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Help! Not Sure What Is Wrong With My Greyhound

Guest sgdahound

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Guest sgdahound

:( We are looking for some suggestions on what could be wrong with our 8yr old male greyhound named Bliss.

He has been to our regular vet, a neurologist and an eye specialist. We still do not have any answers.

It started with some hind end weakness then it seems his whole body became uncoordinated like he was walking drunk. He kept shaking his head but they could not find anything wrong with his ears. He has a head tilt to the left side that comes and goes. If she shakes his head he will almost fall over to the left actually there has been times he has fallen right over.

He is drinking and urinating a lot and some times will have accidents. His appetite used to be great and now he is eating but it seems there interest in food is not like it used to be.

His personality has changed. He used to be such a happy and outgoing boy and now he has become whiney and hides off on his own.

Bliss was put on doxycycline for about a month because our vet thought it had to with he was positiive with Babesia when we first adopted him about 4 years ago. We saw a little improvement with him almost falling over it was not as frequent but that is all that has changed.

Bliss is his mom's heart boy and the not knowing what is wrong and how to treat it is killing her!!

We love him so much!! It is hard to look at him and feel useless of what to do.

We do have a follow up appt with the neurologist on Tuesday 9-15-09 but we do not know what else he can tell us.


Donna & Paul

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I don't have any suggestions. :( I hope that the neurologist appointment will yield some answers for you.

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
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Guest sgdahound



Both our regular vet and the neurologist did not seem to think it was vestibular disease because he does not have the rapid eye movements. They also said that usually goes away in a few days and Bliss has been having this now for over a month.

We wish we could get some type of answer because the not knowing is so hard.

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Has he had an MRI and/or a spinal tap? Both of those were included in the neuro appointment we had for Jim when he had head wobbles. I have to say, even then you might not get any answers - we didn't, but then Jim's disorder wasn't serious and once we knew nothing progressive was going on, we could safely ignore it.


The spinal tap was for neoplasma. The neuro had only just started doing it, and they were compiling the results for a study. Apparently, neoplasma is got from eating raw meat which has not previously been frozen, which is why we now freeze all the meat we intend to feed raw. It might be worth asking the neurologist about this when you see them.


The MRI, of course, would show up physical deformities and tumours and hydatid cysts and stuff like that. You'd probably need to scan the head and spinal column though, and yes, it would be expensive. :(


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest sgdahound

We are in Buffalo New York


They did a full tick panel before we first adopted him and we were told he was only positive for Babesia.

We did a full general blood panel within the last 2 weeks and everything was pretty normal.

I don't have the results with me right now but will double check those tomorrow.


Has he had an MRI and/or a spinal tap? Both of those were included in the neuro appointment we had for Jim when he had head wobbles. I have to say, even then you might not get any answers - we didn't, but then Jim's disorder wasn't serious and once we knew nothing progressive was going on, we could safely ignore it.


The spinal tap was for neoplasma. The neuro had only just started doing it, and they were compiling the results for a study. Apparently, neoplasma is got from eating raw meat which has not previously been frozen, which is why we now freeze all the meat we intend to feed raw. It might be worth asking the neurologist about this when you see them.


The MRI, of course, would show up physical deformities and tumours and hydatid cysts and stuff like that. You'd probably need to scan the head and spinal column though, and yes, it would be expensive. :(

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Guest sgdahound

The neuro appt he did a 2 hour long exam/consult with us but it did not include any specific tests like a MRI


How long have you had him? I'd do another full panel. If in fact he is positive for babesia (so positive that he should be treated), he needs to be treated!


Please have another done.


I will definately ask about doing another tick panel right away. We have had Bliss for about 4 years now. When we first adopted him and we were told he was positive for babesia they gave some kind of injection then for it. I do not remember the name of the drug.

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Doxy doesn't treat babesia. Also, one month on doxy isn't enough for a TBD. If you haven't had him tested in a while retest or start doxy again. He needs to be on a high dose for a lengthy time. second, a complete blood panel should be run. He made need to be on prednisone too. what's the reasoning for an Ophthalmalogy appt?

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Guest multigrey

We are going through something similar with one of our GAF dogs right now. They symptoms are so similar it's scary. Our dog also had been diagnosed as positive for babesia about 6 years ago and was treated with imizol injections. He's been fine till about 3 or 4 weeks ago when these strange seemingly unrelated symptoms arose.


His owner who is a very intelligent woman and has medical knowlege, has compiled an entire list of symptoms and history......it sure sounds like a babesia flare.


Please do that tick panel and if he's positive again, treat before there is permanent damage. Babesia is sneaky....sometimes it's hard to put the symptoms together.

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Guest sgdahound
Doxy doesn't treat babesia. Also, one month on doxy isn't enough for a TBD. If you haven't had him tested in a while retest or start doxy again. He needs to be on a high dose for a lengthy time. second, a complete blood panel should be run. He made need to be on prednisone too. what's the reasoning for an Ophthalmalogy appt?



The neuro told us to see the eye specialist because he said there are certain eye disorders that can cause some of the symptoms Bliss is having.

