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Ezri Had A Dental

Guest artemiss

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Guest artemiss

You can try piling multiple dog beds on top of each other. You want a bed she can sort of step into, or step off when she wants to get up. Nothing so high she needs to jump, of course, but just something deeper than usual, that doesn't require her to fold herself down to ground level.

Thanks!We have the back cushions from the couch under the back pet pillow now and that seems to really help! She's getting a little more movement, and it isn't seeping nearly as bad today..she even got up by herself earlier..still yelping a bit, but she can do it. :(

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Guest Energy11

God, I am sorry you are going through this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!angryfire.gif


It just bugs the poop out of me that this had to happen. To be totally honest, I wouldn't have paid for the dental after all of this.


I hope your baby Ezri gets over this quickly, and your vet can figure out how and why it all happened.


I like the idea of stacking the dog beds. The ony other idea I'd have, is letting her sleep on a heavy qulit, and pulling her up with it.


Sending love and hugs to you both!

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Sorry to hear, and see, the bad news. Our Luna just got stapled put in for a leg gash on a run. Besides a warm compress periodically applied, is there anything you're applying topically to the wounds? My vet has Luna on Tramadol (pain killer), Rimadyl (anti-inflammatory), and Cephalexin (anti-infection).

Hope things get better soon.


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Artemiss, my vet uses Propofol on all my greys and we haven't had any trouble with it.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guest artemiss

We took her in for a recheck yesterday, and part of the flap of skin she tore didn't take. They anesthetized her to debride the dead tissue, using propofol this time. The vet was completely convinced it was how fast she cleared the gas that caused the freak out..she's one of those dogs who are either awake or asleep..there is no "groggy". I guess that the reason she was able to get a leg up and tear her skin was that factor...she does it at home btw, and it's no less impressvively freaky..she will jump up onto her feet from a dead sleep. I have just been calling it "sleep startle" but apparently her lightning fast coordination in standing is unusual. :dunno When she's awake she's kinda awkward getting up and down, but when she startles up, there's no kicking or awkward shifting..one second she's out cold, the next she's standing up. It's part of the reason we are so sleep deprived watching her..she's already done it once pulling a staple the first night home. But when she did it at the vet, the tech tried to hold her down, and she completely freaked out and lost her little hound mind, the poor baby. :sad1


She had the shakes really bad from the anesthesia, so she got tramadol for that, and the vet was great, texting us every couple of hours until about 11 checking in on her.

With that dead tissue gone, and nylon sutures in the area that sees the most movement, the wound looks sooo much better. Because of the necrosis, there was a lot of gapping and subsequent fluid drainage from that part.. :sick but luckily, no infection.

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Guest PiagetsMom

So glad to hear that Ezri's doing okay! It's too bad that she needed another proceedure, but hopefully from here her recovery will be uneventful and routine :grouphug

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Gosh, I'm sorry she had to go under again. I hope that's it except for the healing. Poor sweetie. kiss1.gif


I hope this funny story will distract you. Years ago I had a cat that loved to play in shopping bags so I would leave one out for him. One night, in the middle of the night, he got his head caught in one of the handles & he went careening around the room, bumping into the mirrored closet doors & the bed & whatever else was in his path. I was sound asleep but the noise startled me so much that I jumped out of bed before my eyes were open trying to figure out what it was. It was dark & I'm nearsighted & it definitely doesn't help your vision if your eyes are closed. rolleyes.gif The cat was unharmed, just spooked & it took us both a while to regain our normal heart rhythms. lol.gif


So maybe that's what happens to Ezri when she stands up before she's awake. I guess it's an adrenaline rush because of a perceived danger. dunno.gif


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest Energy11

Glad she is doing better. Propofol is a very good anesthesia for greyhounds.


That IS something how quickly she blew the Isoflorene gas from her body! I know it clears quickly, but, wow ...


These greys are all sooo different from other dogs!


Hoping for her to heal quickly!

