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Update: Pete's Tail Of Woe

Guest FireHorse

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Guest FireHorse

Update Friday 12/11: I picked Pete up at 2:00 today, and so far he's doing ok. He's still a little out of it (he didn't join the gang for the usual afternoon zips, etc), but he had a handful of kibble and a slurp of water before he crashed.


They removed everything from about the back of his 'knees' down-about 5" I think, although it's hard to tell under the bandage. He doesn't seem very bothered by it; I've got him in a poop cup muzzle, but so far, he hasn't even investigated it yet. (My two, otoh :rolleyes: )


This time, I'll remember to take pics when the bandage comes off!


- - -


This is our foster Pete:



Pete's a good boy, and settling in to this house stuff nicely. Pete, however, has a problem. He came to us with a bad case of happy tail, and after consulting with the gurus here on GT, we tried a couple of different ways of wrapping it. No joy. Finally, I took him to the vet. Honestly, I expected her to clean it and wrap it, but she determined it was infected on top of everything else and sent us home with Clavamox. The next day when we changed the bandages, it was black and slimy and we were pretty horrified. Being Thanksgiving weekend, we kept an eye on it and waited for Monday. The next day though, it wasn't as black or as slimy, and it looked liked the Clavamox was taking hold. For a couple of days, it looked like we were making some progress.


Then, nothing. Or rather something, but no healing. Still oozy and nasty, and I ended up taking him back to Dr C a week early to have it checked. She agreed it was necrotic and needed to come off. Since he's a foster I had to clear it through our group, but he's scheduled to have it dealt with tomorrow. He'll lose 6" or so; up to the first hinge joint in his tail so he doesn't bash it again. He's such a good boy about having his bandages changed, even when he clearly doesn't like it, but I'm sure he'll feel LOTS better without a rotting tail attached to his hiney.


In the meantime, I thought I'd contribute to the pool of knowledge. When we were first dealing with this I was trying to find pictures so I could judge the severity, but couldn't find any, just descriptions. I wish I had taken pics when he first got here because it wasn't this bad, but I thought I'd post pics of what it looks like now, so that further down the road, someone else might be able to find pics when they look.


CAUTION: graphic pics beyond this point!








Please keep Pete in your thoughts tomorrow while he's having surgery. He really is a nice boy, and he's got a potential couch waiting on him after the holidays. He's due some good luck!

Edited by FireHorse
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Guest NHgreys

The poor baby!! It looks so painful :( Joy is recovering from a badly broken tail now, so we feel your pain - though I'm sure it doesn't nearly compare! Heal well Pete!

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Those pictures are pretty :yikes however,, the future reference/knowledge is priceless! Thanks for posting them



And I hope Pete heals fast! :nod

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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Guest RocketDog

Poor guy, I'm sure he'll feel better once that gnarly stuff is removed! Thank you for sharing the photos - I have a big cache of nasty procedural and healing photos for the few funky wounds I've dealt with just in case someone else will ever need to know what I did.

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Guest Energy11

Poor Pete! My friend's GH girl literally fractured her tail. It was kind of hanging. I went over, used TP tube, cut down, and wrapped it. She lost half her tail, but never complained a bit!

Love, hugs and prayers for his surgery!

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Guest skywalker

Hi Karen!


We just had to have Bogg's tail amputated for the same resaon. We got him on Halloween and started slapping that tail all over the house! On November 17th, he went in and had about 4" taken off - just to the first "elbow" joint on his back legs. 10 days later, the sutures were removed and it looked clean and healed. He has not had any problems since then.


One thing I would suggest getting and highly recommend you do. Those big old plastic cones they sell you at the vet - it will make Pete go nuts - I know it did Boggs and there is no flexibility with it and it hits walls and furniture and is not comfortable for them to sleep in. I went to Petco and they had a Comfy Cone - it was like $40 but well worth it. I have attached a photo. Good luck and my prayers are with Pete today. I will try and get a pic of his tail today for you to show how nicely it has healed and it has about 1/8" hair growing now! - Denise


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Poor baby. Hope all goes well with the surgery and he gets a warm forever couch soon.

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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Hey, how is Pete doing??? Lovely photos, by the way. :ohno


Just wanted to say, fortunately, my Indy didn't even bother with his bandage or tail post-op. Again Glad Press'n Seal - a miracle worker for covering bandages, etc.


Although Indy's tail healed quite nicely, it appeared super sensitive for quite a while. His tail would curl under as if to say "oh please don't touch me!" :crying


:kiss2 for Pete.

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Guest FireHorse

Pete is pretty much back to normal. The bandage comes off today, and I've got to say I've got some reservations about that-he still cheerfully bangs it against any and everything. We may have to keep it some sort of wrapped, just in self-defense!


Thanks for the head's-up about sensitivity. I hadn't thought about it, although it makes perfect sense.


Hey, how is Pete doing??? Lovely photos, by the way. :ohno


Just wanted to say, fortunately, my Indy didn't even bother with his bandage or tail post-op. Again Glad Press'n Seal - a miracle worker for covering bandages, etc.


Although Indy's tail healed quite nicely, it appeared super sensitive for quite a while. His tail would curl under as if to say "oh please don't touch me!" :crying


:kiss2 for Pete.

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Guest LindsaySF

Ouch! Glad the surgery went well.


You might want to keep wrapping it until it is well and truly healed, so the scab doesn't open back up. Someone in my adoption group suggested foam hair curlers to cushion the tail!

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