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Guest TaraCoachCougar

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

We are now about 24 hours out from when the diaherra started yesterday when we came home to mess #1 around 2pm. Liquid poo and gas every 3-4 hours since. Cougar has only had a small amount of boiled hamburger, rice and yogurt and a couple of big dabs of cool whip when all else failed. He is not wanting to eat much at all and drink even less. We've given him some gatorade/water and some tea that he took a couple of sips from. Mess #2 was upon returning around 2pm today.


I am thinking of fasting him completely, but he is on so many meds that I can't stop giving him (leukeran, tramadol, gabapentin, prednisone, amantine (which I did skip at lunch). He's so weak anyway and now he doesn't even want to stand up to eat the little bit of food we have offered.


So, all that said, I just gave him an Immodium. Do I just follow the human time frame specified on the box before I give him another or how long do I wait?


All prayers and good thoughts gladly accepted. We keep teetering so close to the edge, I am really worried about him. I called the clinic where he sees the oncologost wanting to know the dosage of the Immodium and more importantly if it would interact with his other meds or if I could temporarily stop some of the meds to help him firm back up. They are closed until the next weekday morning! I know that everyone deserves time off but these are the emergency specialists. They have about 20 doctors in the office we go to alone as well as 2 other offices within about 50 miles. I have been hesitant to add it up, but I'm probably nearing around $10k that I've paid this place since June! Could they not have had somebody working on Saturday, Dec. 26th that could answer a few simple quetions? You can normally call all hours of the night. Ok - sorry about the rant, my nerves are shot from my ow situatn and I've been reading about some other grey situations that are breaking my heart. Breathe... I'm just not in a very nice mood right now.

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I would also give him slippery elm to help his digestive tract heal. You can get it at a health food store in powdered form.


8 oz cold water

1 rounded tsp of powdered slippery elm

Mix together and bring to a boil and turn down to a simmer for another 2 to 3 minutes while it thickens slightly Stir continously

Add 1 tbls honey

Once cool give 3 to 4 tblsp f times a day. Store at room temp for several days.


I never measure what I give mine. I just hold the bowl down and let them drink some.

Mom to Bella, Trinity, Cricket, DB, Dabber and Sidewinder
As well as Gizmo, Miles, Pumba, Leo, Toby, Sugar, Smokey, Molly, Jasmine, Axel, Billy, Maggie-Mae, Duncan, Sam (MH King 2019), Bambi, Stella, Bay and "Gerty the cat" at the Bridge

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Call the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program, someone should be there to help. The link is in my siggie.


Dr Couto doesn't recommend Immodium since if there is something in there causing the problem, it needs to come out. He does recommend Pept Bismol, it has an inti inflamitory effect which helps with the discomfort. Plus giving lots of fluid so he doesn't become dehydrated.



Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest Energy11

If he is that weak, something else might be going on. I do not belive in fasting. I do believe in things like vanilla ensure, Gatorade/water 50/50, and low sodium chicken broth. If he won't eat, you can use a turkey baster, and force feed, BUT in small amounts, many times a day. I would try to get something nutritious into him ASAP. Again, if he will not eat, try the turkey baster. RE: the Amodium, you can give one twice a day, but with all those other meds, I'd be cautious. Hugs and good luck!

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Yes 2ndChance, the first credit card bill I received made me have sparkly vision! This boy has been through a lot this year (spleen and hemangiosarcoma mass removal surgery and chemo plus progression of LS and of course our lovely corns on both front feet) but he's still fighting so I'm going along for the ride. Both DH and I are blessed to have very good stable jobs so we'll dig out of the hole and I'm probably a little more willing to do anything (as long as Cougs is still putting forth effort) since we lost our Coachie girl - my first baby - to osteo back in February. It's been a long slow process of watching him lose ground, but we celebrate the good days/weeks. He's definately a different dog than he used to be, but he's still loved to pieces and I'm here till the end. How lucky am I to have had him from 4 years old to 13 years old? It's hard, but I'll do what I have to do for him.


