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Suggestions For Soothing A Whiney Hound?

Guest JennaRN

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Guest JennaRN

I am in desperate need of suggestions. I recently changed jobs from working 2 nights/week to 5 nights/week. My beautiful 8 year old grey (who is truly the apple of my eye) seems to be having some adjustment issues with this apparently. She has always been a "typical" greyhound- lazy lazy, content to lay around all day, but the past few weeks with me sleeping most of the day has turned her into a "whine-machine". I am miserable- I can't sleep and obviously she is frustrated too. Not sure if there is some cabin fever going on with our lovely Ohio weather as well or what. She has never really liked to go for walks, only sporadically, and mostly on HER terms! When I wake up I have been trying to give her special rubbies and play w/ her favorite toy, but it just doesn't seem to appease her for long. ANY suggestions on things that I should try to keep her occupied or interested in while I sleep would be greatly appreciated. This can't go on much longer, for both of our sakes. I especially hate the negative feelings and short temper that I have had w/ my girl lately :(

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Depending on how food motivated she is, she might like a Kong Wobbler. We save part of the kibble from the breakfast portion and give it to Rocket in the Wobbler to keep him occupied in the afternoon. He empties it fairly fast, but is content to sleep for a while after palying with the woobler.


You might also try leaving some TV or radio on so there's some background noise and keep her from whining at noises outside.

Edited by Time4ANap

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Guest IrskasMom

I am sure you are tiered when you get home from work but I would take her for a long walk and tier her out to and then go to sleep . You can to give her a stuffed Kong to make it a little more appetizing to peacefully go to sleep and she would be accupied . :):)

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Guest d0ggiem0mma

Where in Ohio are you? I'm in Columbus. Maybe a play date would appease her? My girl gets whiney sometimes too but I try not to fall into that trap. They whine, you fuss over them trying to get them to stop whining, they figure out whining = attention.... ugly cycle. When Maggie starts whining I tell her "Go lay down!" and try not to fuss over her until she shuts up, THEN I go pet on her. It took a few days for it to sink in, but now she doesn't whine unless she needs to poop!


If that doesn't work, maybe leash walks would be a good idea. I know you said she isn't the biggest walker, but it will burn that extra energy and hopefully tire her out. Mine just went for a 2 mile hike and now she is OUT COLD!



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Guest iLoveLucie

I would second the advice of the others... try a treat stuffed Kong and going for walks.


I work from home and my grey is lazy/sleepy, which works great with my schedule of all day conference calls. But every now and then she'll get up and in my face and whine. Rarely she'll even start barking at me. Usually this is to tell me she needs to go out - but also just wants my attention. So I take her out, even if it's only a quick walk outside and when she comes back in she is fine.


Not sure if this would work for your girl, but would you consider doggie day care? My hound goes maybe 1 or 2 times a month for half day (3-5 hours). After day care - she is zonked - she'll sleep for the next week!

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One of my girls tried the whining and I quickly stopped it. She is sent from the room to lay down. For a while she still whined in the other room but it was easier for me to ignore in the other room. B)


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Guest LokisMom

I have one that whines for attention. a lot. If it gets too bad during sleep time, I show him the squirt bottle. He remembers the squirt bottle from his "stop trying to eat my cat" training so it usually hushes him up.


I made the mistake of trying to soothe him. It made him into a much worse whiner I believe. And I am paying for it. My advice, don't give in or give attention. It may take a few days of being tired but she should catch on.

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I am in ohio too. What part are u in? I agree with walking her before u go to sleep.Then also play some games in the house. Do u have a basement she can play in? The weather here is suppose to improve. Hopefully no more snow :colgate

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I'm unclear if you're working both night AND day?


Sounds like all she needs is a little time, and all the stuff you did before when you weren't working at night you need to do during the day.


In other words, if she used to get a walk every evening at 6, she needs that walk when you're not working (or sleeping) at a consistent time daily. She doesn't understand your shift has changed; you need to change her "shift" too, and it will take a little while for her to get that night is now day and day is now night! But it can be done!


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Guest Shermanator

Ugh, when my DH worked nights, our bridge boy Patton would whine ALL DAY LONG. He'd want to go out, come back in, over, and over. As a last result, we got a dog door, so Patton could come and go as he pleased. It worked. Patton could lounge in the sun as much as he wanted, and DH could sleep.

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Guest TexasGreytMom

Some are just a lot more vocal than others, for sure! Dora will sleep til noon if we let her, and Shelby is up early and walking around our bed whining to get us up.


On weekends, if I try to sleep in a bit, and if DH is outside doing chores, she paces and whines and eventually BARKS until I get up. She just doesn't like to be ignored when she knows that someone is home. She's fine when we leave, though (we've listened outside the door). We call her our "attention hound!"


Ditto the idea to walk her (even if you're exhausted) - it will be to your advantage. And, Kongs are wonderful!


My DS has a non-grey and he lives in an apartment and takes his pup to the dog park to tire him out. He uses a ball launcher and the pup will fetch until he practically drops. Exercise (and the bonding time and attention that goes with it) is definitely the key! :)

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Guest JennaRN

Thanks for the advice. I am enjoying a 2 week vacation @ home currently on a "normal" schedule. Hopefully I can take some of these tips for next week when I am back on full time nights. I think I have given into the whining too long...Darla is my first grey and first dog. Have had her for about 5 years now...hopeful to teach an old dog new tricks! And for those who have inquired- we live in Wooster.

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