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Crazy Stomach Noises

Guest jenznaz

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Guest jenznaz

Gotcha day only last Saturday, so I knew this was coming...


...Insanely loud gurgly tummy noises + no appetite, but no diarreah = ??


I thought I knew exactly what was coming this a.m. when I woke up and heard it, because our first grey would get the same thing. BUT he would always predictably have diarreah and want to eat grass, so we would know what to do.


But what if there's no big "D"? Hubby gave him an Immodium this morning, but the only way he could get it in him was in a paste of liver-mush, he wasn't enthusiastic about it and wouldn't eat anything else, so we ruled out hunger. He's had 2 poos since this morning, both were O.K. No vomiting.


He's also on Doxycycline and Panacur.

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Guest jenznaz

Could his "no appetite" just be nerves, and maybe he really is hungry and hence is tummy is gurgling?


Ours get gurgley tummies sometimes at night and we have found a piece of bread calms the noises down.


Not interested in bread, or turkey, or treats, or kibble-used-as-treats! He's only been eating about a 1/2 cup total of the 1 cup of moistened kibble & rice mix. Haven't tried chicken broth yet...hmmm

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Guest bluefawn

Could his "no appetite" just be nerves, and maybe he really is hungry and hence is tummy is gurgling?


Ours get gurgley tummies sometimes at night and we have found a piece of bread calms the noises down.


Not interested in bread, or turkey, or treats, or kibble-used-as-treats! He's only been eating about a 1/2 cup total of the 1 cup of moistened kibble & rice mix. Haven't tried chicken broth yet...hmmm


Maybe you could soak the bread in unsalted chicken broth. I hope he will have a good outcome. Sending hugs and prayers. grouphug.gif

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Guest AGirlNamedMe

Bella will sometimes get a grumbly tummy. It makes us nervous that we're going to have to run her outside in a hurry (or clean up a mess), but that's never happened. She gets grumbly in the tumbly and then it stops and she's fine.


Sometimes, my stomach makes noises and it doesn't always mean that something bad is going to happen.

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Guest MyBoys

I would check with your vet first but try giving him a pepcid ad about a half hour before eating. That is what my vet suggested when one of my guys has the gurgley stomach.

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I would not give immodium. Gurgly stomach= pepcid.


My Beau used to have a gurgly stomach to the point it would wake us up and we could hear his stomach when he was a room a way. No kidding.


But, he wound up having severe issues. Hoping in your case, it passes quickly.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest mcsheltie

I would not give immodium. Gurgly stomach= pepcid.


I agree. Imodium slows down gut motility. Not what is needed here. If his stomach is upset from the Doxy and nerves you need to give a Pepcid 1/2 hour before meds. Try offering him some raw ground beef. This would have been part of his track diet. It would be something he is familiar with and would like.


I would give the Pepcid, wait 1/2 hour. See if he'll eat raw beef, then give his meds on a full stomach. Repeat the process the next time his meds are due.


When I got Breeze she wouldn't eat anything but ground beef for the first few days. She wasn't on any medication. She was afraid of the sudden changes in her life and didn't like the sudden changes in diet. I've had the best luck with getting new dogs to eat with ground beef. After he starts eating well and is settling in you can start to mix in whatever food you use.


There are a few individuals who don't like it raw. Brown it a little and offer it again.

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Doc had the gurgly stomach + no appetite + normal stools thing a couple of times back in January, the first time I assumed it was something he ate but the second time I realised something more was going on and worked out that he must have picked up worms.


You mention your dog is 'on' Panacur so presumably he has/had worms too. I don't have any experience of Panacur, I use Drontal which is just given as a one-off dose. It kills the worms and then they are passed dead over the next 1-3 days. I think the gurgling may have continued in Doc's case during this period, I can't quite remember, certainly it cleared up once the worms were gone.



Clare with Tiger (Snapper Gar, b. 18/05/2015), and remembering Ken (Boomtown Ken, 01/05/2011-21/02/2020) and Doc (Barefoot Doctor, 20/08/2001-15/04/2015).

"It is also to be noted of every species, that the handsomest of each move best ... and beasts of the most elegant form, always excel in speed; of this, the horse and greyhound are beautiful examples."----Wiliam Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty, 1753.

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Guest jettcricket

My little foster girl, Holly, get's a rumbly tummy from time to time as well and will not eat for me. Never thought about giving her a pepcid, but I wll now.

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Guest snakes

FedX has a normally very gurgly tummy all the time, it does get worse when his anxiety is high. I would agree with the others recopmmendation for pepcid, all the toher meds are very rough on the stomach.

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Guest jenznaz

Thanks for all your suggestions! We gave him 1 pepcid ac (generic) but he's been fine since. My group said the doxy might be the culprit, but it was a preventative to a possible flu outbreak at the kennel he was in and he needs to finish the round. The panacur was also a preventative measure.


He's eating more and getting a bit more lively as he settles in. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Polly

I think I am kind of late in replying, but I have 2 greys that have had this problem - each with a different diagnosis. Rider will stop eating and get a gurgly stomach - 10 mg Pepcid (Famotidine generic) works. He gets a build up of acid if he plays a lot on an empty stomach. Lilly just had a scare - same not eating and a very gurgly stomach. Tried the pepcid - she threw it up - and kept throwing up lots of liquid on an emptry stomach. Got her to the vet - pancreatitis. Spent the day at the vet getting fluids and anti-naseau meds. Now home with more meds and ID food and has to stay quiet for a few days. She also was in a great deal of pain. Scarey to have similar syptoms and very different diagnoses!

Hope your baby is better -

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