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Separation Anxiety

Guest Ross_a_Roo

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

Hey, I need some help. Ross, hubby, and I live in an apartment. We didn't used to have a guy living below us, but now someone has moved in. Ross whines when we aren't home and I'm worried that this new guy downstairs is going to report us or something. I'm definitely going to go down there with my husband and Ross to introduce ourselves and tell him that we're trying to fix Ross's whining issues.


She whines a little when we get ready to leave the house and she knows she isn't going with us, but if i tell her to lay down in the same room with me or in the hallway she stops whining. So she doesn't have an issue when we are home. However, we often come home to her whining after any amount of time. Now, we don't find her whining every time we come home, and there isn't really any pattern.


We've tried a tight shirt. That doesn't work.

We've tried leaving music on, that doesn't seem to help either... sometimes she's not whining, sometimes she is...

We've tried some herbal anti-anxiety ointment to put in her food, but I was worried that she would get conditioned to where she would always need it for her to calm down... Can dogs even get hooked on an herbal stuff? Do you think we need to try an actual prescription? Even though it's not every time we leave?


I am a home body and don't have a job at the moment, however I don't give her attention all the time, shes just laying on the couch in the same room as me almost everyday. However, I'm applying for a couple jobs and will hopefully get one here soon.


That being said, should I try and wean her off of me being here all the time, by leaving the house for greater amounts of time? Again, she really doesn't whine that often and she doesn't seem to whine after i've been gone just for an hour or two in the morning...


The times she tends to whine are during the late afternoon evening...and we're coming home from being gone an hour, a couple hours, etc.


I'm thinking about getting some SA books from the book store, but i would really appreciate any ideas any of you have.

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How long have you had her? If she is new to your home this could be something she will outgrow in time. Is her whining really loud enough that someone on another floor could be disturbed by it? If all she is doing is whining I don't think that is really a classic case of SA which usually includes some destructive behavior and/or peeing and pooping etc. You might try giving her a 'busy toy' like a treat filled Kong when you leave to distract her.

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Does not sound like a case for medication. Sounds very mild. She may be completely quiet when you're gone, and just start whining when she hears you coming.


Please get and read the booklet, "I'll Be Home Soon" by Patricia McConnell, and work on the alone training method described in the booklet. It will help head off any potential problems!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Does not sound like a case for medication. Sounds very mild. She may be completely quiet when you're gone, and just start whining when she hears you coming.


Please get and read the booklet, "I'll Be Home Soon" by Patricia McConnell, and work on the alone training method described in the booklet. It will help head off any potential problems!



I'll second all of this.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest Ross_a_Roo

How long have you had her? If she is new to your home this could be something she will outgrow in time. Is her whining really loud enough that someone on another floor could be disturbed by it? If all she is doing is whining I don't think that is really a classic case of SA which usually includes some destructive behavior and/or peeing and pooping etc. You might try giving her a 'busy toy' like a treat filled Kong when you leave to distract her.



We've had her since late August. So she is well settled in and never had any issues about going in the house. Yes, sometimes the whining is so bad that i can hear it from the parking lot 60ft away. She does yelp sometimes when she's whining and we aren't home. Luckily, she has no destructive issues and neither does she pee or poo in the house in her distress.


However, since she is 9.5 yrs old, she doesn't know what toys are and won't touch them. She does enjoy pig ears and busy rollhides, but those are very messy. Sadly, we also ruined her on peanut butter by trying to give her liquid anti-biotics mixed in after she got her teeth cleaned early september.


We've tried putting small soft toys near where she likes to sleep on the couch thinking that she was just missing puppies since she just had her last litter in April 2010, she is spayed now btw, she was spayed the week before we got her in August 2011.


I will definitely find and read the booklet a couple of you suggested. Thanks!

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Guest BrianRke

You may already be doing this, but leave curtains/blinds open so she can see out. This bit of advice recently solved the same issue an adopter had with his new GH. He too, lived in an apartment and his neighbors DID complain to management. So far so good.

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Couple of things!


You don't want to leave things like pig ears and rawhides with an unattended dog. They can swallow them and choke.


There are plenty of other things you can put in a Kong she might like. Banana slices, ground up kibble mixed with water and made into a paste which you can freeze, be creative!


My dog has no interest in toys, at all, and never has. Food? Yes, food he likes! I used to hide kibbles around my condo for him to hunt for (that was suggested by a behaviorist) when I was gone.


Highly doubtful she "misses" puppies. Remember--she's not a person who chose to have a baby because she was in love. She was bred in hopes of producing fast puppies. She may have been an awesome mom, or she may not. But I can't imagine a dog thinking in that manner. They really do seem to live in the moment--which is why it's so key that you find SOMETHING to distract her for those first few minutes when you leave, which really is the point of the idea of a Kong with something in it!


Also, I don't think a newly adopted dog can get too much exercise, so if you're not taking her for nice long walks, consider adding them to your daily routine!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest JustGreyt05

Absolutely sounds like a potential case for meds to me due to the possibility that you might be evicted. Don't wait for your neighbors to complain. I just went through the exact same thing! My neighbor downstairs complained after I had my dog for only a month. He left me an anrgy note. I had no idea Dylan was howling! The thing is, you must find out exactly what the situation is and what your dog is doing when you're gone. Video tape him! I don't have a camera, so I used a web cam on a chair facing the crate and it worked well. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT TO DO!!

