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Uh Oh, I Think I Have A Mean Dog.

Guest Sunset123

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I have one who does not like being sniffed up by strange dogs. She's mellowed some over the years but if I take her to an event I make sure that she is not crowded or cornered, and if she starts to get tense I take her for a little walk away from everybody.



Mindy is the same way, she hates being sniffed. It's ok that she sniffs butts & as long as she wants, but,

Nobody is allowed to sniff the "Fun Police", it's against the law & you don't want the wrath of Mindy's teeth

clamping on your nose! :lol


:lol I've got one of those too! Princess LOVES Meet & Greets because she LOVES people, but she doesn't like other dogs (especially strange dogs) to get in her face or sniff her butt. She growls a warning and if they don't back off she will snap at them. I always walk her away when exuberant dogs approach her head on and explain to the owner that she just doesn't like other dogs rushing up in her face. She's also just fine with rushing up in another dog's face or sniffing them mercilessly, but don't even think about doing it to her, 'cause that's a whole different story! :lol


Kennelmom makes an excellent point about looking at the situation from the dog's point of view. And just because she was uncomfortable on this initial outing, it doesn't mean she'll never be a good M & G dog or will always be "antisocial". Watch/listen to her cues and give her some time, space, and exposure.

Edited by galgrey

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Don't feel bad and don't feel guilty! It's definitely a genetic thing!


Toni LOVES people. Any kind of people. Strangers, friends, whatever - people are the BOMB!!!! But she's a *total* dog bully! She has a very strong personality and is very confident in all her interactions with other dogs. Sometimes too much. She growls at other dogs - including her two much larger brothers - all the time. For the most part, the rest of her body language is pretty relaxed (no hackles, no body stiffness, her head is held in a neutral position, she doesn't usually show her teeth), so I don't pay much attention to it. She's just trying, in her own Toni way, to get her point across. That point being that she is the one in charge. She's not really being mean. A quick correction sends her on her way with no problems.


How did the class go last night???

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest Sunset123

Don't feel bad and don't feel guilty! It's definitely a genetic thing!


Toni LOVES people. Any kind of people. Strangers, friends, whatever - people are the BOMB!!!! But she's a *total* dog bully! She has a very strong personality and is very confident in all her interactions with other dogs. Sometimes too much. She growls at other dogs - including her two much larger brothers - all the time. For the most part, the rest of her body language is pretty relaxed (no hackles, no body stiffness, her head is held in a neutral position, she doesn't usually show her teeth), so I don't pay much attention to it. She's just trying, in her own Toni way, to get her point across. That point being that she is the one in charge. She's not really being mean. A quick correction sends her on her way with no problems.


How did the class go last night???


That's so funny to hear that about Toni, because it sounds like you're describing Arrisa exactly. She thinks the Petsmart is a great place to go because there are PEOPLE to meet! And the growling is the same, too. There's no body language with it, it's like any other vocalization that she makes.


The first class was just a no-dogs intro for both her "socially adept" class and her "best buddies" class, which an intro-level obedience class for the dogs who aren't socially-challenged. ;) It was a LONG 2.5 hours, and a lot of what she was talking about really didn't apply to us, but she did go over some interesting points about classical and operant conditioning. I realized that I may be inadvertently teaching her that other dogs = negative because when we see other dogs (the stimulus) I pull her in and sometimes verbally reprimand her for responding.


She also sent us home with a bag of stuff for training, which included a bag of kibble and a can of wet dog food. I'm sure the intentions are good and that it's good food (it's Innova), but there is no way I'm going to compromise the poops by introducing strange food. We'll be using our own kibble and some peanut butter. She gave us a loose-leash walker, too, but I'm pretty sure we don't need that. We have a one-on-one evaluation session on Thursday, which I'm looking forward to.

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The only time Toni isn't vocalizing in some way is when she's totally, zonked out asleep!


I really don't think she means anything other than "I'm TONI! Hear me GROWL!" when she does it. She's such a spoiled brat. The entire world is full of servants and toys and other dogs she can rule over! I do have to work some to keep her brattiness under control. She can really terrorize her brothers and sister if I let her.


The classes sound interesting. Are they through a store or a trainer down there? I've seriously been considering taking Toni to obedience, so I'll be watching your progress with interest.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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I had a similar outcoming with my male doug. I thought he would enjoy the hound hike - however he growled at just about every dog. We ended up walking with a muzzle on the entire time. I guess he is just not a hound hike guy.

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Guest Sunset123

The only time Toni isn't vocalizing in some way is when she's totally, zonked out asleep!


I really don't think she means anything other than "I'm TONI! Hear me GROWL!" when she does it. She's such a spoiled brat. The entire world is full of servants and toys and other dogs she can rule over! I do have to work some to keep her brattiness under control. She can really terrorize her brothers and sister if I let her.


