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Dax's Tail

Guest ishapespace

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Guest ishapespace

First I'll note, this is also posted on my blog as well, and I am more likely to update there first, if anyone wants to follow what's going on, but I wanted to post here as well.


So, like 2 weeks or so ago Dax got a case of "happy tail". As far as I can tell, he hit it on the brick wall outside in the back. I washed it with water and put some neosporin on it and we moved on. It seemed just fine. Life went on.


Well, Thursday before last, Tim came home early to what looked like a crime scene. Dax has knocked his tail open. We rinsed it and wrapped it. The next day, he got the wrap off while we were away and did it again. We re-wrapped it. At this point, it seemed a little tender, but we didn't think much of it, knowing he had hit it on something.


Saturday comes. We wrap it up before we head to New Orleans. My Mom came over to feed the hounds and Dax got the bandage off. Mom muzzles him and tries to re-wrap it with mild success and much attitude from him. It's obviously starting to hurt more. We give him some baby aspirin when we get home and wrap it again.


The next few days are just on and off wrapping, letting it dry out, and so on. Last Wednesday, we take him to the vet. We tell her what's going on and everything we had done. She said we were doing basically what she would have suggested, but it looks infected and obviously hurts him. She gives him some antibiotic and pain pills and tells us to try to let it dry out.


Over the next two days (Thursday and Friday) we talk to different people, including the vet again and start doing some wet to dry wraps where you mix up 8 parts water to 1 part vinegar and soak a gauze pad in the solution, put it on with a dry pad on the outside and wrap it up for a few hours. You also do a 10 minute "soak" where you put a washcloth in the solution and put it on the wound for that time period. These things lead to a change in the tail, but we aren't sure if it's better or worse.


Saturday morning we decide we need to see the vet again, so we do. She is mixed about it being better or worse. It is drier and not draining, but there was a fluid build-up above the wound. We also indicated the pain is still pretty good and she prescribed him more pain meds.


Saturday night was a disaster. Before bed, we gave Dax some Benedryl to calm him a little, as the vet said we could, and we did an Epsom Salts soak, also as suggested by the vet. This went okay. We decide to leave the wound open to let it dry some over night. This was fine until about 2 a.m. when Dax began to pace the room. He paced for about an hour. Tim took him out to see if he had to potty, and he did poo and pee. He came back in and still paced. I tried bringing him into the living room, we tried more dog beds in our bedroom, nothing worked. Finally, close to 4 a.m. we decide to try a wet to dry wrap again, as it seems to calm him some. That worked and within 30 minutes, he was asleep and slept until 8:30 a.m.


Once we got up, he went out, ate, got his meds and then just paced. When he finally laid down, we did another Epsom Salts soak, which was okay until the last 2 minutes when he started getting fussy about it. After that, he just paced and paced and paced and panted and whined (which he has done more and more and more). He finally laid down again after I gave him another dose of Benedryl. He licked it a little at that point and that was when the matted mess that was his tail was moved about to expose raw flesh. It's not pretty. I e-mailed the vet, and I think we are at the point where we will be amputating part of his tail. He is just in too much pain and the infection is not subsiding. The vet brought this up as a potential occurrence when we first brought him in, and we think we are there. We have sought the advice of all our greyhound "family" and everyone agrees it's the right thing to do now.


So, now we wait on the vet to contact us so we can set up a time to do the docking. I will miss his long tail, but I want him to feel better and in the end, it's just cosmetic. We are also going to have the vet do a culture of the wound to see what is going on with it really, partially just to be sure he is okay otherwise.


I apologize for not posting anything while this was going on, but no offense to anyone, but we were getting enough advice and this was a decision we needed to make and I didn't want too many people involved. Now that we are making a move, I am ready to talk about it. I just want my big blue boy to feel better and if this is what it takes, so be in.


I have some pictures of his tail, but I don't want to post them. They are kind of graphic.


I'll post again once we have a date and time. For now, I think he is finally a little settled again. There is no whining at the moment and I think he is napping. It's time to feed and for him to get more meds, Fingers crossed for a good evening.


Take care of your tails.


I really don't think there was much we could do different prior to the first vet visit, the vet even said that... now we just take care of business and get Dax better...

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Guest eaglflyt

Wow, it sounds like you've done everything as right as possible. I'm sorry it's been so hard for your Dax and your family.


We had this same thing happen with one of the hounds in our adoption group. He was in the best foster home ever (our leader's) and banged his happy tail on something. Despite best efforts, amputation was the ultimate cure for his wound that wouldn't heal and that he kept reinjuring. The hound is named Beach Avenue (scroll down for his picture at the link) and he's doing great now with his stylishly shorter tail and hopefully he'll find his forever home soon.


Best wishes for you and Dax. We'll be praying for a successful surgery and a very speedy recovery.


Shelly in OK

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Guest Energy11

We had a friend go through this. They tried everything you did, and she lost half her tail. It ended the perpetual problem, and she looked cute with the shorter tail! Sounds like you have done it all, and well, if I may say so, but sounds like time for other measures! Good Luck!