Here's what worked for me:

1.) We saw a veterinary behaviorist (board certified in behavior medicine... a fairly new speciality but oh so needed!) It was pricey but worth it. She said we need a "quick fix," not only because he had moderate SA, but also to appease my neighbor. Started xanax. Also started Paxil. My guy was a picky eater and Paxil has less of an appetite suppression effect compared to some of the other SSRI's. These take 6 weeks or so to reach their peak effect, so don't expect to see any over night changes.

2.) Bought a premier pet products Twist N' Treat dog toy per the behaviorist. My dog had zero interest in the kong. Google this toy! I highly recommend it. We used canned i/d frozen and he was able to lick at it and not get discouraged like he did with the kong.

3.) Bought a himalayan dog chew. Easy on the GI, takes forever to eat, nothing to splinter, nothing to obstruct. Google this too!

4.) Bought DAP diffuser per the behaviorist. Google it if you don't know what I'm talking about. Expensive, but worth it.

5.) Bought "Through A Dog's Ear" per the behaviorist. It's a CD that is playing on a loop in my apartment. Quite soothing study music, I might add. Again, try google.

6.) If crate faces the windows, close the blinds so he's not tempted to whine or bark at those walking by.

7.) Don't make a big deal of leaving or coming home.

8.) Start slow. I started with leaving him alone for 30 minutes. Now he's greyt for 3 hours without crying. No xanax anymore either. Vet is quite happy and says to add 10 minutes each time I leave him alone. Add 10 minutes --> he's okay for 4 "alone times" at that length --> add another 10 minutes.

10.) If your neighbors complain: Good communication being sincere really worked for me. Explain how your dog is a retired racer.... not used to being alone... you're working on the problem. Gave mine my business card, said call if you're disturbed and I will send someone or come home myself to remedy the situation. Ask when they usually go to bed and try to minimize the dog's alone time then. Bake them something and bring it over with your dog to apologize. If you see them checking their mail or walking to their car or something, explain how the dog is doing and smile a lot. That works for me.

11.) In the meantime when I'm going to be gone longer than what my dog can handle, I take him to daycare. It's free for me because I work there, so I realize that I'm pretty lucky. Still, its an option.


Good luck!

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It's definitely a good idea to go down there and meet your neighbor and explain to him that you're actively working on the whining. Definitely let him know that this is not an extremely uncommon thing with newly retired greyhounds and that it's also very fixable and just takes a little time. People are generally a lot more patient when they know that something is actively being worked on rather than thinking that you're doing nothing about it. Even better if he meets Ross. Another thing you could do is encourage your neighbor to let you know if Ross is whining. In a way, it involves your neighbor in the process which sort of gets him invested in Ross's success and would make it less likely he'd could get frustrated at you and makes a complaint.


It does sound like Ross is just exhibiting some mild separation anxiety, it's certainly a normal thing given he's new. he just hasn't learned to feel good about being by himself. Your being home all the time can definitely exacerbate it. Really, the best thing you can do is go through very deliberate 'alone training' with him. Susan's recommendation of the 'I'll Be Home Soon' book is a good one.

Lima Bean (formerly Cold B Hi Fi) and her enabler, Rally. ☜We're moving West!


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I would start the alone training right away. I am home all day too. My dogs are ok alone, but when I have a foster, I make sure I leave the house every day for varying times. One of the most common questions I get asked by potential adopters is how long can they be left alone. Most people work, so the dog needs to know how to be alone. The Patricia McConnell booklet is an excellent suggestion. Good luck.

<p>Mom to Kyle (Diehard Kyle) & Angel Gracie (KB's Sankey) Foster Mom for AFG

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

Well, the booklet is on order, they didn't have it at any of the bookstores. I should get it in a couple days. Thanks all for the suggestions!!!

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Well, the booklet is on order, they didn't have it at any of the bookstores. I should get it in a couple days. Thanks all for the suggestions!!!


Book stores?






There is nothing they don't have!


Please try not to despair! You're really darn lucky if all she's doing is whining. She's still very new in your home, and this is NOT a severe case (and please--do not drug this dog!). You might give the DAP diffuser a try. I used that for George. Don't know if it helped or not. Also available on Amazonl.com. And if you're not, you might leave the TV or radio on. Word is most Greyhound kennels have radio playing 24/7.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

Well, the booklet is on order, they didn't have it at any of the bookstores. I should get it in a couple days. Thanks all for the suggestions!!!


Book stores?






There is nothing they don't have!


Please try not to despair! You're really darn lucky if all she's doing is whining. She's still very new in your home, and this is NOT a severe case (and please--do not drug this dog!). You might give the DAP diffuser a try. I used that for George. Don't know if it helped or not. Also available on Amazonl.com. And if you're not, you might leave the TV or radio on. Word is most Greyhound kennels have radio playing 24/7.



Don't worry, I wanted the drugs to be the absolute last option. I should get the book in a couple days and I'll look into the DAP diffuser.

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