The classes sound interesting. Are they through a store or a trainer down there? I've seriously been considering taking Toni to obedience, so I'll be watching your progress with interest.


It's through a private trainer who runs a school called The Well-Mannered Dog. I would love to do a good obedience class with Arrisa if we can get over the meanies (the trainer doesn't take the growlers in her other classes). I'd like to get her better at recall and I also think she has the potential to do some basic agility down the road.

Edited by Sunset123
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Guest Sunset123

You also mentioned the other dogs at the M&G being males. Could it be that she's more comfortable with females?


It's possible, but in my experience female dogs are less likely to get along with other females. She did live with some males when she was in foster.

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Guest Sunset123

In case anyone was interested in how the classes were going, I had my first socialization class with our trainer, no dogs at this one, last night.


There are 7 people in the class (5 dogs between us) with issues ranging from our mild dog-dog problems to very reactive dog-people problems.


The trainer assigned us some homework for "part 1." Some things are easy and make sense (redirecting attention with food as a lure; earning playtime rewards by first responding to a command; structured playtime and exercise every day; etc.). Some things are a little more extreme, but still fine (20 minutes of deep muscle massage per day for stress-relief; two types of calming supplements).


She had me get a cd of barking dog sounds to play in the house, starting with very low volume and working up. The dogs are apparently supposed to get stressed/reactive. Arrisa perked her ears up when it started, but didn't really care much about it at all. I assume that since she spent most of her life with barking dogs as background noise she's not so concerned about it. Maybe if there were yapping little-dog sounds on the CD she'd be more interested. Anyway, getting used to the noises was supposed to take us about 2 weeks, but I suppose we might be able to skip forward.


One thing that DID annoy me was that the trainer wants every one of us to change our dogs' diets to Innova or California Naturals. She doesn't like that I feed Kirkland because it has beet pulp, and sugar products can inhibit serotonin. I'm not sure if my best course of action is to put my foot down and tell her, "NO. I've found a good-quality food with no corn/wheat/soy, my dog finally doesn't have diarrhea, gas, or itchy hives from allergies, and I'm sticking to it. Besides, I don't think my dog has a chemical imbalance, she just has lack of world experience..." or to just pretend that I've switched foods so she doesn't think I'm rebelling against her methods.


I'm hoping that the trainer will let us advance to the next step (decoy dogs) sooner than later. Wish me luck!

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Good luck! Keep us posted!


The food thing is annoying though. I'd just say "Thanks, but no thanks." You've found what works for you and your dog. I might pass on the supplements as well. If she gets backed up that would tell me what her "real" priorities are.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest Sunset123

Good luck! Keep us posted!


The food thing is annoying though. I'd just say "Thanks, but no thanks." You've found what works for you and your dog. I might pass on the supplements as well. If she gets backed up that would tell me what her "real" priorities are.


Well, fortunately, the supplements thing isn't going to be an issue because we're already using fish oil and a D.A.P. diffuser (not an ingestible, but it counts). She actually wasn't too happy that I use human fish oil instead of dog fish oil, but she backed off when I told her I already asked our vet about it. She also wants our dogs to eat their meals out of food toys instead of from bowls, another thing that I'm not going to budge on.


Yeah, it's annoying and she's a little pushy, but I'm going to reserve final judgment until she's actually working with Arrisa because I want to see results. I can deal with annoying... at least she's citing her sources. I appreciate her concern, and I know there are dogs owners in her classes that are truly clueless about feeding (one poor girl in our class was trying to feed her 20lb dog 1 cup meals), but I'm really informed and serious about what my dog eats!

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Guest Sunset123

I feed Kirkland, and all my dogs and my fosters do greyt on it. I don't know what sugar products she's talking about, but beet pulp is fiber (no beet sugar left in it). Lots of people add it to their dogs' diets when they need more fiber, similar to pumpkin.


Yeah... from what I understand it's not the best fiber source you can get, but it's not harmful and there's only about 1/5 or less of the beet sugar left in it. I'm very happy with Kirkland lamb and rice and my dog loves it! :)

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Guest bluefawn

My little tiny (48 lb) brindle Penny is the same way out in public in certain situations. She becomes quite snappy when on-leash and in close quarters with other dogs. She is quite alpha at home, but I believe that it is fear that makes her get snappy at other dogs at public events. She had devastating injuries as a puppy, and her 2 surviving siblings jumped on her and it hurt her. She was fine with my Ladybug and Evan, whom I had at the time, and we had a happy household. But they have been gone for a long time now, and it has just been Penny and me for all these years (Ladybug at the bridge 11/11/00 and Evan at the bridge 09/05/01). She has become increasingly clingy and doesn't want anything much to do with other dogs. I must confess that I spoil her something awful and I need to be beat with a wet noodle for it lol! Add to that the fact that she is 12 now. She shakes so hard w/o the RR that I swear I feared her little body would shake itself apart!!


