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Help...how Much Benadryl?

Guest kerber

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Guest kerber

How much Benadryl?


He ate his TOTW about 1 hour ago and his legs are turning red and hot...ugh...it is probably TOTW and Canidae wet. How do I switch foods completely without that hurting his digestive process -if I switch foods, I usually mix half old half new, but I don't want to do that if that is the cause...

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Guest kerber

1mg per pound. each pill in 25 mg. You want to give them every 8hrs.

That's what I have always been told -- dogs take more benedryl than humans. That said, I have usually given my greys 2, not 3 even the big boys.

is benadryl safe if he is on prednisone, famotadine and gabapetin?

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Guest mcsheltie

Yes it is fine. But Benadryl won't help a food allergy.


I would switch him cold turkey to ground beef. Either cooked or raw. Don't give him anything else for a few days. If he has no reaction, then either add some well cooked white rice or find a limited ingredient dry food that has nothing in common with what you are feeding now. Be sure to check the fat source, often limited ingredient foods use chicken fat and there is chicken in what you are feeding now.

Edited by mcsheltie
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Guest kerber

Ok, I won't do the benadryl if it doesn't help a potential food allergy - I just can't think of what else it could be causing this flare up after he eats in the evening, and gets his gabapentin and pred. Hmmmmm, could it be the gabapentin? He's been taking the same dose for 4 months and no problems until this week...

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Guest mcsheltie

Ok, I won't do the benadryl if it doesn't help a potential food allergy - I just can't think of what else it could be causing this flare up after he eats in the evening, and gets his gabapentin and pred. Hmmmmm, could it be the gabapentin? He's been taking the same dose for 4 months and no problems until this week...

You should call your vet and ask if they think he could be reacting to the medication. Just because he hasn't in the past doesn't mean he isn't now.


In the meantime, switch him cold turkey to a protein that isn't in the food he is eating now. Beef is easily to source. Give him nothing else.

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Guest 2dogs4cats

Yes it is fine. But Benadryl won't help a food allergy.


I would switch him cold turkey to ground beef. Either cooked or raw. Don't give him anything else for a few days. If he has no reaction, then either add some well cooked white rice or find a limited ingredient dry food that has nothing in common with what you are feeding now. Be sure to check the fat source, often limited ingredient foods use chicken fat and there is chicken in what you are feeding now.


This is what I would do. Hope he feels better soon!

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Guest kerber

Ok, I won't do the benadryl if it doesn't help a potential food allergy - I just can't think of what else it could be causing this flare up after he eats in the evening, and gets his gabapentin and pred. Hmmmmm, could it be the gabapentin? He's been taking the same dose for 4 months and no problems until this week...

You should call your vet and ask if they think he could be reacting to the medication. Just because he hasn't in the past doesn't mean he isn't now.


In the meantime, switch him cold turkey to a protein that isn't in the food he is eating now. Beef is easily to source. Give him nothing else.

Will switch him to beef - is hamburger ok? what other cuts?

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Guest mcsheltie

Ok, I won't do the benadryl if it doesn't help a potential food allergy - I just can't think of what else it could be causing this flare up after he eats in the evening, and gets his gabapentin and pred. Hmmmmm, could it be the gabapentin? He's been taking the same dose for 4 months and no problems until this week...

You should call your vet and ask if they think he could be reacting to the medication. Just because he hasn't in the past doesn't mean he isn't now.


In the meantime, switch him cold turkey to a protein that isn't in the food he is eating now. Beef is easily to source. Give him nothing else.

Will switch him to beef - is hamburger ok? what other cuts?


Any cut, including hamburger, is fine (no liver!) I just read he is now having diarrhea. I would cook the beef at first and drain the fat. If you want to go raw eventually, stop cooking and/or draining the fat when his stools firm up.

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How much Benadryl?


He ate his TOTW about 1 hour ago and his legs are turning red and hot...ugh...it is probably TOTW and Canidae wet. How do I switch foods completely without that hurting his digestive process -if I switch foods, I usually mix half old half new, but I don't want to do that if that is the cause...


I don't think your problem is with the TOTW. I was looking at the ingredients of the new food. It has several of the same ingredients (sunflower seeds/oil, cranberries, guar gum, carrageenan) I mentioned in the other thread that are in the Canidae which have not been in the TOTW.

Feeding him just cooked chicken for a few days is a good idea. Also if you can get +15 or +16 Manuka honey it is really good for soothing the digestive tract. Once things have had time to settle down then try giving him the TOTW again slowly with the chicken, but no other canned foods and see if you get a reaction. He may have developed an allergy to it but you'll never really know unless you try it without the canned you've started adding.


