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Sudden Weird Eye Movements

Guest jupiterooos

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Guest jupiterooos

Just a few minutes ago, I looked over and saw that Angler's eyes were doing something odd. They were rapidly rolling back and forth, and his eyebrows were twitching. Thinking he was sleeping, I called his name, and he roused, but his eyes still twitched. DH tried to get him up but he stumbled when he stood, and sat back down.


The eye movements have slowed down, but he's still twitching some...and he's walking now. What could it be?

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Sounds like the same thing Simon had happen to him a couple of months ago. Try googling Canine Geriatric Vestibular Syndrome.

Rugrat's Rebel (Simon) 09/03/1995-03/22/2010, Silly Savannah 05/14/1995-02/13/2009, Isabella de Moreau the Sloughi 05/15/1993-10/14/2008, Hammy the IG 06/11/04 and ChiChi the Chihuahua 2003

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Guest Energy11

Could be a small seizure, TIA (mini stroke). I would see the vet, describe the eye movements, other body things, and definitely get a blood pressure and bloodwork done.


Good luck and lots of love to you!

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Guest jupiterooos

We're going to the vet tomorrow for shots, so we'll ask about this while we're there.


The spell passed after about ten minutes, then he was back to normal...but it was scary.

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Guest greytbookert

It sounds like TIA to me too... but then again, I'm super sensitive with eye movements after Sahra's stroke.


I hope tomorrow's appointment brings some answers and good health!

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Guest jupiterooos

He seems totally normal today. Sleeping and eating.


What kind of health outcome can be expected after a TIA? He is only eight, we are not ready to lose our baby yet.

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Guest greytbookert
He seems totally normal today. Sleeping and eating.


What kind of health outcome can be expected after a TIA? He is only eight, we are not ready to lose our baby yet.


I don't have any experience with TIA but if he is acting normal right now, I would guess that there isn't any immediate danger and I certainly don't think that he would leave you! I'm sorry if I made you worry more!


I'm sure others have more experience with TIA and will let you know what their experiences have been.

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Guest hlpnhounds

The eye movement you are describing is called "nystagmus" and is normally associated with a vestibular incident. This can be a on-time-only occurrence or it can come and go. Best case scenario is that it is just a single incident that is now overwith. On the other hand, now that it has happened once, it may just happen again in the future.

I would definintely have Angler seen by your veterinarian soon. Keep track of any other instances---the twitching, stumbling, nystagmus--if any and note their duration. This will help your veterinarian to better assess the situation because, just like when you take your car in for making that noise you can never hear at the mechanic, Angler is not likely to be experiencing the symptoms while at the vet.


Good luck ! I hope all comes out well !

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If perchance it's a TIA caused by high BP, he would seem normal once passed. But high BP causes strokes..major strokes.


Pearl is on a plethura of BP pills. And we monitor it every 6 weeks.


Good luck, I hope it's nothing serious.


By the way, if it is high BP and she's put on human BP pills, Costco is the way to go for them. I had the membership paid for the first month I got Pearl's meds there.


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Guest jupiterooos
By the way, if it is high BP and she's put on human BP pills, Costco is the way to go for them. I had the membership paid for the first month I got Pearl's meds there.


We go to Costco for the drugs too. The membership pays for itself (assuming you can resist the giant packs of convenience foods).

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An observant, savvy vet can look at the direction of the eye movement and tell where the nystagmus is coming from. Check this out; it states that if the movement is vertical and positional, they recommend a neurological workup. Looks like otherwise it's vestibular and should go away on its own.




The important part:


"The nystagmus seen in vestibular disease can be helpful in localizing the disease process. While horizontal and rotatory nystagmus can be seen with disease anywhere within the vestibular system, vertical and positional nystagmus are almost exclusively seen with central vestibular diseases. Moreover, horizontal nystagmus from peripheral vestibular disease oscillates with the fast-phase away from the direction of the head tilt. With central vestibular disease (particularly of the cerebellum), however, the fast-phase is toward the lesion. So although horizontal and rotatory nystagmus are not specific for peripheral disease, they are compatible with it. Vertical and positional nystagmus suggest the lesion is within the CNS and indicate the need for a thorough neurologic work-up. "

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My first thought too was vestibular also. My senior bridge baby had one episode, went to ER, came home the same night and never had another episode.


We're going to the vet tomorrow for shots, so we'll ask about this while we're there.


The spell passed after about ten minutes, then he was back to normal...but it was scary.


What kind of shots are you going to get?



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Guest jupiterooos
My first thought too was vestibular also. My senior bridge baby had one episode, went to ER, came home the same night and never had another episode.


We're going to the vet tomorrow for shots, so we'll ask about this while we're there.


The spell passed after about ten minutes, then he was back to normal...but it was scary.


What kind of shots are you going to get?


Just bordatella for him.

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Guest jupiterooos

Not sure. He was going to the vet clinic to get shots, but now we're thinking he should go to his regular vet for this, and get the shots there, assuming they think that's a good idea. (Some friends of ours offered to watch him over Thanksgiving, so there's no rush for the shots.) I'm going to call as soon as they open and see what they can do.

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Guest greytbookert
Not sure. He was going to the vet clinic to get shots, but now we're thinking he should go to his regular vet for this, and get the shots there, assuming they think that's a good idea. (Some friends of ours offered to watch him over Thanksgiving, so there's no rush for the shots.) I'm going to call as soon as they open and see what they can do.


If it were me, I'd wait on any shots. But take that with a grain of salt, that I only typically vaccinate for rabies, everything else is titered. I hope your vet can see Angler today, just to be on the safe side. I'm hoping and praying that it was a one time event and will never, ever happen again.


and the information that MHZ gave, is great. Our vet explained it to us that way with Sahra.

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Guest jupiterooos

We are skipping the vax for right now. His vet appt is Monday - my vet thinks he's not at risk right now, but we'll run all the tests then to be sure. He seems fine now - eating, sleeping, and pooping.

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Guest Energy11
We are skipping the vax for right now. His vet appt is Monday - my vet thinks he's not at risk right now, but we'll run all the tests then to be sure. He seems fine now - eating, sleeping, and pooping.



Good to hear! Have a great weekend!

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