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Skin Wound ... Did I Distroy Her Trust?

Guest Apollo_Dog

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Guest Apollo_Dog

So I recently have adopted a second greyhound back in the beginning of August, there's been an adjustment period for both my male grey, us and her, but overall we have been doing well ... tonight I noticed she had 2 skin scraps on the front of her legs ... not sure at all how she got them. Nothing to need stitches, but enough that there was bleeding and she was licking. At first she allowed me to clean and put antibiotic ointment on, but I tried to wrap each leg with vet wrap to prevent licking and she started to flip out. I had her muzzled during the entire time b/c I thought she might try to bite ... it's lucky I did. I managed to get 1 leg wrapped, but not the other before she was in complete melt down. She's currently in her crate in the bedroom calming down ... did I completely destroy her trust? She was whining and barking and trying to get away when trying to help her, I was gentle the entire time, but I don't know if I did something wrong. I haven't had this problem with my male grey, but he completely trusts me. Plus, when I was trying to help her, he tried to jump in and protect me (which he stopped after I told him to) ... so I'm guessing that made things much worse. What do I do about the wound? I don't want it to be infected.

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Don't worry, she and your bond will be fine. Just keep the wounds clean. Unless she's licking a ton I wouldn't bother wrapping them up. If she starts licking a lot, put duct tape on the front of her muzzle and keep her muzzled. As for her trust, some stinky treats and a love session should make up for everything. How tight did you wrap her legs? Could they have been too tight making her uncomfortable? Once she's calm, let her out of the crate and pretend nothing happened (she will know if you are still freaked out, so take some time and calm yourself down too). She will come around. Also, don't use the crate as punishment, I'm not saying you did, but overall it actually makes them hate the crate.

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Guest Apollo_Dog

I know i didn't wrap her one wound tight at all ... I think she got freaked out by the bandage, b/c she yelped when I touched the wound with a 4x4 gauze, but didn't yelp when I touched the wound with ointment ... I really like the idea about duct tape on the muzzle to prevent licking. As for the crate, she ran and hid in there, so I'm letting her be b/c she feels safe in there. I just approached her with some cheese and she gladly took it, I haven't pressured her out of the crate at all ...

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Guest avadogner

I know how upsetting it is when your hound gives the GSOD (greyhound scream of death). It doesn't sound like you hurt her or destroyed her trust in you. Y'all are in the early phases of building a relationship and the things that really matter are conistently meeting her needs on a usual schedule. I know it sounds over simplified but by keeping her tummy happy, her potty needs met, giving extra stinky rewards to entice new experiences and consitently being a kind, firm leader will make her a happy pack member. I would keep an eye on the cuts and keep them clean. It sounds like the wrapping of the leg is what freaked her out so bad, so I would leave the scrapes unbandaged. You can apply an antibiotic cream to keep infection away. If she is chewing it up and making it worse, you may have luck with redirecting her. Exercise/play with her until she is tuckered out. A sleeping hound won't chew on a cut. Sometimes licking is like an OCD behavior in greys. They do it when bored, stressed or need to self sooth. Mine still lick the hardwood floors for no reason. Hang in there!

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Caring for your wounded girl can actually increase your bond. My first had a leg wound that was pretty serious and needed dressing changed daily for a couple weeks. I now call her my "velcro girl" because she is so bonded to me! Remember you are in charge. Be gentle and firm.


You both will be fine.

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Guest PhillyPups

You feed her, she will love you and follow you to the ends of the earth. :)


You feed her and love her and adore her and she will follow you through he77 in a gasoline suit.


She was probably afraid of what you might be doing to an area that was painful to her and only had one way to protect herself, flight and/or fight.


I have an older girl, Moe, who never left the farm to race. She never had the kennel life. I went to pill her the way I have always pilled by hounds and she bit me. Does she love me? You bet. She just did not know what was happening. Now she gets her meds in liverwirst or hot dogs and is fine. It was my fault, not hers, and I forgot she is a bit freaky at times. Did not destroy her love or trust.


Your girl will be find. A tip on wrapping the skinny legs, pad them with sanitary napkins, they will squish so the vet wrap will be tight enough, but not so tight it cuts circulation.


I would be careful of duct tape on a muzzle unattended. If they regurgitate for any reason, it could be deadly.


Good luck.

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Invest in Bactine antiseptic spray. You can spray it without touching the wound, and it doesn't sting. A spray-on liquid bandage might be a possibility, but some of those sting like you wouldn't believe, so be sure it's something you've tested on yourself.


Just be sure your girl is okay with hissing spray sounds. My newest girl spooks if I surprise her with it. If I let her know it's coming, she's okay. (Sorta.)


Bits of cheese or other treats, dropped into her muzzle as you work, will help. Or put a glob of peanut butter on a plate and let her lick that through her muzzle.


And put your boy someplace where he'll stay out of the way. You don't want your girl to feel she's being ganged up on; and the fewer teeth and toenails in range, the less likely someone will get hurt.


A little minor licking isn't a big deal. You just want to make sure she doesn't get obsessive about it. That's when you may need to muzzle her.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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If you don't know when the wounds occurred and the legs seem more sensitive than they should, a trip to the vet might be in order. There might be some infection setting in.


I would put the muzzle back on her and gently apply pressure above and below the wounds. If you get an extreme reaction or if the areas feel puffy I would consider the vet. If you can get this far with no reaction, try just taking out the vet wrap and unrolling a bit. If you get a reaction without even applying the vet wrap, then you probably just have a drama queen on your hands.rolleyes.gif

Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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don't worry, it sounds like you might have a drama queen residing in your house. irrigating the scrape with saline solution a couple of times a day will promote really fast healing. just mix sea salt(french gray sea salt from the health food store seems to have the best healing properties) with hot water(it should be a tad salty to taste but not a strong salty taste). let it cool and keep it in a bottle. i refill a clean nose spray container(which initially had saline nose spray- sea salt solution) and squirt it on the scrape. no antibiotics or greasy neosporin. the wound will scab and dry up.

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Yeah, what everyone else said. :)


A box of BurpDogs and she will be your best friend again. :B

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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