Thanks for all the suggestions. If we are still having problems tomorrow, I'll head out to see what I can pick up as far as Pepto and slippery elm. Last trip out, he tried to poop, but nothing came out. Not much has went in so that makes a little sense to me. And also a big thank you to whoever suggested chicken broth water in an earlier post. I was able to get him to lap up two small bowls of that about 30 minutes ago.

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

I should also add that I suspect it may be from too much Alpo. Cougs spent a lifetime eating only high quality dry food. After he went through surgery and chemo he went through picky periods and we found he would usually eat canned Alpo. I hope it's a simple reaction to too much of the gunky stuff in there. Coach never could handle canned food. She had similiar explosions. His ratio of Alpo to dry food has increased here recently. Also we went to the accupuncturist on Wednesday. Maybe we picked up something there. And then there is the always underlying fear that it could be cancer related. We have an appointment at the oncologist on Wednesday. If I don't see drastic improvement by tomorrow I may see if we can go ahead and get him in at the beginning of the week.


Thanks again to all. I seem to be regaining a little bit of my sanity back. Had a few panicky falling apart moments there.

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Guest Energy11

Yes, you've been through A LOT, and you need your sanity ;-) Go, relax, take a bubble bath, and/or, have a glass of wine :-)) Many hugs! Dee and The Five

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Well, Dee. The faucet on the soaking tub is broken and we're waiting on the repair part so the bubble bath is out, but I may in deed partake in a cup o' wine when DH and DS return so I'm not the only one at home with Cougs.


There are no turkey basters at my house, but I do have a nice 2 tsb medicine plunger that came with my son's last round of antibiotics. I shot some more chicken broth in him with that. Probably about 10 tsbs. :P And I probably shouldn't confess it, but he gobbled down about 6 pringles and I've given him about 4 more since then as well. He is definately his momma's boy.


And his pre-existing weakness is from his LS and the deterioration of his muscle tone over the last several months. He is still doing the steps outside very well about 95% of the time. I have been supporting him under his belly since he is trying to do the Big D waddle while going down the steps. Nothing left to come out though...

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Guest Energy11

Sorry to hear about your tub :-( Glad to hear Cougs took the chicken broth, and hey, a few Pringles, why not!? :-)) DO relax, take care, and hopefully, things will be much better tomorrow! Many hugs! Dee

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I used to use Imodium for diarrhea with Raven, who had frequent bouts with it. I have found that red raspberry leaf capsules (2 caps twice daily) work much better. You can find them at health food stores. Bonus: It works like a charm for human GI upset and for menstrual cramps.


Pedialyte will help with dehydration and restore his electrolyte balance.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Thanks Ellen!


Were waiting on bloodwork. She said he has an Atrial-something heartbeat which doesn't sound good. She can't do anything with that but wants us to get it checked tomorrow. Still not sure what is causing the big d. I just want my boy to start feeling better. He has rested fairly well the 2 1/2 hours we've Bern here but there some loud angry cat disturbing him now.


Bloodwork looks good. Were going to receive something for the diarrhea and som fluids under the skin and then we are headed home.

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Guest Energy11
http://www.answerbag.com/how-to-make-puppets/article_recognize-treat-atrial-fibrillation-dogs/b312c518-8852-1ed7-ffc1-0744c8db720e That is an heart arrythmia. This CAN be treated. I would ask the vet about this, too. Glad to hear about the sub q fluids, and medication for The Big D. Should help. Good Luck with everything! FYI: Arrhythmia, disturbance in the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. p.s. DEHYDRATION can cause Atrial Fib! Edited by Energy11
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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Thanks for all the info.