It sounds like your little girl may just be exhibiting fear. I have begun to use Rescue Remedy whenever I will be taking Penny around other dogs, like to the pet store or vet, and it helps tremendously. Good luck, and congratulations!! She's a gorgeous girl!!

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Guest Sunset123

My little tiny (48 lb) brindle Penny is the same way out in public in certain situations. She becomes quite snappy when on-leash and in close quarters with other dogs. She is quite alpha at home, but I believe that it is fear that makes her get snappy at other dogs at public events. She had devastating injuries as a puppy, and her 2 surviving siblings jumped on her and it hurt her. She was fine with my Ladybug and Evan, whom I had at the time, and we had a happy household. But they have been gone for a long time now, and it has just been Penny and me for all these years (Ladybug at the bridge 11/11/00 and Evan at the bridge 09/05/01). She has become increasingly clingy and doesn't want anything much to do with other dogs. I must confess that I spoil her something awful and I need to be beat with a wet noodle for it lol! Add to that the fact that she is 12 now. She shakes so hard w/o the RR that I swear I feared her little body would shake itself apart!!


It sounds like your little girl may just be exhibiting fear. I have begun to use Rescue Remedy whenever I will be taking Penny around other dogs, like to the pet store or vet, and it helps tremendously. Good luck, and congratulations!! She's a gorgeous girl!!


That's what I'm thinking. I think she just needs practice to increase her confidence, which is why we're doing the socialization class. I'm not needing her to be perfect, but I want to know she's safe with other dogs, at least. We're going out of town and taking her to stay with a greyhound sitter in mid-March, and I'm really really hoping it works out (we have to bring her over there to meet the other dog before the actual date), or else I don't know where she'll stay. :(

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How long are you going to be gone? And is she really NOT AT ALL cat-safe or just very keen for small fuzzies?


(We're a horrible foster home - nobody EVER leaves here! - but we might be able to do a vacation sitting since she already *has* a family!)

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest Sunset123

How long are you going to be gone? And is she really NOT AT ALL cat-safe or just very keen for small fuzzies?


(We're a horrible foster home - nobody EVER leaves here! - but we might be able to do a vacation sitting since she already *has* a family!)


Just a long weekend. I haven't actually seen her with cats, but I don't think I'd trust her. If it's fuzzy and moves it's very exciting!

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Guest TBSFlame

My Tessie hated M&G where you just stand around for several hours. She was great on a walking M&G outside or even a parade but don't ask her to just stand around in the pet store. My solution I adopted several more greys then i could choose the dog for the event. lol.

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Guest widowcali

My Cali is like that. She has to wear the red bandana at events (although with her getting older, she doesn't want to walk around as much so she pretty much stays in the hotel room). Widow is my M & G dog. She's so placid and lazy, not to mention very submissive, that she gets along great with Cali. Cali likes the dogs that she likes. She accepts Widow and Bri, and my mothers dog Shef, as her pack. She doesn't want to accept any more. I just accept it and, until Widow started slowing down a little, only used Widow as my M & G dog. Now I don't do M & G's as much.

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Guest brandi007

My Hannah is Dominant/Fear Aggressive/Insecure and teeeeeeeny just like your girl. I've had her for 2 years now and have just learn't to love her the way she is. We do work on these issues she has but I know that she'll never, ever be a meet and greet dog.


If meet and greets were just me and her standing in a store with no other dogs and just people she would be the perfect candidate! She gives kisses, wiggles like a crazy and loves people (as long as she knows your there). She's still sketchy around little kids, I think them being on her eye-level freaks her out but with positive experiences (like giving kids treats to hand to her) she's getting better.


Dogs on the other hand it's "let me sniff you, let me sniff you! Oh god he/she looked at me! Growl/snap!". She's small and we've had to deal with a lot of fear issues over the last two years. Took me weeks just to get her to walk on lead without flipping out. She tends to do well around super confident dogs - I think her biggest issue is she wants to be 'top dog' but is far too insecure to maintain that position.


What I'm going to do this summer is goto an extremely crowded park and everytime a dog walks by I'm going to give her a liver treat - with hopes that she eventually associates strange dogs with a positive experience!


Good luck with your girl, we did some school/training but I didn't find it helped very much.

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Guest Sunset123

Good News!


I brought Arrisa to meet the greyhound sitters (and the male and female that are staying with them) and she was an angel! They went on a walk together, played inside the house, and ran around in the backyard with muzzles and she had a great time. No growling! Phew-- I'm so relieved! :colgate


We're going to keep working with the trainer so she can learn about different breeds, but for now I can breathe easily knowing that we can go to events and have our dog watched when we're gone. I can handle not going to meet and greets.

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