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Alternative To Rimadyl?

Guest knitkass

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Guest knitkass

Callay and Mimsy had a good romp, and after, Callay was limping. So off to the vet. He thinks it's just a soft tissue injury, so rest, rimadyl and tramadol.


The tramadol makes her really dopey, so we only give that at night. Unfortunately, I think I can say for sure that after a few days on Rimadyl, Callay just doesn't want to eat anymore. I think it upsets her tummy. I gave her a pepcid this morning, but so far, no interest whatsoever in food.


1. any suggestions for getting her to eat, other than withholding the rimadyl?


2. Any alternative NSAIDS that are safe for greyhounds? I know that ketoprofen is sometimes used, which is nice because it's OTC and a LOT cheaper. But I wasn't sure if it was safe for greyhounds.



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You're right to discontinue the Rimadyl if she has upset tummy. It is the most likely culprit, altho tramadol can have an appetite-depressing side effect as well.


IIRC oral ketoprofen isn't used much because it's even more likely to cause gastrointestinal problems and bleeding.


Rimadyl, Deramaxx, and Metacam are the most common NSAIDs used in dogs. Sometimes a dog gets along with one better than the other. If you're having gastrointestinal side effects, you really want a couple days with no NSAID at all before starting another one. Which presents rather a conundrum.


If she basically gets along with the tramadol, might try giving her a half dose during the day and seeing how she does?

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest pappiea

First of all, good wishes for Callay, hope she feels better soon


I have a 12 year old on both rimadyl and tramadol for chronic pain issues. She has suffered the loss of appetite, but right now we are having a lot of success with giving her zantac (generic) twice a day 30 mins before her meals. Then, she gets her meds after she eats. This has given her the best tummy protection yet. We have been through, pepcid, prilosec but the zantac has worked the best. The combo of rimadyl and tramadol really has given her the best pain relief

Good Luck!

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The other thing you may try is something stronger for her stomach. Maybe ask the vet about giving you Carafate.

She may need that anti-inflammatory to heal vs just a pain med like Tramadol.

Good luck, let us know how you make out.

Feel better Callay


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest knitkass

maybe I"ll try the Zantac thing. I did get her to eat a few mouthfuls, by putting them in her mouth while she's laying down. But even that she got tired of fast.


I hadn't been doing the pepcid before meals. I only just started it. I was only giving her the meds after she ate though, trying to prevent upset tummy this time.


Part of me is actually wondering if it's a little behavioural as well. She'll again eat cookies, and we just offered her a raw liver and that got gobbled up. We did just get a second greyhound, so of course how much of it is pouting and how much is the Rimadyl? She's not limping much now, so we'll do a couple days without Rimadyl and see.

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Guest Energy11

I prefer Deramaxx to Rimadyl any day. I have NOT had stomach issues with it. And, yes, it is an anti-inflammatory, which, to ME, works better than Tramadol for the type of pain you are treating. Tramadol is for VERY bad pain from Osteo and other very bad issues.


I would maybe as the vet for the Deramaxx, and DO give a Pepcid AC tablet (generic is okay) at least 30 min. before the Deramaxx or Rimadyl. AND, I also give mine with yogert.


Hope your baby feels better soon!

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Guest knitkass

Vet said pretty much what I was thinking; Discontinue Rimadyl and monitor. Try to get her to drink water (no problem there!) and watch out for vomiting or the big D.


Poor baby. At least she's still eating cookies. That's when I know she's REALLY not feeling well.

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I give my greyhound strawberry Activia sometimes for his tummy sorts out the good bacteria for humans.......

Why not hounds????


With your greyhound being on other meds I'd ask your vet first if this might help at all. Just a thought.....

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest suzye

Keep a very close eye on her. All NSAIDs can cause gastrointestinal bleeds, liver failure, and kidney failure. Any dog can have a bad reaction to any of these drugs, regardless of what anyone says about one or the other being safer. If she is drinking a lot of water and/or having accidents, take her to the vet. I hope it's only a suppressed appetite and she will bounce back!

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Guest knitkass

I do give her FortiFlora. She loves it! That plus a dob of yogurt.


This evening my husband made "doggy stew" Chicken, chicken livers, rice, mixed veggies and just a touch of italian dressing. yum yum!


She ate most of the kibble that had been in the fridge this morning, and then mixed with the stew. I think she'll be okay after a couple of days off of the meds. I'll keep everyone posted.

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Guest greytexplorer

scuse me, but I wanted to hijack yur thread for a minit.

I love your houndies' names!!! From the poem "Jabberwocky", yes?


Oh frabjous day, Callooh, Callay!........


All mimsy were the borogoves.....


Lit class over.

Back to regular programming!

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Guest knitkass
scuse me, but I wanted to hijack yur thread for a minit.

I love your houndies' names!!! From the poem "Jabberwocky", yes?


Oh frabjous day, Callooh, Callay!........


All mimsy were the borogoves.....


Lit class over.

Back to regular programming!



haha! you got it! We've picked a number of names out of that poem. We almost named Mimsy Callooh, but Callay kept responding to it!


Callay ate a good bit of doggy stew this morning, and some yogurt. She's stiff, but on the mend.

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Callay ate a good bit of doggy stew this morning, and some yogurt. She's stiff, but on the mend.


Good news she's feeling a little better (and eating well)....... :colgate


Sending continued healing prayers...

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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uh, oh. Now she has diarrhea, and it's a little green. Back to the vets.


Just my 2 cents. Someone said that it was the Tramadol killing the appetite--and I happen to disagree with all due respect. I take it myself--it does not affect my appetite at all. My last dog took it daily for over a year, and ditto. Sounds TO ME like the Rimadyl is upsetting her stomach and killing the appetite. Some dogs don't do well on Rimadyl. Perhaps Deramaxx would be better? My old dog was fine on Rimadyl, but got explosive diarrhea on Deramaxx; George takes Deramaxx and has ZERO side effects!


I hope she's doing better by the time you read this.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest knitkass

She's doing much better limp-wise. The vet thinks it's the rimadyl that upset her stomach, along with idiot me who followed our normal procedure of do toenails followed by a denta-green. That perked up her appetite, so I figured it couldn't be bad! Well, with little else in her stomach and her stomach being a little upset, that's why she had green poo. Rice, yogurt and probiotics are the order for the next couple of days, until she shows more interest in food. Last night she ate about a cup of yogurt with about a cup of rice in it, and a packet of FortiFlora. Ate it heartily too!


I'll cook up some bland diet for her today as well.

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Guest VirginiaGreys

Tramadol made Dodge not want to eat and pant a LOT! I was also told to increase the dosage to keep the pain away...and the more he took...the less he ate. He also got to the point that he didn't want to take the tramadol because of the taste and could smell it in anything that I tried to hide it in. This was before his amputation ...and so after the amputation he hated it so much he'd do anything to throw it up...and it was only the tramadol that made him do this.


Pepcid AC didn't help Dodge much...but the zantac did help him. When the "D" came..I gave him a zantac and a anti-D pill...withheld food for 24 hours and gave him a bland meal ..then slowly added his kibble back in after the poo was firming up again.


Those things are what I did for Dodge...and what worked for him. Each dog is different and may not be able to take certain drugs that others can. Keep notes about what works for your girl...and that way you'll know what not to try again.


I promised Dodge that I would never give him tramadol again..and I kept that promise.

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Guest knitkass

She's on the bland diet recipe from the retired racing greyhounds for dummies book, eating it well, and enthusiastically! So I think a few days on that and she'll be right as rain. And no more rimadyl or tramadol!

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