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Walk Too Much

Guest TikiTime

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Guest TeddysMom

Why - if they don't come to the board again, they aren't going to get the PM either.


That's true Trudy. I was thinking of email :wacko: Too much sun today :blink:

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Guest alannamac

Oh my please let us know what happened to your pup and please tell us what to watch out for.....I always worry about this living in VA it gets so hot and humid here, and I never know how much is too much as far as a walk goes.......

I do hope that your pup was ok after the ordeal.....please let us know what happened.....we all need to learn from the experience, greys are so different from regular doggies.

Thank you and best wishes for good news.

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Guest 4dogscrazy

I'm worried here too, we just had a dog die at the kennel because of heat stroke. I wasn't there and don't know a lot of the details, but he had a seizure as they were getting his temp down and things went from bad to worse. I wish Tikitime would give us an update. Hoping for the best here...

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I hope it worked out for them too. But you know it can be quite intimidating coming on a board like this where everyone seems to know everything there is to know, especially when all the veterinary terms start to fly about. All anyone can hope is that they picked up some info here that may have helped their dog. I remember when I first read about Hyperacute Exertional Rhabdomyolysis it made me go all cold and think how incredibly lucky I'd been over the years to have a park with a stream running by it that the dogs like to go into after running; and how i'd awways been mindufl of them getting too hot. May dog currently gets a long-leash walk and a short run in the long grass after 6pm and only a proper run when it';s almost dark. I hope the outcome was good for the person who asked the question,

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Guest TikiTime

I took off work right away to get the urine to the Vet. I was so upset. So, I'm really sorry for not getting back to you all but I don't have access to a computer unless I'm at work. So, it's Tuesday and I'm finally back. The results of the urine --- No blood cells were found at the lab. They were really surprised because of the color. They sent the sample to an advanced lab and would not get the results back till Saturday a.m. They called me with the results at 8:00 a.m. and they said that the his body the color was that his body had eatten hisred blood cells and that he did have a heat attack. They asked me how he was doing and Friday it seemed that he was tired but improving. His urine returned to a more normal color and he started to eat (treats, peanut butter and chicken only). His eyes weren't strange and his tongue and gums seemed normal. His nose was cold and he seemed to be happy. Not sure if he knew how bad I felt. I limited his walking to around the block at the most and a car ride. Yesterday, he walked with me helping to cut his grass. Then he ran around the yard. He seems to be panting more but I think it's due to the high humidity here. I have the air and fan on in the house so he keeps cool. It really is a lesson learned. My sister feels so bad. He has walked 3 miles at times and nothing like this has happened so I sttribute it to the temperature/humidity. Unless he has a heart condition that I'm not aware of. Thanks for all your advice. It really was an eye opener.

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Guest happygrey

I took off work right away to get the urine to the Vet. I was so upset. So, I'm really sorry for not getting back to you all but I don't have access to a computer unless I'm at work. So, it's Tuesday and I'm finally back. The results of the urine --- No blood cells were found at the lab. They were really surprised because of the color. They sent the sample to an advanced lab and would not get the results back till Saturday a.m. They called me with the results at 8:00 a.m. and they said that the his body the color was that his body had eatten hisred blood cells and that he did have a heat attack. They asked me how he was doing and Friday it seemed that he was tired but improving. His urine returned to a more normal color and he started to eat (treats, peanut butter and chicken only). His eyes weren't strange and his tongue and gums seemed normal. His nose was cold and he seemed to be happy. Not sure if he knew how bad I felt. I limited his walking to around the block at the most and a car ride. Yesterday, he walked with me helping to cut his grass. Then he ran around the yard. He seems to be panting more but I think it's due to the high humidity here. I have the air and fan on in the house so he keeps cool. It really is a lesson learned. My sister feels so bad. He has walked 3 miles at times and nothing like this has happened so I sttribute it to the temperature/humidity. Unless he has a heart condition that I'm not aware of. Thanks for all your advice. It really was an eye opener.

:grouphug So glad that he's doing better! I know I've really cut back on my walks with my guys. They really can't take the heat and it seems they are less tolerant of it than furrier dogs. It's makes me wonder how on earth they raced in the summer and in FL. :blink:

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Guest Energy11

I am glad he is feeling better!


