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Gingivitis- Will The Dental Injection Help?

Guest BooBooMama

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Guest BooBooMama

When I picked up Houdini a month ago she had terrible teeth- completely covered in tartar and inflamed gums but we had to wait until she gained some weight and got stronger before we could sedate her. While waiting I fed her raw meaty bones and tried to brush her teeth with PetzLife gel but brushing was too painful for her so I switched to the spray. I managed to get a good deal of the tartar off her teeth but her gum line was bright red and swollen.

Two weeks ago we spayed her and did her dental- she lost 9 premolars! We put her on antibiotics to help with the infection. She STILL has red, inflamed gums around her remaining teeth. I took her in to see the vet. He gave me some Chlorhexidine gel (with the vitamin C crystals) and I rub it along her gum line every night.

I am so worried, I don't want her to lose her remaining teeth! Does anyone know if the dental injection helps to cure gingivitis or just prevent?

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Guest Longdog

When I picked up Houdini a month ago she had terrible teeth- completely covered in tartar and inflamed gums but we had to wait until she gained some weight and got stronger before we could sedate her. While waiting I fed her raw meaty bones and tried to brush her teeth with PetzLife gel but brushing was too painful for her so I switched to the spray. I managed to get a good deal of the tartar off her teeth but her gum line was bright red and swollen.

Two weeks ago we spayed her and did her dental- she lost 9 premolars! We put her on antibiotics to help with the infection. She STILL has red, inflamed gums around her remaining teeth. I took her in to see the vet. He gave me some Chlorhexidine gel (with the vitamin C crystals) and I rub it along her gum line every night.

I am so worried, I don't want her to lose her remaining teeth! Does anyone know if the dental injection helps to cure gingivitis or just prevent?


I don't have advice on injections but I give my dogs sea kelp - at the moment I'm using "ProDen Plaque off" which is a powder to add to food. It helps to keep plaque at bay (I still brush their teeth as well though).

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When Gracie was given the dental vaccine she had a severe reaction, with swelling and pain at the injection site. We had to take her to the e-vet that evening she was screaming so much. Since then we have had to premedicate her for any vaccination.


I think the product is too new to know for sure if it is affective and too new to know if it is safe.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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When one of my Greys get red lines above there teeth--ginivitis-- I take them to the vet have the tarter scraped off and put Hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and wipe there gums and teeth every night usually takes a few weeks to clear up.

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My vet had me use the Biotene on Misty and on Ekko. Made a really big difference. I just used to put some on a gauze pad and gently rub their gums.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I asked our vet about the vaccine a few months ago, as Ruby has gingivitis, and Rascal has dental issues, too. She said there's really not enough data on the vaccine for her to recommend it, and it can have some side effects; so she didn't recommend it.


Her suggestion was to use OxyFresh in their water (which I am doing now), to use a special cleaner on the teeth (DentaHex oral rinse); basically that the brushing will help more than anything else. She said that Ruby's problem is really plaque more than tarter...and the plaque is what causes gingivitis. Look for products containing Chlorhexadine, like the DentaHex.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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I'd be concerned about her comfort and health, but not about loosing teeth! There are plenty of hounds on this board with very few teeth who do just fine eating and everything else!


Sometimes they just have terrible mouths and I don't know what works...but I had a 5 year old cat who went in for a routine cleaning and lost almost all of his teeth. Didn't phase him a bit!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest greytkidsmom

Kebo got the vaccine 3 years ago when it was first available. He had the typical "greyhound mouth." The vet didn't even have it in stock - she had to get it from the nearest vet dentist. He tolerated the shot and went 13 months until his next dental. (He was getting them every 6 months.) Unfortunately, despite biannual booster shots, he reverted to his every 6 month schedule and usually ends up with one or two extractions each time. The vet and I decided to stop the boosters since we weren't seeing any benefit and were just exposing him to the risk of another vaccine.


