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Possible Cancer In Smiley's Toe

Guest Smiley

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Well, one toe, he'll hardly notice! He's got all those others, and they can't really count so good, anyway, y'know?


Tidal waves of positive thoughts heading your way, to include you, Pete, Smiley and your dad.



My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Tidal waves of positive thoughts heading your way, to include you, Pete, Smiley and your dad.
I'll see you Xan's tidal wave & "raise" you a Tsunami of positive thoughts & prayers! :hope
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I think all of the positive thoughts and energy from GT this morning has helped find a little peace this morning. So thank you all again for the good thoughts, tidal waves and tsunamis :blush .


Smiley is at the vet's as we speak and I am just trying to keep busy. I want to vacuum, but won't for fear the vet will call. So instead I'm preparing the "recovery room" (basically our library) by rearranging the furniture, washing all of the beds (he'll have a choice of cushy donut or flat and spongy) and his blankie. We can call at 2:00 for a status update which fingers crossed will be good. I'll post again later when we know more . . .

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We're all waiting with you, Beth. :bighug


And as long as we're getting all competitive ;) I'll see that tsunami, and raise ... uh ... the volume of the deepest marine trench, filled up to sea level with positive thoughts! :D


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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We are home!!!! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. They took the toe, though all we know for now is that there were no fractures, punctures or abcesses. We will know in 5 days a bit more once we get the pathology results back from the biopsy. I hate having to wait for the results and I will be worrying all week, but I will just keep cuddling him and taking care of him while we wait.


For now he is resting comfortably on freshly washed beds and being watched over by Peanut. When he is feeling better in a day or two, I will pull a doggy meatloaf I made him from the freezer as a little treat. As for Pete and I, pizza and wine tonight to celebrate our boy being home. The house was way too quiet without him today.


And finally, thank you so, so very much for all of your kind words, prayers and good thoughts. I felt very at peace today and I think that was in large part knowing how supported my Smiley is :blush . Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will post again as we know more.

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:yay :yay :yay Glad you are home, and Smiley is feeling well on his clean doggie bed (and nom, meatloaf for a treat? Lucky pup!)


I know the waiting part sucks, but you know all of GT is pulling for as good a result as can be had.



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Relieved for you. Stay positive take one day at a time. Just like Smiley. ;)

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Sending prayers for a benign pathology report. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Smiley is doing very well today. We stayed up later last night to make sure he got a second pain killer to help him through the night. He slept all night and has been alert and fairly mobile today! We have finally figured out the best way to get him into the rainy, wet backyard as well-First we put his leg in a plastic grocery bag and tie it above his "elbow" and then we put that into a cinchable nylon sleeve that I sewed up specifically for his foot.


I've thawed out his doggy meatloaf (filled with carrots, apples, oats and garlic) and he'll have that as a treat in his dinner tonight.


Thank you all again for your continued good thoughts ands prayers-the power of GT making a difference yet again! :colgate

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Guest FordRacingRon
Smiley is doing very well today. We stayed up later last night to make sure he got a second pain killer to help him through the night. He slept all night and has been alert and fairly mobile today! We have finally figured out the best way to get him into the rainy, wet backyard as well-First we put his leg in a plastic grocery bag and tie it above his "elbow" and then we put that into a cinchable nylon sleeve that I sewed up specifically for his foot.


I've thawed out his doggy meatloaf (filled with carrots, apples, oats and garlic) and he'll have that as a treat in his dinner tonight.


Thank you all again for your continued good thoughts ands prayers-the power of GT making a difference yet again! :colgate


Congrats to you and smiley. Let's us know the report. I woulod have answered earlier but my computer is shot and I finally got to moving all my stuff to my DWs so I can keep up with the world.

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