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Broken Leg - Suggestions

Guest Buddy

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My grey (Buddy) broke his leg (they called it a spiral compound fracture) about a month ago (fell down stairs) he is 8yrs old. We went to the first vet, he put in a pin though the middle of the marrow canal and wired the bone back together. It was not healing at all and Buddy caught MRSA from the vet as well. Now he is at a specialist (since Nov 11th)that put on some special kind of "halo" looking metal piece outside of the leg to hold it in place. They are also successfully treating the MRSA. They are expecting a full recovery. After the surgery to put on the metal brace they did not have enough skin to cover the wound, so... when you look at the wound all you see is bone. It is very hard to look at. It is healing but this is my dilemma bills are quickly approaching $10K between the first vet and the specialist. And all this at Christmas time. I am thankful that he is recovering but it is putting quite the strain on the wallet. Does anyone know if my home owners insurance would cover something like this or some other obscure something that may be able to help with the bills? Can I go back on the first vet that did not treat him properly and give him MRSA? I am not asking for money from anyone here but just any ideas that may help.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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I have been lucky enough to not have been in your situation, but I have heard others suggest care credit. I believe it is a credit card strictly for vet bills, and there is no interest if you pay it off within the alloted time. I think most vet's offices have information, or http://www.carecredit.com/vetmed/


Thank you for the suggestion. I actually looked into care credit they offer 6mo free then 27% after that - and did not offer the limits I need. As of now my only option is my other credit card.

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Just want to mention a tip about mrsa. There's a equally good chance that you could have given it to him. People are more likely carriers than pets-- it's the pets at risk from us.

I think you will find that mrsa is an equal opportunity bug- its found in virtually every hospital- human and veterinary clinic as well in the home place.

Can you take the care credit for a portion of your bill?? No interest for 6 months really helps. I have been in the same financial situation as you are now- I know how much it stings.

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Thanks for the feedback so far. I am learning more and more about MRSA everyday. I just don't want my kids to get it (2 1/2 & 6mo). As far as amputation goes that has always been the back up plan but from my understanding from the Vet is that we are past the most critical parts as far as the break goes, just waiting for the skin/meat to heal over the bone then he can come home. I am in north Georgia and Buddy is currently at UGA Veterinary Hospital - They have been great. The adoption group was my next call but i feel bad taking from other people like that, especially around this time of the year. I know they need it as bad as i do. I was really hoping to find something existing or some kind of option with my homeowners insurance. It appears so far that i have everything insured except my dog. Figures. Especially now that he is just about the most expensive thing I have.

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Can you get a part time job at UGA? They may give you a break if you become employed.


This is why I have insurance. Paying the premium hurts for 3 dogs, but it sure helps in bills of this size. I got insurance after my two girls cost me $15,000 in 6 months. It took every penny I had to pay for the premium on my remaining girl(the other didn't make it).

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Thank you to everyone for the suggestions. I went and visited Buddy last night and he is doing pretty good. They are hoping he will be able to come home in about a week or so.

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