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August Allergies?

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Hello all,


Milo, our four year old (handsome) fellow, has started scratching like crazy this week. Perhaps not by coincidence, I notice my own allergies (ragweed, etc) have been really bad lately... 'tis the season, I suppose. Does anyone else's greyhounds have flare ups during allergy season, but aren't itchy at other times of the year? (We're in Canada so, yeah, there is snow for several months at a time....)


He's had no changes in diet and is on ground beef, rice and a vitamin supplement for the past 6-8 weeks and has been doing really well on that (e.g. having firm, healthy poops!).


We're trying Benadryl to help him with his itchiness, but I wonder if there's anything else people use? Any supplements?

We'd appreciate any advice.


Patti & Milo

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Guest TeddysMom

I would give him baths with a mild shampoo often during this time and continue with the benedryl. I wipe Spice down with a washcloth in some baking soda and water when she comes in from outside. I have a couple of allergy dogs and use a leave in conditioner called ResiCort which really helps a lot. You can order it online at most pet and vet supply stores or get it from some vets.

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Omega fatty acid supplements are recommended by my vet for any kind of inflammatory process, including allergies. George really enjoys the fish oil, specifically the Grizzly Salmon oil!!


Aside from that, I never found anything to help my darling Kramer when he suffered so, except for short courses of steroids when they got totally out of control.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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How much benedryl are you giving and how often?


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Not my grey but my mixed breed has awful fall allergies. They started several weeks ago so we've gone through a few different things already (this is her 4th fall with the itchies if I recall correctly). I did not find that Benadryl did anything for her, it maybe took the edge off when it was mild, but as it got worse it was useless - we were using the max dosage too. Our vet suggested Reactine, which we also tried with the same results (0.5-1mg/kg).


Here is what we are doing now - keep in mind that she is around 35-40 lbs so smaller than a grey:

- fatty acids: 4 capsules fish oil (I would do 1 capsule per 10 lbs of weight, just work up to that dosage gradually); each capsule should have 300 mg combined EPA/DHA

- supplements: 2000 mg vit C in the AM, 1000 mg in the PM; 500 mg Quercetin in the AM, 500 mg in the PM

- antihistamine: 8 mg chlorpheniramine twice a day (morning and afternoon); max dosage is 0.5 mg/kg

- topical: I rinse her feet (most affected area) after most trips outside; apply alcohol-free witch hazel with a cotton ball to relieve the itching; any spots she chews up get epsom salt soaks for a few days


It's quite high maintenance really, but fortunately it's only a few months of the year and so far it's allowed us to avoid corticosteroids which are my last resort. If her allergies continue to worsen we will eventually go that route but due to the side effects I'd rather not. Another supplement I'm currently considering trying is Biotin, a form of vitamin B.

Edited by Ola
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Guest ChasesMum

our vet told me that benadryl was fine, but can make them drowsy, that reactine was a better antihistamine for allergic reactions. :dunno


Maybe ask your vet? Chase was 60 lbs and her dose was 20mg but I don't know what the mg/kg dosing is.

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Guest DoofBert

Tania has had bad allergies (almost to the exact date) last year and the years prior. She itched and experienced thinning coat around the face. Vet treated with prednisone.....so far this year (knock on wood) (and we've passed our August 12th date) no sign of itchies~!

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Guest zoolaine

Briley (non-grey) gets allergies every late summer/early fall. Last year I kept him on Benadryl 2x/day for about 6 weeks and it was the first year he didn't have to go in for a steroid injection. I get the Costco brand - it is around $4 for 400 pills!

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I was jsut going to post about seasonal allergies and then saw this thread. So I guess dogs do get seasonal allergies.... Silver has been scratching his hind end for about a week and it seems to be driving him crazy. :blink:


I'm going to try the leave-in conditioner, but I am always nervous about giving "people meds" to dogs. Benadryl you say?

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Guest BlueCrab

Neither of the dogs have allergies, but Opel ("the meanest cat in the world") had terrible seasonal allergies and hers just started a big flare-up about a week ago. I have yet to find anything that helps her. But yes, animals do get seasonal allergies and it affects cats as well as dogs apparently. Not sure what's blooming in our area to make it happen now as opposed to the rest of the summer, which has been pretty allergy-quiet.

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I'm going to try the leave-in conditioner, but I am always nervous about giving "people meds" to dogs. Benadryl you say?

You can always check with your vet if you're unsure, they can also confirm the dosage for your dog. The Benadryl and Reactine (cetirizine, aka Zyrtec in the USA) were both recommended by our vet.

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Guest TeddysMom

I was jsut going to post about seasonal allergies and then saw this thread. So I guess dogs do get seasonal allergies.... Silver has been scratching his hind end for about a week and it seems to be driving him crazy. :blink:


I'm going to try the leave-in conditioner, but I am always nervous about giving "people meds" to dogs. Benadryl you say?


