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Howard's Trip To The Bridge Is Cancelled By Vet

Guest roselle

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Guest roselle

Howard and I had a good morning walk and he got steak and eggs as, what I thought was his last meal. I even made the bed. The vet got an emergency and had to cancel. So Howard has a delay in his trip to the bridge and thats O.K. with me, but now I have to go through this again :angryfire

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God, the emotions you must be feeling now. It's so hard to brace yourself for the moment when you finally must say goodbye. You don't want that moment to come, but at the same time to prepare yourself for that moment and having it postponed has got to be tough. :grouphug

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Guest RNJaney09

Hmm... I don't know whether that is good or bad :dunno. I don't know what his story is, but it doesn't sound like he is suffering, considering he had a good walk and ate well. At least you get a few more snuggles with him. I'm sorry for what you are going through, you are in my thoughts. :f_white

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Guest Houndstown

So sorry for the delay. I know you would LOVE more time with him, but having had to put down one of our greys last year I know that once the decision has been made, you just want it over with. We're thinking of you and trust that all things happen for a reason.

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I know how hard this is for you. I don't know what I would have done if my vet had to cancel when I put my beautiful girl down when it was time. Saying prayers for you and Howard. :candle:hope


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Guest FullMetalFrank

My bridge kid's trip was not a planned one; so not the same situation, but what I would have given for just one more day... :cry1 He has been gone for years now; and I still long for just one more day.


I am sorry you are losing your friend.

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