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Rascal Has Acute Pancreatitis

Guest LoveSeniorGreys

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Sending Rascal a bucket of warm sunshine from his buddies at the kennel....

Edited by rycezmom

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest greyvettech

I am so glad Rascal is feeling better! Pancreatitis can be a nasty thing! Peanut butter could surely do it, as it is very high in fat.. but I know some dogs can handle it and some can't. My Dreamer got pancreatitis a couple years ago, and liver failure secondary to that which she did not survive :(But we were almost certain she has a bile duct tumor as well. She was 13 so we opted not to put her through any sort of invasive tratment. Hope he has a speedy recovery..

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Guest Rogersmom

Sorry to hear of this illness. I once had a dog who ate three loaves of raw bread dough. He was vomiting for several hours. I did not take him to the vet's. He survived. My vet told me later that I should have brought him in as he could have developed pancreatitis. So, how do dogs get it. I know this sounds terrible, but at the time, I was so mad at the dog as the bread was to be my contribution to a dinner party. I did not have time to start over when he ate it. It was my son's dog and he was the one home with the dog while it was vomiting. That episode made it clear to me where the saying "sick as a dog" got its meaning.


Wishing Raschal a speedy and complete recovery.

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Guest longdoglady

So glad you are doing well Rascal, keep clear of those fats so you don't get sick again. My last dog, Jack died of peritonitis due to the vet failing to diagnose pancreatitis, if Rascal has another attack withold food and water (to rest the pancreas) and get him to the vet asap.


Big sloppy kiss for Rascal X

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