We just continue to brush daily, use something called CET Aquadent in their drinking water (contains chlorhexidine), and have recently started pulsed antibiotic therapy. It has only been 3 months so it is too early to tell but paws are crossed...

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Guest Energy11

I have heard the dental injection isn't a good idea.


You could ask your vet about "Zapping" your girl once a month with antiboitics to help the ginvigitis. This what I do with Staggerlee, and it really works.


Good luck and hugs to your Houdini!

Edited by Energy11
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I have heard the dental injection isn't a good idea.


You could ask your vet about "Zapping" your girl once a month with antiboitics to help the ginvigitis. This what I do with Staggerlee, and it really works.


Good luck and hugs to your Houdini!

We do this, too, with Ruby. She takes Clindamycin for one week each month. Inside a chicken liver brownie, please! :)

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Guest Energy11

I have heard the dental injection isn't a good idea.


You could ask your vet about "Zapping" your girl once a month with antiboitics to help the ginvigitis. This what I do with Staggerlee, and it really works.


Good luck and hugs to your Houdini!

We do this, too, with Ruby. She takes Clindamycin for one week each month. Inside a chicken liver brownie, please! smile.gif



YEP! It works !:-)) Staggerlee gets Amoxicillin with a Pepcid AC in a cheese ball. I did include this info in my Mt. Hounds. First Aid Seminar, as well. Glad it works!

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Guest BooBooMama

Thanks everyone. You answered my question. My vet doesn't even offer the dental injection and now I know why. I guess I will pass on that option.


I am a bit uncertain about the antibiotics on a steady basis. I do not want her to build up immunity to antibiotics but I will look into it. If nothing else maybe just another 14 day round of antibiotics might help. She vomited and had diarrhea immediately after the Amoxicillin so we will need to try something else- maybe Clindamycin?


I have already started using a Chlorhexidine product so I will give it two weeks and then see if it is doing anything for her. We have a veterinary dental clinic about 25 miles from my home. I hear they are VERY expensive and I am not certain if they are greyhound savvy. Are there any GT'ers in WI that have tried Animal Dentistry & Oral Surgery Specialists?


Believe me I am not worried about her 'looks' when I say I do not want her to lose any more teeth- I AM concerned about her health.

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Guest Energy11

Thanks everyone. You answered my question. My vet doesn't even offer the dental injection and now I know why. I guess I will pass on that option.


I am a bit uncertain about the antibiotics on a steady basis. I do not want her to build up immunity to antibiotics but I will look into it. If nothing else maybe just another 14 day round of antibiotics might help. She vomited and had diarrhea immediately after the Amoxicillin so we will need to try something else- maybe Clindamycin?


I have already started using a Chlorhexidine product so I will give it two weeks and then see if it is doing anything for her. We have a veterinary dental clinic about 25 miles from my home. I hear they are VERY expensive and I am not certain if they are greyhound savvy. Are there any GT'ers in WI that have tried Animal Dentistry & Oral Surgery Specialists?


Believe me I am not worried about her 'looks' when I say I do not want her to lose any more teeth- I AM concerned about her health.

Yes, the Amoxi could be upsetting her stomach. I am giving Staggerlee his "monthly zap" of it right now. I give his with a 20 mg Pepcid AC and plain yogurt, and it really helps. I understand about now wanting her to lose anymore teeth :-) You are doing ALL the right things! Give her a hug for me!

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Sometimes there is just no substitute for brushing; it takes plaque around 48 hours to start forming calculus. I think some dogs are more sensitive to the bacteria in their own plaque than others; even a slight accumulation will begin to irritate and inflame the gums. If you are worried about brushing being painful, start off slow, maybe just rubbing the teeth/gums with a piece of gauze and a good canine toothpaste. Then after doing that for a few days, move up to a very soft brush and go easy (it's normal for the gums to bleed when you first start a brushing routine.) You know you're making progress when the gums bleed less and less and you can move up to a little more aggressive brushing. I like to give mine a good brushing every other day and follow with their Petzlife spray.

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