Yes, I was trying to post from the iPhone and I can never remember medical terms until I see them in writing. The vet did mention that the heart arrythmia could be a result of the dehydration, but she was worried because of the IV chemo he had taken (although I like your way of thinking Dee AND all his previous follow-ups have been good). His discharge papers also say that his lungs sounds are harsh. She mentioned that she couldn't tell if something like lung mets ws going on or not, but he had an elevated respiratory rate and his lung sounds are harsh. The other thing she and the paperwork mentioned was that while had the arrhythmia, he was not tachycardic and she did not recommend hospitalizing. Not sure what tachycardic is, but I'm certainl glad he wasn't classified as that.


He rested until about 7:30 this evening. Went out for another blast of liquid poop, but IT WAS FOLLOWED UP WITH A GOOD PEE!!! He even stopped by the water bowl for about two or three licks of water and then ate a small carton of Trix Yogurt. We'll consider that progress and take it.


I started him on his Metronidazole so hopefully that will help turn of the liquid poop faucet soon and we can get him straighted out.


Edited to add that IV chemo was completed back about 8-9 weeks ago. Still taking Leukeran tablets daily.

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Guest Energy11

Tachycardic means VERY fast heart rate. Bradycardic, very slow, just an FYI :-)

I think the dehydration could have a lot do with all of this, and once you get all the good things (electrolytes) back into him, maybe he will normalize. I am not sure what the vet meant about "harsh," lung sounds? I know them all, but never heard of "harsh?" He was probably breathing rapidly due to fear, and, yes, the dehydration. She was probably happy he wasn't tachycardic, because that can indicate shock, in this case, shock due to fluid loss.






As long as he is getting fluids (*hopefully Lacated Ringers), a "Gatorade-like" substance, that will help the deyhdration and it's side effects. I WONDER if maybe he has that diarrhea bug going around? A friend if Florida has SIX Greys with diarrhea now. A lot of people are going through this. Well, good luck, and keep us posted! Hugs to you and the puppers. No more poopy puppy!

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

My 6 year old germ catcher (who currently has strep throat, spent am in peditrician clinic and afternoon at e-vet) did have a bout with the runs several days last week. I felt like I needed to have them prior to my son's illness but never did. Could be the same bug.


Good news to report before bedtime ~ he ate a 1/2 cup of Trix yogurt that was left and a full cup of vanilla yogurt although he wanted nothing to do with the boiled hamburger. He even took a few licks from his water bowl when I took it to him. And he really luvs Sprite Zero. :wub: I gave him 1/2 of a small bowlful and he drank it until it was gone. Probably not the best in the world, but it was a clear liquid and he had the desire to drink it.


Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers and crossed fingers and paws. We know he's already living on borrowed time, but I certainly want to overcome this and not add any new issues in the process.


The only pics I have out there are on facebook and I don't think I can post them over to here, but here is a link if you would like to see his camel hump courtesy of his IV fluids ~ http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=929968&l=5b66cd0889&id=1316075151 and here is a sweet one of his face during our visit today ~ http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=929812&l=4721e878ef&id=1316075151 .

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Guest Energy11

Sorry to hear about your six yr old. I have one of them, too (six yr old granddaughter). OMG, she spent a month here in July, YIKES, but that is another thread :-) No, for the most part, humans and canines don't share viruses. The can share parasites,(ugh), and diseases like Rabies. I have never heard of them sharing an GI virus. Good to hear he is eating something. I'd still try to get Pedilyte or Gatorade, mixed 50/50 with water into him in small amounts with that dropper.






Other than that, hang in there. The "camel hump" from the fluids is normal. I will absorb. Hugs and good Luck!

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Morning update - Still has squirts, but did pee a lot from the fluids. He did drink some water from his bowl on his own and ate another cup of yogurt. He finished up the last couple swallows of the Sprite and I'm going to try the gatorade again now.


Regular vet phone has gone to voicemail twice so I don't have an appointment yet. If the squirts were gone, I'd just hold off until his oncology appointment on Wednesday get his heart rechecked. Still toying with that idea since things are going into him now, although I would like them to consider a little more in the way of fluids. They only gave him a small amount of Normosol-R yesterday, but it really helped perk him up.


Now, I'm thinking he could have picked up some bug from the accupuncture vet last Wednesday.

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