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Which Probiotic?

Guest brit1

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Guest brit1

I need to get my dog a probiotic to replace the friendly bacteria destroyed by the metronidazole a vet put her on. Just wondering which human grade one anyone recommends that i can get at local health food store. Thanks Brit

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I cannot recommend a human grade probiotic but, I do heartily recommend Fortiflora. I purchase it at Entirely Pets. http://www.entirelypets.com/fortifloradog.html

Irene ~ Owned and Operated by Jenny (Jenny Rocks ~ 11/24/17) ~ JRo, Jenny from the Track

Lola (AMF Won't Forget ~ 04/29/15 -07/22/19) - My girl. I'll always love you.

Wendy (Lost Footing ~ 12/11/05 - 08/18/17) ~ Forever in our hearts. "I am yours, you are mine".

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I give mine Primal Defense. Works great. I take them periodically too. Also some of my houndies will eat them like they are a treat. They have HSO's (beneficial soil organisms) so I figure that may be why they like them so much. They crunch them up and chew and enjoy them instead of swallowing whole. Easy to pill too if they are one that won't eat them. Cheapest on EBAY.


My holistic vet reccommended acidophissis(spelling ?) "Pearls" available refrigerated at most health food/pharmacytores. They work good too.

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My vet now recommends/uses a new (I think) dog probiotic called Proviable (you can get it online too). He says he's seen really excellent results with it, that it's replaced Fortiflora as what they recommend. I know it has a lot more strains of bacteria than Fortiflora does.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest mcsheltie

At a health food store look for one that guarantees a billion+ microorganisms thru the expiration date. Lactobacillis Acidophilus is the only strain any research has been done on. And it alone will do the job. The other strains at this point are more marketing than anything, as there are no studies proving they actually work.

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There are many good products around. I have had great luck with Fastrack by Conklin. It is available at many of the local feed stores. There are various formulas of it for both pets & livestock. I like the "Fastrack Ruminant Microbial Gel" because it is more economical overall for me but there is a Canine formula of it also. The one for ruminants also includes vitamins. It's just worked better for me for a pet recovering from an illness & antibiotics.


Some of us have found & even OSU/Dr Couto now suggest that regular administration of probiotics can be beneficial for Greyhounds. For that I just use a powdered supplement, either a good quality probiotic capsules with live, colony forming L acidophillus or Fastrack powder.

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There are many good products around. I have had great luck with Fastrack by Conklin. It is available at many of the local feed stores. There are various formulas of it for both pets & livestock. I like the "Fastrack Ruminant Microbial Gel" because it is more economical overall for me but there is a Canine formula of it also. The one for ruminants also includes vitamins. It's just worked better for me for a pet recovering from an illness & antibiotics.


Some of us have found & even OSU/Dr Couto now suggest that regular administration of probiotics can be beneficial for Greyhounds. For that I just use a powdered supplement, either a good quality probiotic capsules with live, colony forming L acidophillus or Fastrack powder.


Definitely agree that regular administration is beneficial. I believe it really helps them-especially the old ones. They don't get them everyday unless they are feeling poorly or taking antibiotics but they do get them regularly and actually they get yogurt almost everyday also. Been doing that for years and it is very rare to ever see one with the Big D in my pack.

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