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Guest FordRacingRon

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Guest FordRacingRon

Leia has trouble with one of her eyes,,one of those ulcer deals (I don't even know the name,,I already forgot but it is common and I did search here whan she was diagnosed and she is for sure not the first grey) where step one is debridement and medication to help the eye heal. Her followup was today and although she improved somewhat, she still has more to go. The vet did another debridement, wants us to keep her on the Tobramycin and Sodium Choride treaments for another 3 weeks to see if she will heal instead of doing more complicated procedures. We also have Tramadol for pain.


She had the idea that, since this ulcer is in the corner by tear ducts, besides adding the topical antibiotic, she would give her Doxycycline orally. The vet thinks that because part of the side effects of this is tearing in the eyes, this would help deliver more meds to the probelm so she wants us to start on this too. I just want to know what to expect with the Doxy,,she has had no side effects whatsoever from the other meds. The vet did say to make sure she eats as soon as she gets the pill.

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I'd expect nothing!


George was on Doxy for longer than I care to admit, and he had ZERO side effects.


I do give him a probiotic supplement when he's on long-term antibiotics, but other than that, no problems. Doxy has been around a long time and is quiet commonly used on dogs.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I've had three dogs on doxy. One had no side effects at all. Another had diminished appetite but nothing dramatic. My older girly Grey though had probs that likely were related to nausea. As long as she had a meal either immediately after or shortly before taking doxy she would not vomit. It worked best giving the food before the meds. Also, soon after starting doxy her appetite diminished & then fizzled out & she would yack the meds back up without food. It got to the point I was giving her an acid reducer & metoclopramide (Reglan) both for nausea & as an appetite stimulant. We had it down to 1/2 the normal dose & thankfully that worked well for the rest of her 6 week treatment.


With the exception of the above we had no prob. Some dogs had have liver probs from doxy. We actually did a small blood chem to check my girl as a precaution before giving her Reglan. That didn't seem to be the cause of her probs. It was just her GI system.


My suggestion would be to feed her first then give her the pill right afterwards to reduce even further any chance of nausea. The suggestion for a probiotic is a very good one but wait a couple hours after giving the doxy so the anti-b doesn't kill off any good effect. Keep giving the probiotic for a couple weeks (just a guesstimated time) after finishing the doxy treatment.


Good luck. I hope you can get this cleared up.

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Guest FordRacingRon

Well, Leia had her first dose last night and nothing seemed to be awry. This will only be for about 2 weeks. I fed her at the same time I gave her the pill as the vet said to do the vet told us it could get lodged in her throat and that could cause a problem so to make sure she ate/drank right afterwards. getting Leia to wolf down a pill is about as hard as watching the sun rise so getting them down her is no problem.


I just want her eye to get better. Something aobut a sighthound with diminished sight that bothers me. Although i ahve read numerous threads here about greys with diminished sight so if this doesn't work that will be fine too.

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Guest KennelMom

Given doxy to lots of dogs, fosters and my own, and no side effects that I ever noticed. Grandpa was on it daily for the last few years of his life.

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