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Is He Playing?

Guest BrianRke

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Guest BrianRke

Diamond loves to do zoomies around the house, she jumps on and off beds, running from room to room. Usually Daytona is not interested in what she is doing and just sorta looks at her. This morning, and on a couple other occassions, he wanted to get involved. He will chase her and try to stand in front of her. He stands straight, head up, ears up, tail up and not wagging. To me is seems more like he is trying to stop her or is aggrivated by her. Is he trying to play? or is this agression?


ETA: She is 5, he is 9.

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Guest cmacallister

I agree. Your other dog probably just wants to join in - but house zoomies are a solo activity! Lou loves to zoom around the house. His agility astounds me. My house is not big but he manages to create a whole track out of hallways, couches and beds. My favorite is the way he uses the back (where one's back goes) of the couch as a "bank" pushing off and finishing with the tightest spins in the middle of the living room. The whole perfomance scares visitors and makes our small dog bark like crazy. Aren't they amazing? Constance

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Guest Shermanator

Its the fun police! Echo does that at the bark park, when she doesn't feel like playing/running anymore. Its like 'if I am not having fun, no one else will!' Silly dogs!

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Guest Scouts_mom

Well I hate to disagree,but my Henry does that before he spins and runs, hoping my other dog, Mindy, will chase him.

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Actually this can be serious. That dog resents the other one having fun and being the centre of attention. I remember now how on the beach our Great Dane deliberately stepped in front of my Borzoi Misha who was running really fast in a straight line. The collision was brutal and fortunately nothing was broken, but if you think Greys have the GSOD, then that poor Borzoi added another 10 decibels.

It is important that the true pack structure is naturally maintained and supported... so boss dog should not be in a position to feel slighted.

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Guest june

Perhaps try distracting Daytona with some one-on-one attention while Diamond does her zoomies. Daytona will get extra attention and Diamond still gets to have her fun. Do watch that Daytona doesn't take the "stopping" to the next level. Someone could get hurt.


edited to correct spelling

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Guest BrianRke

Diamond was at it again last night, this time she was downstairs. She was trying to egg Daytona on by barking at him. He just turned his head and looked away and she would zoom past him.


Not sure why he cares sometimes and other times he doesnt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Diamond was at it again last night, this time she was downstairs. She was trying to egg Daytona on by barking at him. He just turned his head and looked away and she would zoom past him.


Not sure why he cares sometimes and other times he doesnt.


I agree with "fun police"....some dogs just hate it when it looks like another dog is having more fun than they personally know how to have... and they might like to do it too, but aren't sure how. Some "fun police" dogs will eventually learn to join in, and some won't. There's reallly no harm either way. They just have to do what works for them.

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