ETA: Just read McShelties post, switching proteins and feeding ground beef instead of the chicken is a really good idea. I hope you can get it figured out what is causing this.

Edited by 4My2Greys
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Guest d0ggiem0mma

And I disagree that the benedryl won't help. If he's getting red and inflamed, the benedryl will probably help. It definitely won't hurt.


I've *NEVER* seen a food reaction like that. It sounds to me like this is a reaction to a medication he is getting at night. Saying that he's never reacted before is not even relevant as you have to be exposed to something more than once before you develop an allergy. I was never allergic to poison ivy until last summer, and then I had a very severe reaction.

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Saying that he's never reacted before is not even relevant as you have to be exposed to something more than once before you develop an allergy. I was never allergic to poison ivy until last summer, and then I had a very severe reaction.


I agree, although I suspect a substance in the newer foods I also said that he could have developed an allergy to the TOTW. That is why I said she should test it out alone. As long as other things are introduced at the same time she will never know for sure. I know from personal experience also how allergies can develop seemingly overnight to something that has never bothered you before. Just recently Nadir has developed an allergy to the fish oil capsules I used to give him everyday. I used too give him (6) 1000 mg capsules everyday, now if I give him just one a day for a few days it leads to bouts of incontinence as allergies tend for some reason to affect his bladder. When I suspected the fish oil I stopped giving it to him and the incontinence stopped. To make sure though after he had been clear of any accidents for some time I gave him the fish oil capsules again and sure enough the troubles started again. By testing it out I knew for sure where the problem lie.

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IBD dogs have that reaction when having an inflammatory response to their food. I don't know if Benedryl will help, but it might not hurt.


If it is an inflammatory response, as opposed to a true "allergy," he may well continue having it to the next protein you try. Therefore, I'd go to something more unusual, like venison, that you're willing to sacrifice -- venison because it's too expensive to feed long term (unless you have no other choice, like us). Then you can switch later to another novel protein that you might want to continue feeding, like any of them that aren't super expensive or hard to find -- beef, duck, bison, etc.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest kerber

Just wanted to mention that one of my boys turned red as a beet from a food allergy--- turns out it was the sunflower oil in the food.

That is a good analogy - he turns a beet red color, and since they have thin skin, it really shows where there is no fur.

He still has "D", but today he has been able to hold it until he gets outside.


If it is gabapentin, is stopping that med cold turkey bad since it works on the neuro stuff? Withdrawal symptoms?

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As a starting point, if you've just recently added the Canidae, and if he's been on TOTW for a long time, working on a elimination diet, I'd stop the Canidae immediately. If the symptoms stop, you know that was it, if not, then you can try another food or it may be one of the drugs he's been taking, especially if he's been on them long term. I'd talk with the vet asap and see what he says.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Just wanted to mention that one of my boys turned red as a beet from a food allergy--- turns out it was the sunflower oil in the food.

That is a good analogy - he turns a beet red color, and since they have thin skin, it really shows where there is no fur.

He still has "D", but today he has been able to hold it until he gets outside.


If it is gabapentin, is stopping that med cold turkey bad since it works on the neuro stuff? Withdrawal symptoms?


I don't know if you read my last posts, but sunflower seeds and oil are in both the new foods you've added recently. I don't know if it's available where your at, but Evangers has a line of canned foods that contain strictly one meat source, nothing else is added. That way you wouldn't have to worry which added ingredient is causing the problem. You would want to stick with a protein that is also in the TOTW though.

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Guest kerber

Just wanted to mention that one of my boys turned red as a beet from a food allergy--- turns out it was the sunflower oil in the food.

That is a good analogy - he turns a beet red color, and since they have thin skin, it really shows where there is no fur.

He still has "D", but today he has been able to hold it until he gets outside.


If it is gabapentin, is stopping that med cold turkey bad since it works on the neuro stuff? Withdrawal symptoms?


I don't know if you read my last posts, but sunflower seeds and oil are in both the new foods you've added recently. I don't know if it's available where your at, but Evangers has a line of canned foods that contain strictly one meat source, nothing else is added. That way you wouldn't have to worry which added ingredient is causing the problem. You would want to stick with a protein that is also in the TOTW though.


I have been reading the posts, absolutely - thanks. I am giving him hamburger for dinner tonight to see if anything happens and will wait 1 hour after dinner to see if the gabapentin does anything...


In your other thread on this same subject I mentioned that this could be pretty serious -- are you able to take your dog to an e-vet?

I brought him to the vet on Friday and discussed the issue - she seems to think food allergy. E-vet meaning emergency vet?


I am also looking into a different vet in the area that has more experience with LS and will bring this issue up again. My dog isn't beet red all the time, only for about 4-5 hours at night, usually between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. I feed dinner and give meds about 7 p.m.

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