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Echo Is Eating Rocks. Rocks!

Guest Shermanator

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Guest Shermanator

I have no idea where to post this.

I live in the desert, and my back yard is nothing but small rocks. We have had Echo for @ 4 months, and this is brand new behavior. I have NO idea how to stop this. I'm worried about her teeth, and her tearing something internally by eating it, or throwing it up. And I'm worried about the possibility of a blockage.


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For the same reason dogs eat dirt or poop, because they can. I'd get a muzzle with a stool guard and put it on her. I've heard of dogs getting intestinal blockages from swallowing rocks.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Shermanator

For the same reason dogs eat dirt or poop, because they can. I'd get a muzzle with a stool guard and put it on her. I've heard of dogs getting intestinal blockages from swallowing rocks.


I know. BUT she tears up the house with a muzzle on. We might have to bite the bullet on that.

Spoke to the vet and he immediately said its Pica

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Well I didn't realize they had a name for it. Saint and Jilly Bean are the two here that like to eat poop and they're both perfectly healthy. Haven't had a problem with either one of them so I'm guessing they would fall under the behavior category.:lol I tried everything to stop them and finally gave in and put muzzles on them.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Do you have a dog door? If so, can it be locked during the day while you're at work so she doesn't have to be muzzled while you're at work. That way you could just muzzle her when you're home and take the muzzle off when she comes inside.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11

Our Staggerlee eats rocks, too!


We live in the N. Georgia Mountains, and there are a lot of red clay type rocks in our outside big pen. I, too, am worried about broken teeth and/or a blockage. Muzzles? NOT in this house! When the muzzles come out, my five think it is time for a ride in the van, and they GO NUTS!!!


We turn them out in the larger pen with the two of us, and I or Dh have to follow Staggerlee around, to be sure he doesn't eat rocks! I HATE THIS, too, AND, he isn't a poop eater. Goldie and Curfew take care of that "end" of it! We have to always scoop as the dogs go! Wayyy too much fun. AND, these dogs eat "A+" kibble, canned, and get supplements daily!


Good Luck with your "rock boy!"

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Our Staggerlee eats rocks, too!


We live in the N. Georgia Mountains, and there are a lot of red clay type rocks in our outside big pen. I, too, am worried about broken teeth and/or a blockage. Muzzles? NOT in this house! When the muzzles come out, my five think it is time for a ride in the van, and they GO NUTS!!!


We turn them out in the larger pen with the two of us, and I or Dh have to follow Staggerlee around, to be sure he doesn't eat rocks! I HATE THIS, too, AND, he isn't a poop eater. Goldie and Curfew take care of that "end" of it! We have to always scoop as the dogs go! Wayyy too much fun. AND, these dogs eat "A+" kibble, canned, and get supplements daily!


Good Luck with your "rock boy!"


Holy cow, I'm to lazy to do that!:lol Mine used to get excited when we brought the muzzles down but they're used to it now. They still react wildly to the leashes though because we don't use those nearly as much.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Shermanator

We do have a dog door.

The problem is DH works from home, and cannot fuss with the pups at all. And they cannot make noise, since he's on the phone all day. Never a problem, since they are asleep or lounging in the sun:. The dog door is a godsend to us.

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For the same reason dogs eat dirt or poop, because they can. I'd get a muzzle with a stool guard and put it on her. I've heard of dogs getting intestinal blockages from swallowing rocks.


I know. BUT she tears up the house with a muzzle on. We might have to bite the bullet on that.

Spoke to the vet and he immediately said its Pica



Take the muzzle off in the house, and regulate her time outside.


We had a dog who had surgery THREE TIMES to remove rocks. He wasn't a Greyhound, but he nearly died.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Hmmm. Given the alternatives - dead dog vs dealing with short term muzzle acclimation - I know which one I would choose.


That sounded harsh, but was not meant to be. They will get used to muzzles quickly. Have them wear them when you're home to supervise for a while in the beginning.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest Shermanator

Nope, not being harsh - its something we are going to have to work on. We cannot allow her to continue to eat rocks. As funny as it sounds. We do not want to risk her health. Its going to hard, and inconsistent at first. I only work 2 days at home, and my DH simply cannot be disturbed while working, unless he does not want to keep his job. This is something she just started, so I am monitoring.

My vet also said to work with a behaviorist, and jokingly said spread Tabasco all over the backyard to keep her from eating rocks.

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Guest GentleHugs

Nope, not being harsh - its something we are going to have to work on. We cannot allow her to continue to eat rocks. As funny as it sounds. We do not want to risk her health. Its going to hard, and inconsistent at first. I only work 2 days at home, and my DH simply cannot be disturbed while working, unless he does not want to keep his job. This is something she just started, so I am monitoring.

My vet also said to work with a behaviorist, and jokingly said spread Tabasco all over the backyard to keep her from eating rocks.


I agree with your vet - contact a behaviorist. I have a PICA dog - LuLu (diagnosed early last year) - only she doesn't eat rocks - she eats crayons, toilet tissue, plastics and other non food material stuff. Pica disorders can be very dangerous to their health so keep a good watch on her, get a muzzle with a cup on it for her to wear EVERY TIME when she goes outside and pray that none of those rocks are staying inside her tummy. Either that or someone is going to have to go outside with her every time and supervise her.


