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Beware Of Toads!

Guest Energy11

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Guest Energy11

So, I am up here on the mountain, behind the locked gate, alone. DH is in Central Floria visiting kids and grandkids for seven days. IF I have to go to the Evet, I have to call someone to come dog sit!


My pack and I sleep in the livingroom at night, and close off the bedrooms to save on AC. It is FUN, and like Greyhound slumber party! I am also able to hear them when they want to go out, etc.


These guys and gals eat at 4 a.m. Don't ask, we've tried to change that, but we are used to feeding , and going back to bed. Being retired, we can. Anyway, everyone ate, and went outside as usual. Well, Oakly was the first out, and all of a sudden, he starts coughing, and salivating! I look down with the flashlight (*we also have two floods for the front pen), and there is a HUGE toad!! yikes.gif Well, two plus two, equals, ... Oakly bit the toad! I scurried to scoop it up with the pooper scooper and threw it over the fence. In the meantime, also scurrying to pick up the poop, as we have two MAJOR poop eaters!


Now, I have NEVER had experience with a dog having exposure to a toad! I didn't know how toxic they were. I called the evet, and they said, they were toxic, but not like the ones out west. They told me to irrigate Oakly's mouth with water, and watch him. He vomited all his foodrepuke.gif , and seemed nauseated. sick.gif I gave him 1/2 of a meclazine (Bonine) for his nausea. He slept till 7 a.m., and vomited again. Poor guy is out of it today, but his gums are pink and moist. I will feed him prescription Purina EN for dinner, just to be on the safe side.


The vets say these toads are out in force with the heat and humidity, and they are nocternal, soooo, I have to go out before any of them with the flashlight. I do NOT want anymore sick dogs, or another six to seven loads of laundry due to the vomiting. puke.gif


Poor Oakly! BEWARE OF TOADS!!! bounce1.gif They are most likely in your areas, too!

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Oh geez, can you put muzzles on them when they go out so you don't have to worry about it. It sounds like they'll be out there through the summer. Hope Oakley recovers quickly.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11

Oh geez, can you put muzzles on them when they go out so you don't have to worry about it. It sounds like they'll be out there through the summer. Hope Oakley recovers quickly.


When you muzzle this crew, they go NUTS! They "assume" they are going for a ride in the van, as we muzzle them in the van. ... I just have to be sure there are no stinkin' toads, before they go out. DH and I sure the going out at night duty, so hopefully, I will get some sleep once he returns. wink.gif

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Oh geez, can you put muzzles on them when they go out so you don't have to worry about it. It sounds like they'll be out there through the summer. Hope Oakley recovers quickly.


When you muzzle this crew, they go NUTS! They "assume" they are going for a ride in the van, as we muzzle them in the van. ... I just have to be sure there are no stinkin' toads, before they go out. DH and I sure the going out at night duty, so hopefully, I will get some sleep once he returns. wink.gif



Oh I know that feeling, that's how mine act if you get out a leash. Try leash walking 1 when 9 others are going out of their minds trying to get to the leash.:lol

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11

Oh geez, can you put muzzles on them when they go out so you don't have to worry about it. It sounds like they'll be out there through the summer. Hope Oakley recovers quickly.


When you muzzle this crew, they go NUTS! They "assume" they are going for a ride in the van, as we muzzle them in the van. ... I just have to be sure there are no stinkin' toads, before they go out. DH and I sure the going out at night duty, so hopefully, I will get some sleep once he returns. wink.gif



Oh I know that feeling, that's how mine act if you get out a leash. Try leash walking 1 when 9 others are going out of their minds trying to get to the leash.lol.gif


I can only IMAGINE walking one with the NINE others! Bad enough when we go to the vet with ONE ... the other four are INSANE!! lol.gif

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Oh geez, can you put muzzles on them when they go out so you don't have to worry about it. It sounds like they'll be out there through the summer. Hope Oakley recovers quickly.


When you muzzle this crew, they go NUTS! They "assume" they are going for a ride in the van, as we muzzle them in the van. ... I just have to be sure there are no stinkin' toads, before they go out. DH and I sure the going out at night duty, so hopefully, I will get some sleep once he returns. wink.gif



Oh I know that feeling, that's how mine act if you get out a leash. Try leash walking 1 when 9 others are going out of their minds trying to get to the leash.lol.gif


I can only IMAGINE walking one with the NINE others! Bad enough when we go to the vet with ONE ... the other four are INSANE!! lol.gif


When Heart went through heart worm treatments, we were allowed to leash walk her into the back yard only and then back to her crate. I only had 4 others at that time and I would have to sneak a leash into my pocket. Get Heart and walk her to the back door and once outside, leash her up and walk her. Then put the leash back in my pocket and walk her to her crate. I remember thinking, what other breed of dog do you have to go to these lengths just to take one for a walk to go potty.:rofl :rofl :rofl

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest TeddysMom

I hope Oakly learned his lesson, but probably not. I never realized how toxic toads could be until I learned about the Bufo toads while living in FL.