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Guest Willerton

He will feel 100% better after the amputation. My greyhound had to have his tail amputated after I caught it in a car door and he got a large gash. I had that gash stitched up first to try to save the tail because I didn't want him to lose the tail. He was in a lot of pain as it tried to heal over several weeks. Finally, he got to the point of pacing and whining and panting because of pain and even Tramadol and Rimadyl together did not help. So, I took him in to get it amputated.


Literally the DAY I had the tail amputated, he was feeling good again. I missed his tail for a while, but now I am used to him having a "baton" instead of a "whip." :) I am sure he was very glad to have the painful end of his tail gone and didn't miss that tail one bit.


It will be a little tricky to keep him from licking his stitches, but nothing like wrapping the end of a painful long tail. I recommend a muzzle with duct tape over it until the stitches heal up.

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Hopefully Dax let's you get some rest tonight and he feels better soon. Our Bumper has a 3/4 tail and it suits him perfectly. Dax will pull through, and will have something interesting to add to his life story.



Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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So sorry you guys are having such a problem. Poor baby. Poor you.


If your greyhound group does the equivalent of "silly superlatives"--you know, best kisser, best smiler, softest fur, longest tail, etc.--see if they'll institute a "shortest tail" category. Dax may have more company than you think.


Best wishes to you all.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest ishapespace

Thanks everyone for the supportive comments. I think we are making the right decision. I'll post when I know when we will do the amp and keep ya'll updated on his progress.


We are already running on Tramadol and Rimadyl, and it's sorta working. He'll be happier once this is all over.


Once again, thanks for the comments.

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Guest TheUnrulyHound


Streamer says "Short tails are seggzy" ;)


Tails are delicate, he will feel so much better when he is thru :) But a wrapped muzzle is a MUST, Streamer had to have his tail amputated two times cause he kept getting to his stitches. (this was before we fostered him.... then he never left silly boy!)

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I feel for you.


Sounds like amputating is the right solution for your pup. He'll be handsome and even cuter, if that's possible, with a shortie.


Hugs and best luck for quick healing.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Awww. Sorry you are going through this. My guy came to me with his tail already docked - half way. He was only 2-1/2. I don't know what the circumstances were as he came from the track in that condition - and it was already well healed. At any rate, he still looks extremely adorable and given the way that 'happy' tail flies around, it is a good thing it is the length it is. Good luck and speedy healing to Dax.

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Guest Flysmom

You are doing the right thing!!! I went thru this with my Fly and we amputated also. His half tail made him even more special!! Sending positive thoughts!!!

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Guest ishapespace

Surgery is at 2 p.m. They are only taking off about 6-8 inches, at our request. So, he'll keep most of it. I'll update after surgery.

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Hugs for Dax. :dogcookie


I am sorry. Poor guy. My Indy's tail got clipped in the door several years ago. So been there, done that. It was tough and I cried. I felt awful about it. But we made it through and Indy (aka Stumpy) is even MORE handsome and colorful with half a tail! :wub::wub::wub: (By the way, Indy looks a lot like sexy Streamer, only with a half-tail!)



When he wags his little half-tail - it just melts my heart. :heart


Thankfully, Indy never bothered the dressing but the end of the tail was clearly very sensitive for awhile. I used Glad Press'n Seal to wrap around the bandage to keep it clean and dry. What a wonderful product.


Be sure the vet takes enough of the tail off. They have to go above the necrotic tissue where there is healthy tissue and blood flow. Good luck to you.

Edited by IndyandHollyluv
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Sterling had to lose 4" of his tail last Oct. due to a cut that never healed. He doesn't even notice. Good luck to yoou and Dax.



Mimi- mom to Burdette (KB's Burdette), Sophie (LL's Stupid Is) and bridge babies Kelsey (Kelso's Logo), Sterling (Cold B Tiger), Fritz, Tasha, Chloe and Molly

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Guest ishapespace

Dax's surgery happened a little before 3 p.m. CST. The vet's office called just around 3:45 p.m. to say all had gone well and he could still come home about 4:30 p.m. I left work and went to pick him up.


He was remarkably not groggy when they brought him to me. He seemed glad to see a familiar face. We went home.


I got him home and he seems okay. He's still pacing and panting some, but I think it's more nervousness now than pain. He doesn't get anymore meds until tomorrow. They did a full blood panel, gave him fluids (he was a little dehydrated), and gave him some antibiotics and pain meds during and after the surgery. They had given him a heavy sedative and a local anesthetic. I expected him to be more loopy than he is. I think he will lay down once we let him in the bedroom in a bit.


We gave him a small dinner, which he ate with no issue. He is peeing a lot, due to all the fluids he was given. The tail is wrapped nicely. Overall, I think everything is definitely better than yesterday and surely will continue to improve. I'll be sure to post his progress on here. I do have some pics of when we got home to share now.


Oh, and thanks again to everyone who has been concerned about our boy and wishing him well! We really appreciate it! It's been nice to hear about all the other hounds who have been through this as well. I just had to ease his pain, and this was the best route for us.





We'll post more pics as we go forward! Thanks again to everyone for everything!

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Guest greytkidsmom

Poor Dax - that second picture is precious. It looks like you still have a lot of tail left there to wag. Bet you will be wagging again before you know it :)

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Guest eaglflyt

Bless his heart. He looks good! I'm so glad it's all done and he's recovering now. I'm sure he's relieved to be rid of the source of pain now, too. Speedy recovery, Dax!

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