I think you will be pleased with the ResiCort. Spice can be all red and irritated along her back and butt, I rub the conditioner on and within a few minutes it looks better and she is not digging.

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Thanks to everyone for their suggestions! Greys and their people are the best.


We took Milo to our grey-savy vet yesterday and he told us that for the last week or so, every second appointment he's had has been "an itchy dog." Apparently the ragweed is really blooming and healthy this year in our area and is causing a lot of atopy (the fancy vet word for airborne allergies.) He said the Benadryl was good to give, but poor Milo was just crazy itchy and we needed to give him some quick relief, so he's prescribed some prednisone and already, a day later, Milo is much improved. He also suggested adding some fish oils over the long term.


Because prednisone has those tough side effects, he also recommended another drug called cyclosporine (also known as Atopica or Neoral or Sandimmune). It's a LOT more expensive than prednisone but is a more specific immune system drug and has fewer side effects. I'm going to call the nice folks at Trupanion (we decided a few months ago to get some insurance in case of a big accident or surgery) and see if they can cover some of the cost.


In the meantime, at least he's not chewing holes in his legs.


Patti & Milo

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I've been using plain old cornstarch for Dylan's red, itchy feet. It has worked wonderfully. 95% less licking and 95% less red, raw feet. My father told me he use to use it on his "bottom" in the summer from heat rash and it worked great. Decided to try it on his feet and have good results..

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Guest 3furkids

The folks here told me by eating honey made locally it would help me and the dogs allergies. I take it and make frosty paws with yogurt, banana, peanut butter and honey for the dogs. Seems to help all of us and we have a lot of rag weed here.

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I've been using plain old cornstarch for Dylan's red, itchy feet. It has worked wonderfully. 95% less licking and 95% less red, raw feet. My father told me he use to use it on his "bottom" in the summer from heat rash and it worked great. Decided to try it on his feet and have good results..

How do you use the cornstarch - just sprinkle some directly on his feet? How much do you use and how often?

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Guest Heehoo

Pipi has been doing the allergy dance & so I started her on Benedryl about every 6 hrs. I've been bathing her in some really calming shampoo I got at Petsmart that has aloe & apple in it. That seems to help alittle. I noticed my "inhalant" allergies bothering me about a week ago with itchy eyes & sinus headaches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He's about 75 lbs, and I read that the dose should be 1mg per pound. I started at two 25 mg tablets to see how he'd react but it didn't do much.

This evening I gave him three 25 mg tablets. From what I read, I could do that every 8 to 12 hours.


Hi all,


CHarlie is having a very itchy time. It's his fourth year for these symptoms, which he gets August - September. Last year he was on Vanectyl-P again (Trimeprazine tartrate 5 mg, and prednisolone 2 mg, per tablet -- I think the brand name is different in the U.S.) for an extended period. He lost a lot of fur in November, indicating to me that the drug interacted badly with his system. I want to avoid this med if I can. This website says not to use steroids if they become necessary, so I will consider that opinion. : http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_itch_relief.html I may consider a topical steroid, but how do I apply it without him licking it? Boots seem to make things worse due to reduced circulation and unevaporated sweat.


I have him coned almost full-time. His front paws are swollen from licking and nibbling. His swelling has subsided a bit since the dreaded cone has been introduced. The paws are the most affected area. The area between his toes has a strong odour.


Bathing his feet in baking soda doesn't seem to have been effective and may dry out his skin. Maybe I should just rinse his paws in water when we come in from the walk. I will try the corn starch suggested by Newgreymom. I may have used too strong a baking soda solution.


Charlie is 75lbs/34kgs. I am using fish oil supplements along with 3 x 25 mg Life brand diphenhydramine hydrochloride. This is generic Benadryl. (There are other generic Benadryl mixtures that contain substances that are harmful to pets.) My vet says I can use 75mgs up to 3 x/day. This seems high but concurs with Milosdriver above. The anti-hystamine does seem somewhat to help at this dosage, which I started 2 days ago.


Maybe I need to consider another anti-hystamine. Tavist does not seem to be available in Canada. Atarax is available in generic form in Canada by prescription. Chlorpheniramine seems to be sold as Chlor-Triptolon in Canada. I will ask my vet about this.


I am going to look for a colloidal oatmeal bath that does not contain soap/soap-like ingredients, which can take away his natural skin oils and defeat the purpose.. I want him to soak in it, or at least his paws. TEN minutes of skin contact seems to be recommended, but it's hard to get Charlie to stay in the bath that long. Aveeno seems to have something available in small pouches.


That's my report. I welcome feedback. I wish all of you and yours greyt itch-free days!

Edited by CharliesDad
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