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Irrational Fears

Guest greyers

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

I don't think fear of flies is irrational, think of where they come from. I would guess that it is virtually impossible to rid the kennels of all flies, especially the biting kind. So you have a room full of kennels with hounds that cannot get away from flies that are biting them. Wouldn't you get freaked out by flies?

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Jaynie, who is otherwise pretty bomb proof, is afraid of the vent hood over the stove. It's OK on the lowest setting, usually OK on the second setting if she's not on the nearest dog bed, but never OK on the highest setting (which is very loud). I don't know that it's the noise level - it never bothered anyone else - but poor Jaynie gets as far away from it as she can get and shakes. Needless to say, I virtually never use that setting.

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annie- sting instruments, SIN is a cellist, DD a violist, when they stay here and practice(4-6 hrs a day minimium) she freaks! women- i guess she likes the male kennel help better. she will be submissive but any female who has let her out can walk up to her and bring them in, she just cowers! that includes my 88 year old mother who she won't walk past. she does not respond to their recall at all. she hates people w/ spanish accents, hides in the other room.


felix- a bomb could go off and he doesn't react! he's one of those dogs who barks back at thunder!

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Guest greyers

A crank style flashlight.


I had to look up what this is! :lol


I'm finding some of these fears other pooches have very entertaining. Not meaning that in a negative or uncaring way. It's just amusing to see the various personalities. :P

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Guest greyers

I don't think fear of flies is irrational, think of where they come from. I would guess that it is virtually impossible to rid the kennels of all flies, especially the biting kind. So you have a room full of kennels with hounds that cannot get away from flies that are biting them. Wouldn't you get freaked out by flies?

Very good point. Thank you for that insight. I hadn't thought about how being crated might effect that.

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Guest pennmorgan

For a while Olivia was afraid of aluminum foil, but I'm not sure if that's still the case. She also doesn't like that compressed air noise that buses make when they stop. And of course, she's afraid of the bathroom (baths are scary)! But otherwise, she's a rock.

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Myka is afraid of foil and any big kitchen or bbq utensils. I also have a big fly swatter that you can charge. If she sees anyone pick it up she will go upstairs and hide.

Edited by Jenbo

Camp Broodie with tuxedo Summer 12 and tuxedo Dio 6

Missing KC Kitty 2000-2016, Myka and part of my heart 2006-2020, and Saint YellBoy 2014-2020

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Guest BrianRke

Hahahaa. Pumpkins! I love that :lol


What is a chargeable fly swatter jenbo?

I have one of those too and all of my dogs are terrified of it! I had forgotten because I stopped using it for that reason. Mine looks like a tennis racket, you can push a button and the paddle part will electrocute(sp?) the bug. It makes a popping sound like a bug zapper.

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Guest GreyFan09

Comet is scared to death of the evil helium balloons! If someone walks in the house with them, he's turns tail and runs out of the room until they are put away and the danger has past! LOL! He's also not too thrilled with the garden hose either.

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Guest shanesmom

Shane was only afraid of shiny floors. Elton had no fears. Ace is afraid of lots of stuff. He's terrified of men, afraid of shiny floors, afraid of the garbage truck, afraid of a light on a post on the property that makes a buzzing sound, afraid of the scarecrow on my neighbors balcony and the list goes on. He used to walk around looking at the sky and ducking as if he was afraid the sky was going to fall on him. He is making wonderful progress though. Doesn't freeze on walks any more either. I can get him to check out most of his fears because he really is curious and trusts me now. The main fear he still is not making any progress toward is his fear of men. I can not get him near a man not even for a favorite treat. He does love my son though and has since day one so I was really surprised he is so afraid of all other men.

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Guest snoopycomehome

Dragon- the other day when we had to move furniture around and vacuum the house before the carpets were cleaned...he was so scared! :unsure


Gypsy Girl- can't handle surround sound


And neither of them like the cats. They won't look at them. Because if you don't look at the cat it doesn't exist, right? :lol

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Guest LuvsGreys

Lily is afraid of the sound of bagpipes.


This cracks me up. Enza can walk past a moving train that blows its whistle and be fine. Thunder and fireworks are no big deal. A truck will backfire and she will glare at me because it's my fault.


However, ducks. Ducks are her nemesis.


Yep - any birds that attack...she has a fear-aggressive response. Get 'em before they get you - even if they are at the top of a telegraph pole, you just go nuts.

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