Some people think when a dog eats something out of the ordinary that they are just being dogs and sometimes that's true until.... it happens frequently (like daily) and they start to get sick from it. Pica disorder is nothing to play around with - especially when they ingest needles, rocks, metal coins, etc. so I suggest getting a muzzle with a cup guard on it for her to wear EVERYTIME she goes out. Some of what they eat can cause a blockage, puncture the esophagus, stomach or intestines or they can die from toxic poisoning.


I work from home as well but when I take a bathroom break - so do my dogs or when I take a lunch break - my dogs get to go outside for a potty break, too.


Good luck!

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Guest BlingDogs

My cousin is a vet tech and her dog (Labrador) Bear LOVES rocks, and has for about 6 years now. She's just always watching him and stopping him whenver possible.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I am discovering that RubyJewels has an affinity for small plastic items so I really need to watch her. Muzzles when I am not home; which we do anyways but it does give me a little more peace of mind. I also have to be diligent not to leave small items that might tempt her lying around. She has chewed up (and subsequently vomited) soda bottle tops, bread wrapper closure things, and some unidentifiable plastic she got in the yard.


One of my bridge kittys had a pica for paper. He would literally eat books, computer paper, anything he could get...

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Guest Energy11

IF we didn't go outside in the pens with the rocks, Staggerlee would HAVE to wear a muzzle, as I wouldn't trust him! He loves rocks too much!


Luckily, the small pen for their quick potty breaks and nighttime potty breaks, has STRAW in it, and NO rocks! BUT .. they LOVE to dig under the straw and eat dirt! OH UGH!!!!

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Guest greytgrandma

my little dog used to eat kleenex.She would hunt the small trash cans looking for them or my purse .I had no idea it had a name for this eating thing. The only other paper she would eat was money !!! Josh learned real quick not to leave paper money laying out in the open where she could reach it. I could tell when she was on a kleenx hunt but the way she took off trotting down the hall :lol And no matter how many times I caught her at it and scolded her she just couldnt resist. Now all these years later I find it has a name"pica" thanks goodness it was only kleenx that she was obsessed with. I still have my tall skinny waste basket here by the computer.I bought it at a yard sale just to keep my kleenx thief out of it. She never would tip it over to get them.

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Guest krystolla

I used to walk a neighbor's golden retriever and that dog had a pica problem. He started by eating the wood mulch in the backyard. They figured the solution to the mulch consumption was to use rock mulch instead -- so he ate the rocks. He also retrieved sleeping pigeons (without eating them) and brought in one confused chipmunk.


Two surgeries later they finally started taking him outside on leash, so he switched to indoor bad behavior instead. His problem was really pretty straight forward: high energy, bright puppy with two full-time working parents who didn't exercise him (I took him for an hour walk twice a week). :rolleyes: He calmed down around four years old because he was so overweight he just didn't have the energy to misbehave anymore.


I would NOT suggest trying that solution to the rock eating. :) But more exercise might be something to consider.

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Guest burgerandfrey

Our female Lola sometimes picks up gravel and tries to chew it. She hasn't done this in a long time, but for awhile we always had to shorten her leash (so she couldn't put her nose to the ground) whenever we walked through gravel. The funny thing is that she didn't do this when we were on gravel paths... only when a few bits of gravel were on asphalt or the sidewalk.

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a syrup made out of alum and water(elmer's glue consistancy) will work better than tabasco sauce. a trick from a trainer friend, you can find it in the spice shelves at the market.


mmmm.....definicy??? how about a different food as well as the behavorist. when i changed foods my female stopped eating her feces.

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One of the receptionist's at our vet lost a dog last year that ate rocks. As you already know, this is a dangerous habit.


1) good luck finding a behavioralist in Phoenix. There's one certified by the Applied Animal Behavioralist folks. I called her this summer. She is not cognitively there. Really. She explained to me she'd recently had a stroke...and my conversation with her confirmed what she was telling me that it had affected her cognitive abilities. Don't know why she is still listed but don't bother calling. There's Dr. Moffat out in Mesa who's a DVM specializing in animal behavior. She's really expensive but depending on what you need might be worth it. We've never been to see her so can't say if she's any good or not, but you vet should know her as she's the only specialist in phoenix i believe. As for "trainers" at this point, I've probably interviewed most of them in town at this point and have hired and fired more than a couple. Most have no idea what they're doing and charge ridiculous amounts of money for private work. Most have a "one size fits" all method and aren't able to really identify a dog's individual issues. Send me a PM and I'd be happy to give you some ideas on ones that I think actually do more good than bad if you'd like to try interviewing some. I'd also be happy to share the ones I think should be avoided at all costs(some of the more popular ones in town as well).


2) this is going to need household managment as you realize. Does your dog crate? If so, given your husband's work situation you'll probably need to go to a routine crating schedule while he's working. Let her out of the crate on breaks and lunches. Alternatively, dog proof a space in the house and yard(fencing probably required due to the rocks....but remove the rocks or add turf in one part of the yard and create a run) and get her on a routine in these spaces whiel your husband is working. once she's used to routine she'll settle right in.


Good luck. Tough situation and habit to deal with.

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