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Guest Energy11

Oh geez, can you put muzzles on them when they go out so you don't have to worry about it. It sounds like they'll be out there through the summer. Hope Oakley recovers quickly.


When you muzzle this crew, they go NUTS! They "assume" they are going for a ride in the van, as we muzzle them in the van. ... I just have to be sure there are no stinkin' toads, before they go out. DH and I sure the going out at night duty, so hopefully, I will get some sleep once he returns. wink.gif



Oh I know that feeling, that's how mine act if you get out a leash. Try leash walking 1 when 9 others are going out of their minds trying to get to the leash.lol.gif


I can only IMAGINE walking one with the NINE others! Bad enough when we go to the vet with ONE ... the other four are INSANE!! lol.gif


When Heart went through heart worm treatments, we were allowed to leash walk her into the back yard only and then back to her crate. I only had 4 others at that time and I would have to sneak a leash into my pocket. Get Heart and walk her to the back door and once outside, leash her up and walk her. Then put the leash back in my pocket and walk her to her crate. I remember thinking, what other breed of dog do you have to go to these lengths just to take one for a walk to go potty.rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif



WE sneak the leash into our pockets, too, but THEY HEAR IT coming off the wall in the laundry room! Yep, ... what other breed would you have to go thru this for? lol.gif ... I tell ya, I HAD to get that TOAD out of the pen, ... they are pretty FAST ... before the other four came in contact! UGH! eek.gif


I hope Oakly learned his lesson, but probably not. I never realized how toxic toads could be until I learned about the Bufo toads while living in FL.


All those years in Florida, and NO contact with toads! I contacted my former vet/employer, Dr. B.lol.gif , early this morning, and he told me what to do and watch for, and said, he thinks Oakly learned his lesson! Oakly was just out, and looked all over the pen, before going down the ramp! TOAD FEAR!

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Guest GentleHugs

I feel for ya and been there done that with LuLu.


She hunts toads and after last years incident where we ended up having to give her doggy CPR - it's not fun to go through.


If you have some zantac or benedryl - that will help along with washing out his mouth, too. The first night, we didn't know WHAT she got ahold of but the second night we figured it out (we are kind of slow in that area when it's in the middle of the night! lol.gif ) When we finally realized that LuLu was licking the toads, we shoved a zantac down her throat, washed her mouth out and she was fine after that. She hived on the second night.... looked like something out of a horror flick - like she was starting to grow horns or something! evil.gif Her eyes even started to swell shut, her mouth swelled, she foamed, coughed, gagged, tried to throw up - it was VERY scarey to go through! But the moment I realized she was hiving - I knew she was having an allergic reaction to something. Took a flashlight out into the yard where she kept hanging around at and sure enough - there must have been the whole fam damily out there! rolleyes.gif


We've had a record population explosion here with baby toads and tree frogs this year so LuLu has been sporting her muzzle with a cup guard on it for over a month now. She's back to hunting them again this year so the zantac and the hose is ready and waiting. tongue.gif You would think she would learn a lesson or two but not LuLu......


If they are just common toads - they will make them sick but if it's a Bufo (Marine) toad - they can die from those.


Hope Oakly feels better soon......

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Ooooh, I remember those toads! We lived in FL for 10 years, and worked for a vet. One of my favorite clients, a cat named Guabe Guabe (don't ask lol.gif ) had a permanent head tilt, and a few other problems after ingesting a toad. I used to say that Guabe marched to the beat of a different drummer. I met her after the fact, but she probably didn't get immediate treatment, and a cat is A LOT smaller than a Greyhound. But those toads really are toxic and scary!

I hope Oakly is going to be fine. Sounds like you were on top of it.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest Energy11

I feel for ya and been there done that with LuLu.


She hunts toads and after last years incident where we ended up having to give her doggy CPR - it's not fun to go through.


If you have some zantac or benedryl - that will help along with washing out his mouth, too. The first night, we didn't know WHAT she got ahold of but the second night we figured it out (we are kind of slow in that area when it's in the middle of the night! lol.gif ) When we finally realized that LuLu was licking the toads, we shoved a zantac down her throat, washed her mouth out and she was fine after that. She hived on the second night.... looked like something out of a horror flick - like she was starting to grow horns or something! evil.gif Her eyes even started to swell shut, her mouth swelled, she foamed, coughed, gagged, tried to throw up - it was VERY scarey to go through! But the moment I realized she was hiving - I knew she was having an allergic reaction to something. Took a flashlight out into the yard where she kept hanging around at and sure enough - there must have been the whole fam damily out there! rolleyes.gif


We've had a record population explosion here with baby toads and tree frogs this year so LuLu has been sporting her muzzle with a cup guard on it for over a month now. She's back to hunting them again this year so the zantac and the hose is ready and waiting. tongue.gif You would think she would learn a lesson or two but not LuLu......