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Guest happygrey

We took her in for a recheck yesterday, and part of the flap of skin she tore didn't take. They anesthetized her to debride the dead tissue, using propofol this time. The vet was completely convinced it was how fast she cleared the gas that caused the freak out..she's one of those dogs who are either awake or asleep..there is no "groggy". I guess that the reason she was able to get a leg up and tear her skin was that factor...she does it at home btw, and it's no less impressvively freaky..she will jump up onto her feet from a dead sleep. I have just been calling it "sleep startle" but apparently her lightning fast coordination in standing is unusual. :dunno When she's awake she's kinda awkward getting up and down, but when she startles up, there's no kicking or awkward shifting..one second she's out cold, the next she's standing up. It's part of the reason we are so sleep deprived watching her..she's already done it once pulling a staple the first night home. But when she did it at the vet, the tech tried to hold her down, and she completely freaked out and lost her little hound mind, the poor baby. :sad1


She had the shakes really bad from the anesthesia, so she got tramadol for that, and the vet was great, texting us every couple of hours until about 11 checking in on her.

With that dead tissue gone, and nylon sutures in the area that sees the most movement, the wound looks sooo much better. Because of the necrosis, there was a lot of gapping and subsequent fluid drainage from that part.. :sick but luckily, no infection.



Poor baby! Can't believe she had to go under again. Sending her best wishes for a speedy and mundane recovery from here on in!

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Guest SoulsMom

Poor girlie!! :( I do hope she (and you!) are feeling better soon.


I've never had an animal 'freak out' when coming out of anesthesia, but I myself don't come out of it well at all. I come out fighting and swinging :lol They usually have to strap me to the bed :blush

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Guest grey_dreams

Wow, what a terrible thing! I sure hope Ezri is doing better now and will heal up perfectly and fast.


If Ketamine is know to sometimes cause these reactions, and Propofol is better, then why don't they just use Propofol? And if they substitute Propofol, do they still use Valium too for the pre-anesthesia?


I also don't come out of anesthesia very well. I always try to get up and leave, so they have to strap me down until I fully recover :lol

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Guest artemiss

Third time's a charm, right?

Back to the vet yesterday...we've had freezing rain over snow and daytime temps just above freezing the past couple days, giving the snow just enough crust to hold most of her weight and a glaze of ice on everything else at night. Sure enough, she slipped when she squatted to potty and pulled out a stitch. That spot continued to tear throughout the day, and it was obvious that the skin around it was devitalized.

So we had to make another trip to the vet..this time rather than anesthetizing her again, they just had us go back with her and help keep her calm while they numbed the area up and restitched. Oy!

So far today has been uneventful, thank goodness.

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Wow is that a serious looking laceration. My 2 hounds have had about 4 dentals all together. They are both due in the upcoming weeks. Wow, I am glad that the vet didn't charge you for the sutures as I would have had to argue this that the dog was in their care at the time of the incident. Hope you hound is better soon.


That's pretty evil looking, poor BabyDog. You can probably ice it a little a few times a day to keep the bruising and swelling down IF she'll let you. Wrap it in a towel of course so it's not so shocking to shaved, tender skin. And, absolutely, work with your vet to try and figure out which med caused this so she doesn't accidentally get it again.

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Guest Energy11

Third time's a charm, right?

Back to the vet yesterday...we've had freezing rain over snow and daytime temps just above freezing the past couple days, giving the snow just enough crust to hold most of her weight and a glaze of ice on everything else at night. Sure enough, she slipped when she squatted to potty and pulled out a stitch. That spot continued to tear throughout the day, and it was obvious that the skin around it was devitalized.

So we had to make another trip to the vet..this time rather than anesthetizing her again, they just had us go back with her and help keep her calm while they numbed the area up and restitched. Oy!

So far today has been uneventful, thank goodness.



OY is right! OMG! YPoor Ezri, and POOR you! Gez Louise, this HAS to stop, right?? Thank God they did a local on her, and she was good about it. My Dad lives in The Hudson Valley in NY State, and he was telling me about the HORRID weather you are having! Let's hope, this is it for Ezri! Lots of love, and prayers for good healing! Dee and The Five

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We're not big fans of staples here in this house on greyhounds :huh

They have such thin skin you see, had a bad experience with them bursting open in exactly the same area your Ezri has them.....best wishes hope she heals quickly and cleanly.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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My first girl, Scarlett, also had stitches in that armpit area. It is a really rough area to keep immobilized. We had to have hers done twice. You are doing great wtih Ezri. Hopefully the third time really is the charm! Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts.

Edited by carronstar
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