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Xanax Or Ace?

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Hi all,


Hubby and I have had Joe for a little over a year; he wasn't a fan of thunderstorms last summer/fall, but has been really spazzy this year during any inclement weather. Like, it drizzles and he's panting & pacing!


I should buy him a Thundercoat, but I've been hoping that he'd improve with time and light medication. (I'm not a fan of heavy drugs long term for something like this, since I won't always be around exactly 2 hours before it storms to medicate him. I also wouldn't want to leave him alone, freaked out, and wearing a Thundercoat -- I get the GSOD when his foot is resting in one of my sandals, if a coat caught on something while I wasn't around I can see him going pretty nuts!)


Anyhow, the first drug the vet gave me was Ace, 25mg every 12 hours. I read about it here, and had mixed feelings about giving it to him. I tried him with half a dose, and wasn't happy with how out of it he seemed. Zombie-dog! He was able to get up when I asked him to go upstairs for bed, so I don't feel like it was dangerous for him. I just didn't think it was something I wanted him on regularly.


The vet has since given him generic Xanax, .25mg/tablet, 1-2 tablets every 12 hours. After the Ace experience, I started him REAL LOW, but have since worked up to the maximum dose. In general, I like it. He's still not happy about storms, but can lay in his bed and pant, instead of pacing and panting with drool strings hanging off his jaw. I'm hoping that he's starting to learn that storms suck, but they won't hurt him. We've gotten through several shorter storms drug-free.


Thing is, I'm worried that this nasty Hurricane (hopefully tropical storm when it gets here!), will undo the progress he's made this summer and set the poor guy back to being a quivering heap of Jello like he was this past spring. I'm wondering if using this Ace, just this once, to help him sleep through most of it might be a reasonable thing to do.


What do you think?




I'll introduce us properly later, but here's a picture of my baby-boy so I'm in compliance with the :rules



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I use melatonin and a thundercoat. If you don't have a coat yet, you can try a child's t-shirt. Make it tight by rubber banding the loose part, or clipping with a binder clip. Or, you can make a wrap from a towel and an ace bandage. Make it tight like a hug.

Edited by Houndtime

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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I use melatonin and a thundercoat. If you don't have a coat yet, you can try a child's t-shirt. Make it tight by rubber banding the loose part, or clipping with a binder clip. Or, you can make a wrap from a towel and an ace bandage. Mike it tight like a hug.


Sounds like an idea! He's a big fan of being wrapped in a blankie, and is fine with wearing clothes. He also likes it when I lay on top of him :rolleyes: ; but I have to get up once in awhile.

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If I were faced with horrible winds and storms, I'd ace. I only use 5mg of ace for my 65 pound girl. She is able to walk and eat and if there's no noise she can go outside and potty. She has HORRIBLE thunder phobia. For the past several years I've used 100 mgs. of benedryl (yes, my vet is aware of that dosage and approves) and it's worked VERY well. But this year, the thunder had been relentless and horrible and I have had to give her 2 doses of Ace. I really prefer to use something lighter, but will use it when needed, and by golly, in my book a hurricane counts! Heck, if I were in a hurricane, I might give it to everyone including me, no wait, I'd take the xanax or valium or benedryl!!! J/K!

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Greys are sensitive (WAY) to ace. I would do one of the above suggestions

Good luck to you all

Edited by jamngrey

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Guest HHHounds

We had a hound who HATED storms with a passion - hurricaines did not phase her in the least. We used ACE for the first hurricaine and nothing for subsequent hurricaines. The worst part was trying to get her to go potty in all that rain because she hated getting wet too!

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We had a hound who HATED storms with a passion - hurricaines did not phase her in the least. We used ACE for the first hurricaine and nothing for subsequent hurricaines. The worst part was trying to get her to go potty in all that rain because she hated getting wet too!


Yeah. I have no idea how I'm going to get him to potty. He's such a good boy that he won't "go" on the covered porch. I know he won't have an accident in the house, but he's likely to be pretty uncomfortable from holding it. I think I'm probably going to be leash-walking during the freakin' storm. Love this dog!

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Guest BrianRke

Thats a really low dose of Xanax. Diamond, my 62lb female, takes 3mg of Xanax before a storm. I personally dont like ACE for anxiety, since it is NOT an anxiety drug. When they take it, they are still terrified but unable to react to their emotions (which I think would be torture). It also has terrible side effects.


Xanax works great with no lasting hangover effect the next day.


Melatonin does nothing for my dogs.

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Guest newbee

I started using the thunder shirt (read about it on GT, everyone seem to have good results or not) with Melatonin. Big change in Cooper. He would pant, pace and shake. Would not eat or drink for 8hrs. Now he is more calm, still pants now he is eating and drinking. Twilight was the same way much improved.:) However, each dog is different what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. Good luck ;)





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Thats a really low dose of Xanax. Diamond, my 62lb female, takes 3mg of Xanax before a storm. I personally dont like ACE for anxiety, since it is NOT an anxiety drug. When they take it, they are still terrified but unable to react to their emotions (which I think would be torture). It also has terrible side effects.


Xanax works great with no lasting hangover effect the next day.


Melatonin does nothing for my dogs.


Vet said she was giving him a lower than normal dose of Xanax because he reacted so strongly to the Ace (which seems to be greyhound normal, from what I've read!). I called during the last nasty storm to see if I could give him an extra, and was told "No", but by a different vet. He's had 2 Xanax today, at about 2:30, and is doing reasonably well right now. We're having heavy rain and a little wind, but nothing major yet. The rain was light enough a while ago that we got a quick walk in, so his bladder should be good for hours. He's an 85 pounder; would another Xanax around 10 be reasonable? And/or some benedryl to help him sleep? (Benedryl gives me terrible nightmares, so I hesitate to give it to him as a sedative.)


Tonight may be the night DH gives in and lets the dog sleep with us.

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Guest BrianRke

Great news!


Im not sure why your vet would make a dosage recommendation about Xanax based on a reaction from Ace. They are 2 completely different drugs that act on different areas of the brain.


Im not trying to second guess your vet, but just sayin....

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Great news!


Im not sure why your vet would make a dosage recommendation about Xanax based on a reaction from Ace. They are 2 completely different drugs that act on different areas of the brain.


Im not trying to second guess your vet, but just sayin....


My family has used this office since the beginning of time, but only for cats. This doc has always seemed like she was pretty decent, but certainly not perfect all the time. (Ten or so years ago, she had Mom vaccinate a cancer-cat that was seemingly in remission, and well, gosh-golly-gee, the cancer came back with a vengeance!) That said, her bedside manner is awesome, she'll prescribe over the phone, and she at least read the greyhound lit. I brought her on Joe's first visit. He'll be going to NGAP for his dental, for sure! The price is very right, and it's one of their specialities. I'm inclined to use NGAP for any major procedures, and the local vet for routine stuff, like the UTI he had last winter. Oh, and Greytalk; the collective knowledge here is overwhelming!

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I use NGAP for basic innoculatins, vaccination and dentals; full or touch up. I use my regular vet for "sick" or "worrysome" issues. Lately there has not been a continuity of vets at NGAP.


Glad your boy did better.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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