If they are just common toads - they will make them sick but if it's a Bufo (Marine) toad - they can die from those.


Hope Oakly feels better soon......


Thanks for the good words. I have Xantac and Benedryl, but the Evet said these toads here are not deadly ... I stayed awake to be sure he didn't "hive out," as he had a TERRIBLE reaction to fire ant bites in Fla., as few years ago.


Ooooh, I remember those toads! We lived in FL for 10 years, and worked for a vet. One of my favorite clients, a cat named Guabe Guabe (don't ask lol.gif ) had a permanent head tilt, and a few other problems after ingesting a toad. I used to say that Guabe marched to the beat of a different drummer. I met her after the fact, but she probably didn't get immediate treatment, and a cat is A LOT smaller than a Greyhound. But those toads really are toxic and scary!

I hope Oakly is going to be fine. Sounds like you were on top of it.



WEIRD that all those years as a paramedic and then, vet assistant, in Fla., and this was my FIRST "toad episode!" I was prepared for the worst, but the Evet said, ... being he only bit it for a second, he'd be fine. Thanks for the kind words!

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Guest GentleHugs

Thanks for the good words. I have Xantac and Benedryl, but the Evet said these toads here are not deadly ... I stayed awake to be sure he didn't "hive out," as he had a TERRIBLE reaction to fire ant bites in Fla., as few years ago.


Glad to hear it was just a common toad. That's what we have here - common toads.


How is he doing today? I hope better.

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Guest Energy11

Thanks for the good words. I have Xantac and Benedryl, but the Evet said these toads here are not deadly ... I stayed awake to be sure he didn't "hive out," as he had a TERRIBLE reaction to fire ant bites in Fla., as few years ago.


Glad to hear it was just a common toad. That's what we have here - common toads.


How is he doing today? I hope better.


He is VERY sleepy! That is most likely from the meclazine I gave for nausea. He hasnt' vomited since 7 a.m. I am going to give him prescription Purina EN for dinner, just to be good to his tummy.

I am BEAT! VERY little sleep last night :-(

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Guest Adrianne

Wow, Dee! Poor Oakley! I hope he's feeling better; please give him some ear scritches for me.


Ollie was out the other night chasing a frog--at least I'm pretty sure it was a frog. I'll have to look up the difference between frogs and toads. Do you know if frogs are also dangerous to dogs. I got Ollie into the house the other night, but she was not happy about leaving the frog.

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Poor Oakley. I now have this song stuck in my head...."toads 'n turds, toads 'n turds, nuthin' ruins your night like toads 'n turds.......":bounce1


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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We have a huge toad which resides outside the garage door stoop in the evenings. For several nights on the way out Tessie would stare at it and nuzzle it with her nose to try to get it to move, but then would just walk away and leave it alone.


One night she decided to pick up this toad and carry it into the yard with her. She dropped the toad like it was on fire, and instantly began foaming at the mouth…..a lot! I called her over and rinsed her mouth out, but you can bet she gives that toad a wide berth now whenever she goes out!





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Guest Energy11

Poor Oakley. I now have this song stuck in my head...."toads 'n turds, toads 'n turds, nuthin' ruins your night like toads 'n turds......."bounce1.gif



I always knew there was something wrong with you! colgate.giflol.gif And, yes, TOADS AND TURDS ruined my night!

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Guest kydie

OMG :blink: I hope your pup is O.K.,,, I have read about these toads,, after a friend of mine who lived in Ga. lost a boxer puppy to one,,, they did not know about them at the time,,, your poor pup,,, I'll sure be on the look out,, :puke

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Guest Energy11

Thanks for all your good thoughts for my Oakly!


He is doing well :-)) He ate all his Purina EN, and some Newman's Own treats:-)) Tonight, I start "Toad Patrol!" UGH!

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I see toads in our yard at night too. I wonder if they are the same kind? I take Sherri out on the leash when it is

dark; don't want a repeat of last summer when she ate part of a dead bird carcass and ended up with HGE.

Glad to hear Oakley is feeling better.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Guest Energy11

I see toads in our yard at night too. I wonder if they are the same kind? I take Sherri out on the leash when it is

dark; don't want a repeat of last summer when she ate part of a dead bird carcass and ended up with HGE.

Glad to hear Oakley is feeling better.


More than likely, it is the same type of toad. The North American Toad. I'd be SURE to keep Sherri away from them! If they EAT one, it would be a lot more serious than just biting into one.

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Thanks! I sure will.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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