It might NOT have been a heart attack, unless the vet specifically identified the elevated cardiac enzymes (*what the heart muscle gives off during a heart attack). During a heat stroke, ALL the muscle can break down, giving off toxins (usually ketones) which can be found in the urine as well.


This dog should NOT be out in the heat for ANY length of time. A short walk for pottying is OK, but nothing more. He is now at risk of another heat-related episode, far far more than other dogs who haven't had a heat stroke.


I don't let mine out for long, and when I do, it is JUST to potty. I would LOVE to walk them! They are stir crazy, but not in this heat.


Please send a big hug to your boy for us! Dee and The Five

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Guest TikiTime

I am glad he is feeling better!


It might NOT have been a heart attack, unless the vet specifically identified the elevated cardiac enzymes (*what the heart muscle gives off during a heart attack). During a heat stroke, ALL the muscle can break down, giving off toxins (usually ketones) which can be found in the urine as well.


This dog should NOT be out in the heat for ANY length of time. A short walk for pottying is OK, but nothing more. He is now at risk of another heat-related episode, far far more than other dogs who haven't had a heat stroke.


I don't let mine out for long, and when I do, it is JUST to potty. I would LOVE to walk them! They are stir crazy, but not in this heat.


Please send a big hug to your boy for us! Dee and The Five


He didn't have a heart attack but a heat attack. Not sure if it's a nicer way to say heat stroke. I'm driving him to the creek (he loves rides) and walking in the shader areas. It's suppose to be around 87 today with high humidity. It might be just around the corner. I don't want his paws getting in the heat either.

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Mine are let out into the back yard to potty and that's it. They're not allowed to run until the early evening and then it's just around the yard and into the air conditioning right away.


I'm so glad your boy survived this episode and seems to be doing okay.


For anyone who has ever wondered, this is why greyhounds are taken immediately off the track after a race and put into water to cool them off.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11

I am glad he is feeling better!


It might NOT have been a heart attack, unless the vet specifically identified the elevated cardiac enzymes (*what the heart muscle gives off during a heart attack). During a heat stroke, ALL the muscle can break down, giving off toxins (usually ketones) which can be found in the urine as well.


This dog should NOT be out in the heat for ANY length of time. A short walk for pottying is OK, but nothing more. He is now at risk of another heat-related episode, far far more than other dogs who haven't had a heat stroke.


I don't let mine out for long, and when I do, it is JUST to potty. I would LOVE to walk them! They are stir crazy, but not in this heat.


Please send a big hug to your boy for us! Dee and The Five


He didn't have a heart attack but a heat attack. Not sure if it's a nicer way to say heat stroke. I'm driving him to the creek (he loves rides) and walking in the shader areas. It's suppose to be around 87 today with high humidity. It might be just around the corner. I don't want his paws getting in the heat either.


Yep, most likely was a heat stroke, **(excuse me, I thought a read "heart attack) They LOVE cooling off in the water! :-)) Yep, where ever you take him, just be sure to keep him cool and limit his time out of doors.


I don't know if your yard is large enough, but, you might want to buy him a wading pool. They are fun, and make for good photos, too. This will also let him keep cool when he is out.


YOU be careful in this heat as well!

Edited by Energy11
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Guest TikiTime

He does have a pool (blue plastic) that I have tried him to use for the last few years. He takes a drink every now and then but does not go into the pool like other Grey's. The water tends to get warm and buggy and then I refill. So, this year I decided not to even go there. Anyone in the Twin Cities area need a pool?

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Guest TeddysMom

I am so relieved to hear that your pup is doing better, I have been worrying about him. I have given up walks until the heat and humidity get better, they have a 2 acre yard with shade trees so they can regulate their time out which has not been more than 10-15 mins max. Even then I watch everyone closly because I have so many old dogs. Good luck, I hope you grey continues to do good.

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Guest LindsaySF

I'm really glad he is ok. Please be careful in this heat! My dogs just go out to potty and then back inside. No walks until the evening, and even then if it's still very humid we skip it.


I have a kiddie pool for my dogs also and they put their feet in and drink from it but rarely lay down. I usually hose them down with the hose during the summer, on their belly, chest, and thighs, it makes a big difference. :)



This dog should NOT be out in the heat for ANY length of time. A short walk for pottying is OK, but nothing more. He is now at risk of another heat-related episode, far far more than other dogs who haven't had a heat stroke.

