's not really bad) because she feels very comfortable and knows she's here forever and ever, no matter what she does. How right she is. :rolleyes:

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I'd say it's the work doing it. You know how there are those days when you didn't get a good night's sleep, or your stressing out about something, so you get annoyed at someone for cutting in line when on a good day you would just shrug it off? That's probably what's going on with Annie. The noise and bustle of the building has her on edge, so when she meets something on the street that wouldn't bother her on a good day, it will now.


I am currently going through that with Katie. I live by a river, and they are currently doing some work on erosion control measures, so there is odd equipment and noise out that way. It's definitely affecting her, but not majorly, so I just accept it.


My blog about helping Katie learn to be a more normal dog: http://katies-journey-philospher77.blogspot.com/

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I walk Ginger on a harness. When she decides she doesn't want to walk, I just keep walking and she has no choice. I can't do that with a collar for fear she'll slip out of it. Don't know if you use a harness already or how bad the planting is but I thought I'd mention this.


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Ryder has regressed in the aspect of the kitchen. Loud bangs send him to the other side of the room or another room entirely. Even when he's eating (he's extremely food motivated) if we are making too much noise, like getting a pot out of the cupboard he leaves for the living room and waits until we notice and say it's ok. It's the only regression we've noticed. I'm trying to think if anything like that happened with Kasey, but I just remember him coming more and more out of his shell as time went on and he never went back in!


Ryder has his moments when we walk outside due to roofers.....omg, epic battle and patience to get him back to normal. He's much better than his first episodes though. What fixed him was an hour and a half walk in different surroundings. Dropped off at my parents house and we walked home, next to 6 lanes of traffic, buses, people. He suddenly realized, geeze, roofers aren't as bad as this! He really had sensory overload and has been good ever since.

Edited by XTRAWLD

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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