Bliss' eye are normal so we atleast ruled that out.

What antibiotic do they usually use for babesia?



Do know if she if treating her dog for Babesia? If so what are they using to treat her dog? We want to make sure we have all the info we can so we have an informed talk with our vet.

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Guest greytful4

I went thru that same thing with my girl. The onset was sudden, it's like deja vu all over again. My girl had an ultra sound,supportive care,etc. She would be ok for a few days and then not ok, her head was twisted at an odd angle and would fall over, wobbly walk much like what you are describing. The vet 's ran the gamut of tests on her and with the exception of very low platelets...nothing! If I had know what I know now, I would've gone to a neurologist, the one place I didn't go.By the time it was near her end she let me know . The specialist felt she had lesions in the brain. If you need me, and you can't PM me, my regular e-mail is greytful4@yahoo.com. My thoughts are with you and your pup... :grouphug

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

We have a female here at Greyhounds Only in Chicago that has some similar nero odditites. Here is a cut of the info:


Meet my new girl friend, Blue Sky "Sis"! She came to Greyhounds Only in an unusual way. Her trainer at Dairyland found her in her crate, unable to stand or walk. She even seemed to be blind at one point. The first thought was a stroke or spinal embolism.


Within a few days and after many tests, Sis started to make improvement and was able to walk and see again. She was subsequently diagnosed with a non-contagious form of meningitis


Dont know if your vet has thought of this diagnosis or not, but may be worth a try.

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Guest Energy11

Maybe a brain tumor, which can only be diagnosed with an MRI, which is very expensive. Sure does sound neuroligical. Hope you get to the bottom of this. I, too, would re-test for Babesia, and based on the titer, do a PCR, and go from there. Good Luck and lots of love!

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Guest sgdahound

Thank you to everyone who has responded!

It helps just having someone to talk to about what is going on with Bliss.

We love him so much and hope more than anything that is is a Babesia flare up and it can be treated with the injections. We are taking him in tomorrow for tick panel to be done.

We really hope it is not a brain tumor but are scared it could be.

We will keep everyone up to date on what we find out.



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Some similarities:

- Both my greys had positive titers for Babesia in Jan 2009.

- Both treated with Imizol; one reacted negatively.

- Neither have been retested.

- Bumper has had 2 bouts of symptoms as you describe, minus the neck issues. He had ataxia (wobbliness) in his hind legs causing drunken walking (first and second bout), then near paralysis (second bout only). Did the MRI ($2400) and found NO physical issues with his spine. Spinal tap was inconclusive. Has been in a lot of pain. Latest incident has been going on for 8 weeks.


Board certified neurologist feels Bumper's issue is AUTOIMMUNE -his immune system is sending inflammatory cells to his lumbar region and the swelling is causing a pinching of the spinal cord, which causes the neurologic interruption. Our Neuro did not think it was tick related.


So, something else to consider - autoimmune disorder.


I hope Bliss get's better and you are able to figure out the cause.


Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


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Guest sgdahound
Some similarities:

- Both my greys had positive titers for Babesia in Jan 2009.

- Both treated with Imizol; one reacted negatively.

- Neither have been retested.

- Bumper has had 2 bouts of symptoms as you describe, minus the neck issues. He had ataxia (wobbliness) in his hind legs causing drunken walking (first and second bout), then near paralysis (second bout only). Did the MRI ($2400) and found NO physical issues with his spine. Spinal tap was inconclusive. Has been in a lot of pain. Latest incident has been going on for 8 weeks.


Board certified neurologist feels Bumper's issue is AUTOIMMUNE -his immune system is sending inflammatory cells to his lumbar region and the swelling is causing a pinching of the spinal cord, which causes the neurologic interruption. Our Neuro did not think it was tick related.


So, something else to consider - autoimmune disorder.


I hope Bliss get's better and you are able to figure out the cause.


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Guest sgdahound

Thanks for responding! We are looking for any suggestions we can get so we can rule out things as we go.

We did they do to treat Bumper's auto immune disorder?

We have another greyhound with totally different problems going on SLO (an auto immune problem where he is losing his toenails) they are using Tetracycline and Niacinamide and Omega3 FA and Vitamin E. We are curious what they do for a problem like Bumper has.

We are doing a tick panel again tomorrow to see what that shows if anything and he goes to neurologist next week Tuesday again but we are looking for any info to go to neuro appt so we can have questions to ask him. You never know it could be similar to what is going on with bumper or not. It is so hard not knowing and what to do for him.

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Print out this thread and take it with you with the "discussion points" highlighted. NOTE: Highlight "Mike"'s post - he's a Vet. Will be praying that a diagnosis is forthcoming.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest greytloves
Print out this thread and take it with you with the "discussion points" highlighted. NOTE: Highlight "Mike"'s post - he's a Vet. Will be praying that a diagnosis is forthcoming.



I was just going to mention that! Also, Burpdog (Diane) is an amazingly knowledgeable lady. If they are offering suggestions and tips, MOST definitely take it to heart. We have vet techs (Energy11) and other vets out here. This board has a tremendous population of medical savvy individuals!

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