Agreed with this.


You are likely dealing with heat stroke and this dog needs to be at the vet YESTERDAY.

Please don't take offense to this next section as I am getting the feeling that you just made a mistake and didn't know this situation could be a problem. So...

I also think that if people are going to tell someone to wait 3 days before taking a pet to the vet that they should also let them know in which instances this will be ok to do.

Limping without obvious injury or fracture---wait

Unable to walk or stand without support when the pet could before----go


Restless, coughing, gagging, unproductive vomiting (when all are seen together)---go

Obviously overheated, panting, unable to get comforable enough to breathe normally even after cooling measures have been taken is a very dangerous situation---go

Excellent advice! :thumbs-up









Edited by LindsaySF
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Guest BooBooMama

I am SO happy to read this. I am an avid walker and I love to walk 3 to 5 miles per day but in the summer heat I simply cannot do it with my dogs.

Even Houdini (Deeni) who was whelped and raced in FL slows way down in the heat. We get up very early in the morning and wait until sunset for our walks now.

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He does have a pool (blue plastic) that I have tried him to use for the last few years. He takes a drink every now and then but does not go into the pool like other Grey's. The water tends to get warm and buggy and then I refill. So, this year I decided not to even go there. Anyone in the Twin Cities area need a pool?


Hi Patty

Just seeing this now. Glad Tiki is ok.

If you still have the pool, we will take it. Just throw it over my back yard fence or let me know when it's out in your yard and I'll run over to get it.

Are you going to the Coon Rapids Parade Thursday?


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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fyi when you need to cool a dog down get the pads of there feet, and belly wet with cold water and continue for a while. While water do dring is important it is more important to help them cool down by getting them wet it the areas stated. Glad your boy is ok

Cassie: Pikes Clara Bell Swoop: My Man Swoop

BRIDGE ANGELS Psi:WD'S Aleford 3/17/00-4/25/10 Snowman: Gable Snowman 1/9/96-2/14/08

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Don't know how I missed the update until now, but thanks so very much for posting it!! Like many others, I was deeply worried about your situation. So very, very glad Tiki is okay!colgate.gif And, yes, I too would love to see a picture if you can post one but it doesn't sound like you have easy computer access. Maybe Wonder could post one for you?


Why - if they don't come to the board again, they aren't going to get the PM either.

Unless I've hallucinated it, I've gotten email notification when I have a PM waiting on GT.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest vezzerina

Hey Tiki,


It looks like us Florida dogs (I assume you're in FL?) are especially prone to this problem, as my little one suffered from this too yesterday. Same symptoms as yours. She's now at the vet on an IV :-(


Lesson learned, for sure! She was even walked in the morning (before 9am) and it was too much. I see that they have posted something for us "newbies" so hopefully people will learn from our mistakes.


So you never had to hospitalize her?


All the best



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Why - if they don't come to the board again, they aren't going to get the PM either.

Unless I've hallucinated it, I've gotten email notification when I have a PM waiting on GT.


Only if you set it up that way. I don't get email notifications for PMs because I don't have it turned on to send me notifications.

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<br />Hey Tiki,<br /><br />It looks like us Florida dogs (I assume you're in FL?) are especially prone to this problem, as my little one suffered from this too yesterday. Same symptoms as yours. She's now at the vet on an IV :-(<br /><br />Lesson learned, for sure! She was even walked in the morning (before 9am) and it was too much. I see that they have posted something for us "newbies" so hopefully people will learn from our mistakes.<br /><br />So you never had to hospitalize her?<br /><br />All the best<br /><br />V<br />
<br /><br /><br />


she lives in MN, just a few blocks from me


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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Guest TikiTime
<br />Hey Tiki,<br /><br />It looks like us Florida dogs (I assume you're in FL?) are especially prone to this problem, as my little one suffered from this too yesterday. Same symptoms as yours. She's now at the vet on an IV :-(<br /><br />Lesson learned, for sure! She was even walked in the morning (before 9am) and it was too much. I see that they have posted something for us "newbies" so hopefully people will learn from our mistakes.<br /><br />So you never had to hospitalize her?<br /><br />All the best<br /><br />V<br />
<br /><br /><br />


she lives in MN, just a few blocks from me

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